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  1. 论中国现代诗学的诗式理论及其发展

    On Theory of Form of Modern Chinese Poetics

  2. 《诗式》和《韵光》&中、印诗歌艺术理论话语的嬗变皎然《诗式》与中国诗学之转型

    Poetic Mode and Rhyme and Light & the Evolution of the Discourse of the Artistic Theory of Poetry in China and India

  3. 变奏风格多变,有来自主题的材料,也有抒情诗式的歌唱旋律,还包括节奏紧凑鲜明的托卡塔式舞蹈风格的内容,这些或对比或呼应的材料推动着乐曲的发展。

    Variation of styles , themes for development of materials , but also singing style lyric melody , but also a distinctive Toccata paced style of dance content of these materials or contrast or echo driving the development of music .

  4. 《诗式》产生于唐代中期大历贞元年间,是唐代重要的诗学著作。它有着深刻的思想和完整的体系。但直至今天,人们对它的重视不够,研究不够。

    Shishi , which was written in Da-li and Zhen-yuan years of Tang dynasty , is an important poetics composing , It has profound theories and complete system , But , till now , less recognition and research were focused on it .