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  1. 基于Landsat-TM数据的农牧交错带景观结构研究&以内蒙古自治区兴和县为例

    Landscape structure of the farming-pastoral zone based on Landsat-TM Data-A case study of Xinghe County , Inner Mongolia

  2. 因此,伍兹这次与日本兴和株氏会社(Kowa,也就是这款跌打药的生产商)的合作更像是走投无路之下的无奈之举,而不是强势回归。

    So the deal with Kowa ( maker of the rub ) seems more like a moment of desperation than a return to form .

  3. 坡地资源利用保护中的农林复合经营兴和县农田防护林建设必要性和营造技术

    The Construction Necessity and construction Techniques of Farmland Shelterbelts in Xinghe County

  4. 兴和膜结构收费站结构设计

    Structure Design for Xinhe Tollhouse in Membrane Structure

  5. 内蒙古兴和县碘缺乏病防治效果评价

    Assessment on outcome of iodine deficiency disease control in Xinghe county of Inner Mongolia

  6. 多夫曼估计伍兹此次为兴和万特力代言的费用大概在400万美元上下。

    As for the Kowa deal , Dorfman estimates its value at $ 4 million .

  7. 农业旱灾脆弱性评价&以北方农牧交错带兴和县为例

    Assessment of agricultural drought vulnerability : taking Xinghe County in farming-pastoral zone in North of China as a case

  8. 第一节分两个部分考查了河东裴氏家族的肇兴和崛起。

    The first section falls into two parts to examine the origin and rise of the Hedong Pei family .

  9. 事实上,兴和象征二者差异的根源是东西方文化的差异性。

    Actually , the difference of " Affective Image " and symbol is rooted from the differences of the East-West cultural .

  10. 但是根据我们得到的关于耐克的信息,以及根据对兴和株氏会社合同的估算,伍兹今年的实际代言收入很可能只有2000万美元左右。

    But based on our information about Nike , and on the Kowa estimates , the real number is likely closer to $ 20 million .

  11. 二00一年底企业转制为兴和兴永碳素有限公司,成为内蒙古最大的民营碳素企业。

    At the end of2001 , it was transformed to Xinghe Xingyong Carbon Co. , Ltd. , and became the biggest private carbon enterprise of Inner Mongolia .

  12. 公司旗下有“兴和畜牧器械超市经营管理公司及其全国各地连锁店”、“中国畜牧设备器械网”。

    Xinghe Farming Instruments Supermarket Management Company and its multiple shops in whole China are all under the management of RTL , also with China Farming Instruments Net as a branch .

  13. 因此,本文的最后结论是毕村社区中社会资本的存在与消亡是毕村集体企业兴和衰的主要原因。

    Therefore , the final conclusion of this paper is the existence and decline of social capital in Bi village community led to the prosperity and decline of the village 's collective enterprises .

  14. 九月初攻占兴和、尚义、武川、陶林、新堂、凉城,大举向察哈尔解放区进攻,迫近张家口。

    In early September he occupied hsingho , shangyi , wuchuan , taolin , hsintang and liangcheng , launched massive attacks on the liberated areas in Chahar and pushed to the neighbourhood of changchiakou .

  15. 通过研究发现,兴和象征两者的不同点主要集中在创作出发点、艺术功能和创作手法本质三大方面。

    Through the study , the different points of " Affective Image " and Symbol are mainly concentrated in three aspects : the creative motivation , the art functionality and the essence of creative approach .

  16. 兴和电子商务有限公司的业务总监张新光表示,这些农户种植作物也能获得酬金。兴和电子商务是聚土地发起组织之一——浙江省供销社旗下的企业。

    They are also paid for growing the crops , explained Zhang Xinguang , business director of Zhejiang Xinghe E-commerce Co Ltd , an enterprise under the Zhejiang Supply and Marketing Cooperative , which was one of the initial backers of the Jutudi project 。

  17. 内蒙古兴和-卓资地区早前寒武纪孔兹岩系岩石中流体包裹体的特征和成因内蒙古兴和-卓资太古宙孔兹岩系变质峰期水活度、氧逸度及其化学位变化

    Characteristics and genesis of fluid inclusions from rocks of the early Precambrian khondalite series at Xinghe-Zhuozi district , Inner Mongolia The activity of H_2O , fugacity of O_2 and variation of their chemical potential during metamorphic peak of the Archaean khondalite series from Xinghe Zhuozi district , Inner Mongolia