
  1. 陈子昂兴寄说的实质及其历史地位

    The Essence of Chen Zi-ang 's " Xing-Jin " Theory and Its Historical Position

  2. 善于运用大胆的夸张、新颖的比喻和奇特的想象,兴寄无端,瞬息万变;善于运用历史传说和神话故事;语言清新自然而华美豪放。

    His employment of hyperboles , imageries and allusions is bold , creating exquisite pieces that fully utilize the elements of language .

  3. 也就是说,中国文学在其原发时期,自然山水已是一个托物兴寄的重要主题。

    In other words , the Chinese literature in its primary time , the natural scenery already was the important subject which sent interest .

  4. 首先是引入了新的表现题材并加以扩大,其次发展到兴寄,进而发展到物我融一的艺术意境。

    First it introduces a new subject , then develops into an artistic conception in which one is in perfect harmony with the world around him .

  5. 魏晋时期的文人游侠诗,慷慨悲壮,抒情兴寄;南北朝时期的游侠诗更多上层社会的浮华色彩,而寒士咏侠又有其特殊之处。

    Chivalric period of the Wei , Jin poetry literati , generous tragic , lyric-pin ; period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties Chivalric poetry more social vanity top color , and poor scholars Yong Chivalric has its unique .

  6. 晋宋之际古体诗创作,出现了崇尚古法,注重情思,讲究兴寄,工于写物等许多诗歌创作观念并存的现象。

    Jinsong dynasty occasion of ancient poetry writing , there has been advocating the traditional method , focus on feeling , pay attention to his poems , written materials , and many workers in the concept of coexistence of poetry .