
  • 网络achievement goal
  1. 第四,自我调节学习的Lisrel模型显示,任务价值、自我效能、成就目标、努力和坚持性、学习策略、学习成绩可以作为自我调节学习的构成成分,各要素之间存在较为优化的结构关系;

    The Lisrel model suggested that task value , self-efficacy , achievement goals , effort and perseverance , learning strategy and academic achievement were the main components of self-regulated learning .

  2. 高水平乒乓球运动员运动成就目标的研究

    A Study on Sport Achievement Goals of Elite Table Tennis Players

  3. 中专生心理健康影响因素的SEM研究&情绪稳定性、自我效能、成就目标与心理健康之间的关系研究

    SEM-Based Research on Factors Influencing Mental Health of Students in Technical Secondary School

  4. 方法对萧山4所农村中学共224名优秀生进行了SCL-90、应付方式以及成就目标定向的问卷调查。

    Methods We have a questionnaire investigation to 224 " superior students " of four country high schools in Xiaoshan City with SCL-90 、 Coping Style and Achievement Goal Orientation questionnaire .

  5. 成就目标定向对FOK判断有显著影响:以掌握目标为定向被试的FOK判断等级要显著高于以成绩接近目标和以成绩回避目标为定向被试的FOK判断等级;

    Achievement goal orientation had prominent influence on meta-memory monitoring : the subjects with mastery goal orientation got higher FOK judgment ranks than those with performance-approach goal orientation ;

  6. 研究一先依据Kolb学习风格量表,筛选出四种不同学习风格的学生作为被试,研究二直接抽取本校学生作为被试,在学习结束后通过邮件回收成就目标定向问卷。

    The first of the study based on the Kolb Learning Style Inventory , screening four different learning styles of students as subjects , research direct extraction of our students as recycling achievement goal orientation questionnaire by e-mail , at the end of the study .

  7. 儿童自身的成就目标取向未对迁移产生影响。

    Self-reported achievement goal orientation had no significant effects on transfer .

  8. 成就目标定向的掌握目标、成绩趋近目标,与学习绩效呈显著正相关。

    Achievement-approach and mastery-approach have significant positive correlation with Learning Performance .

  9. 成就目标定向理论与高职院校体育课程改革

    Achievement goal orientation theory and P.E course reform in vocational schools

  10. 从成就目标理论看学生学习目标的确立

    On goal-orientation of students from the perspective of achievement goal theory

  11. 成就目标定向对研究生成功恐惧的影响

    Effects of Achievement Goal Orientation on Postgraduates ' Fear of Success

  12. 社会目标和学业成就目标是序列关系。

    Social goals and academic achievement goals were senary relations .

  13. 成就目标定向和学习策略相关显著。

    There is significant correlation between achievement goal orientation and learning strategies .

  14. 学业不良学生的主导成就目标是学习目标定向。

    LD students ' leading achievement goals orientation is learning goals orientation .

  15. 成就目标与任务投入的关系

    The effects of achievement goals on one 's task engagement

  16. 成就目标取向与体育学习动机的激发

    Research on target orientation of achievement and inspiration of sports study motivation

  17. 成就目标定向对学生的作弊行为具有较大影响。

    Achievement goal orientations have an effect on academic cheating .

  18. 不同的成就目标与不同的社会性目标相关。

    Different achievement goals are correlated with different social goals .

  19. 大学生学业成就目标与考试焦虑的关系研究

    Relationship Between Achievement Goals and Test Anxiety of College Students

  20. 国外成就目标理论的新进展及其对教育的启示

    Progress in Achievement Goal Theory and Its Illumination for Educators

  21. 成就目标定向理论研究的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and expectation of research of achievement goal orientation theory

  22. 不同情境下成就目标定向对寻求反馈行为的影响

    The Influence of Achievement Goal Orientation on Feedback-Seeking Behavior in Different Contexts

  23. 中学教师教学效能感与成就目标的研究

    The Research on Teaching Efficacy and Achievement Goal of Middle School Teachers

  24. 学校课堂情境中成就目标定向形成的影响因素

    The Factors of Reflecting the Achievement Goal Orientation in School Classroom Situations

  25. 成败情境下不同成就目标取向学生业绩表现的差异

    The Relation Between Achievement Goal Orientation and Performance Under Success or Failure Condition

  26. 大学生成就目标、学业自我效能与学业作弊关系研究

    Relationship among Achievement Goal , Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Cheating of College Students

  27. 学业成就目标和社会目标是课堂目标影响成绩的中介变量。

    Academic achievement and social goals were mediators between classroom and academic achievement .

  28. 蹦床运动员的成就目标及归因的研究

    Research on Trampoline Players ' Achievement Motivation and Attribution

  29. 课堂环境目标影响学生成就目标的实验研究

    The Effects of Classroom Goal Structures on Students'Achievement Goals

  30. 除此之外,还研究了成就目标和社会性目标的发展趋势。

    Besides , the development of achievement goals and social goals are investigated .