
xiàn é
  • limit;quota;allowance;norm
限额 [xiàn é]
  • [norm;limit;quota] 定额

  • 超过了限额

限额[xiàn é]
  1. 应用GM(1,1)包络灰平面对林木年采伐限额的控制

    Controlling Annual Cutting Norm of Forest Trees wlth GM ( 1 , 1 ) Enveloping Grey Surface

  2. 浅谈限额设计在住宅小区开发中的应用

    Preliminary Discussion on Application of Norm Design in Development of Residential Quarter

  3. 政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。

    The government has placed a cap on local council spending .

  4. 今年,政府对公共开支规定了严格的限额。

    The government has set strict limits on public spending this year .

  5. 如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。

    You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit .

  6. 我有权批准的付款限额为5000英镑。

    I can authorize payments up to £ 5 000 .

  7. 这个部门今年可能要突破现金限额。

    The department may overshoot its cash limit this year .

  8. 取款没有限额。

    There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw .

  9. 每人可购买的票的限额已经由四张降至两张。

    The quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two .

  10. 该法案将迫使雇主在招聘工人时采取限额制度。

    The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers .

  11. 我们可能会斟酌改变限额,有任何变动将通知您。

    We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change

  12. 诺丁汉郡议会将削减200个工作岗位,以逃避地方税限额。

    Notts County Council is to cut 200 jobs in a bid to escape being rate-capped .

  13. 透支稍微超出限额时,银行便会很快要求归还欠款。

    Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit .

  14. 政府已经决定对鳕鱼捕捞设定限额。

    The government has decided to set a quota for cod fishing .

  15. 本年度的移民限额已满。

    The quota of immigrants for this year has already been filled .

  16. 他们确定了一个乘客人数限额。

    They assigned a limit to the number of passengers .

  17. 如果董事会同意,本规定的任何福利费用的最高限额均可提高。

    Any ceiling imposed under this rule may be increased if the board agrees .

  18. 借记卡有不同的责任限额,这取决于银行和一切有关欺诈的事件。

    Debit cards have different liability limits depending on the bank and the events surrounding any fraud .

  19. 历经10个多月,康卡斯特公司收到了近12000份消费者投诉,很多都与其每月数据限额和超额收费有关。

    Over 10 months , Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints , many relating to its monthly data cap and overage charges .

  20. 在用户每日或每月累计“打赏”达到限额一半时,平台应有消费提醒,经短信验证等方式确认后,才能进行下一步消费,达到“打赏”每日或每月限额,应暂停相关用户的“打赏”功能。

    When a user 's daily or monthly amount of reward reaches half the limit , the platform should send an alert . Users will be allowed to reward hosts after they confirm through a short messaging service , the circular said.The reward feature will be suspended for users whose daily or monthly limit is reached , it added .

  21. 选择一个压缩比率和一个初始限额值threshold。

    Choose a Compression Ratio and Threshold Value .

  22. Q什么是债务限额?

    Q What is the debt limit ?

  23. IPO限额配给机制探讨:一个基于股权结构的分析

    IPO-mechanism Research : An Analysis from Ownership Structure

  24. 当通过DominoAdministrator客户机注册一个用户时,可以在RegisterPersonyou对话框中配置邮件限额和警告门限。

    When registering a user through the Domino Administrator client , you can configure the mail quota and warning threshold in the Register Person dialog box .

  25. 可以考虑提出一套碳税体系或一套限额交易体系,例如欧洲的排放交易方案(ETS),该方案对生产商的碳排量作出了限制,并允许他们买卖排放信用(emissionscredits)。

    That could be a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system , such as Europe 's Emissions-Trading Scheme , which limits how much producers can emit , and lets them buy and sell emissions credits .

  26. 说到底,当然眼下也有一些值得担心的事【如债务限额、欧洲的债务违约,另外新一季的真人秀《学徒》(TheApprentice)也上映了】,但你仍不妨对股市保持一些信心。

    The bottom line : sure there are things to worry about ( the debt ceiling , defaults in Europe , another season of the apprentice ) , but keep some perspective .

  27. 如果这次投票不能通过增加超过14.3万亿的限额,那么美国政府会发现自己在支付方面出现困难,而且也很可能丢掉AAA的信用评级(进一步了解信用评级)。

    If it fails to extend the current limit of $ 14.3 trillion dollars , the federal government could find itself struggling to make payments , and risks the loss of its AAA credit rating .

  28. IT团队建立一个为所有新注册的用户设置250M限额(225M的警告门限)的注册策略。

    The IT team established a registration policy that placed a250 MB quota ( 225 MB warning threshold ) on all new users registered .

  29. 邓迪证券(DundeeSecurities)分析师卡洛琳丹尼斯解释道:由于稀土需求从金融危机中恢复过来,加上中国削减出口限额导致供应减少,2011年稀土市场出现了泡沫。

    There was a bubble in 2011 , after demand for rare earths had rebounded from the financial crisis and the Chinese cut export quotas , reducing supply , explains Carolyn Dennis , analyst at Dundee Securities .

  30. 然后通过分析三亚LN公司设计阶段成本控制现状,对目前采用的引入价值工程、限额设计、目标成本约束等纯系统性的控制方法的效果进行分析,找出其不足之处。

    Then through analysis of cost control conditions happened in design period in Sanya LN real estate company , analyzes effects of pure systematic control methods often taken nowadays such as introducing value engineering , quota design , target cost constraint etc. and finds deficiencies .