
xīng jiàn
  • construct;build;found
兴建 [xīng jiàn]
  • [build;construct] 建设

  • 又兴建了一个化肥厂

兴建[xīng jiàn]
  1. 她打败了那些想推倒她家房屋兴建超市的开发商们。

    She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket .

  2. 我们应该在北京兴建一个中华饮食文化博物馆,充分调动起海内外参观者的视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,全方位展现中华饮食文化的博大精妙。

    We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing . It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food , including its appearance , smell , taste and touch .

  3. 许多当地的居民反对兴建新机场。

    Many local people object to the building of the new airport .

  4. 延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。

    It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital .

  5. 那片树正被推土机铲除,以兴建一家新超市。

    The trees are being bulldozed to make way for a new superstore .

  6. 政府已投放200多亿元兴建新学校。

    The government has ploughed more than $ 20 billion into building new schools .

  7. 旅馆还在兴建中。

    The hotel is still under construction .

  8. 他注意到惠特克公园附近正在兴建一幢新楼。

    He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park .

  9. 该机场是由一个建筑集团私人出资兴建的。

    The airport is being privately funded by a construction group .

  10. 考虑到学生的需要,加的夫大学投入了巨资兴建和改善学生宿舍。

    Mindful of the needs of its students , Cardiff has invested heavily in providing new and improved residences .

  11. 这座城市由罗马人兴建。

    This city was founded by the Romans .

  12. 那个城市正在兴建一些宫殿式办公大楼。

    Palatial office buildings are being constructed in the city .

  13. 这座桥由当地农民集资兴建。

    This bridge was built with funds pooled by the local farmers .

  14. 新的海港正在兴建中。

    The new harbour is in course of construction .

  15. 此项工程由市政府出资兴建。

    The municipal government is going to provide funds for this construction project .

  16. SunChen:这座纪念碑的兴建,还是一个合作项目。王室,当地区政府,和伦敦市政府在委员会里占有等同的人数。

    Helen : A commission was set up between the government and the City of London .

  17. 兴建城镇供水工程,所需大量资金可采用BOT方式解决。

    Constructing urban water supply projects can rely on BOT mode for raising fund needed .

  18. BOT是政府借私人融资建设和经营力量兴建基础设施和公用设施的方式,且该私人和贷款方从投资中获利。

    BOT is a way in which the government constructs infrastructure and public utilities by depending on the private .

  19. MAD建筑师事务所的建筑公司中已经形成了一个住房复杂,最终还是要在北海兴建的概念设计。

    Chinese architecture company MAD Architects has created a conceptual design of a housing complex that should be eventually built in Beihai .

  20. 根据巴克莱银行(barclayscapital)的安德鲁劳伦斯(andrewlawrence)的说法,兴建高度超乎寻常的建筑正是酝酿中的经济危机的可靠指示。

    According to Andrew Lawrence of Barclays Capital , the construction of exceptionally tall buildings is a reliable indicator of economic crises in the making .

  21. LPS公司于1995年由一家全球知名跨国企业与国内一家电子企业合资兴建,生产表面安装半导体元器件。

    LPS is a joint-venture by a famous multinational company and a home state-own-enterprise founding in 1995 , who produces surface mounting semiconductor device .

  22. 在兴建LNG接收站时,应当重视采用该项技术,有效回收LNG的冷量,节省能源。

    This technology should be recognized and adopted in the process of LNG terminal construction in order to recover LNG cold energy and save energy .

  23. 英特尔(Intel)在中国兴建一家制造厂的计划,预计将考验美国政界对高科技出口的反对程度。

    Intel is expected to test political opposition in the US to high-tech exports , with its plans to build a manufacturing plant in China .

  24. 今年,该公司投资10亿美元在伦敦兴建当地最高的酒店,并另支付10亿美元并购英国圣汐游艇公司(SunseekerInternational)。

    This year , it paid $ 1 billion to build London 's tallest hotel , and another $ 1 billion to buy British yacht maker Sunseeker International .

  25. 绕过市中心的t7号主干路,计划于二零零零年动工兴建。

    The construction of Trunk Road T7 , which will bypass the Town Centre , is planned to start in 2000 .

  26. 待建的13项大工程共有调节和防洪库容400亿m3,如及时兴建和调度得当,可增加较大防洪能力。

    The proposed thirteen large hydro projects on the tributaries with regulating and flood control reservoir capacity of 40 billion cubic meters in total could enhance more flood control capability .

  27. 巴克莱(Barclays)表示,中国移动兴建4G网络和销售兼容机型(包括iPhone)的“激进”计划,虽然能提高手机销售业绩,但可能损害其盈利能力。

    Barclays says the company 's " aggressive " plans to build its 4G network and sell compatible handsets including the iPhone , while boosting handset sales , could hurt profitability .

  28. 本文研究了BOT投资方式的特点,探讨了以BOT方式兴建小城镇污水处理厂的可行性,并提出以吸引国内资金的新型BOT投资理念。

    The BOT investment model has been introduced in this paper . The feasibility of building small town wastewater treatment plants by BOT model is studied and a new BOT investment theory is developed .

  29. 布宜诺斯艾利斯附近的拉普拉塔市(laplata)计划兴建一座新港口,中方参加了港口建设及疏浚作业的投标。

    China is involved in bidding for port and dredging operations in the construction of a new port in the city of La Plata near Buenos Aires .

  30. 但是wri分析家也对中国是否要兴建计划中的所有火电站存在疑问。

    But the wri analysis also casts doubt over whether all the plants will be built .