
  • 网络Other receivables;Other receivable;Other Accounts Receivable
  1. 在实证分析中采用其他应收款作为利益输送的衡量指标,开拓了研究的视角,并且通过比较分析更好地把握了我国资本市场发展的脉搏。

    In the empirical analysis we use the other receivables as the measure of tunneling and extend the views of angle . And the study grasps the development of Chinese capital market through comparison analysis .

  2. 应收账款,应收票据,其他应收款。

    Accounts receivables , notes receivables , other receivables .

  3. 贸及其他应收款内的其他别没有包括已减值的资产。

    The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets .

  4. 论加强高校财务中其他应收款的管理

    Enhancing the Financial Management of " Other Accepted Payments " in College and University

  5. 四看其他应收款是否清晰。

    Four look at other students'payment is clear .

  6. 其他应收款须以合同规定或领导审批为前提,否则不得支付。

    Other receivables should be based on the contract regulations or approved by the leaders . Otherwise , the receivables will be not available .

  7. 本文主要论述了加强高校财务管理的重要作用,对高校财务中其他应收款的管理从四个方面进行论述,一是加强对其他应收款的认识;

    The paper mainly discusses the importance of enhancing the financial management in college and university , especially on the " other acceptedpayments " from 4 aspects .

  8. 实际支付的股利含有已宣告发放的股利或者应计利息的,应将这部分股利或者利息金额作为暂付款项,通过其他应收款帐户核算。

    Where the cost includes an element of dividend declared or in-terest accrued , that portion relating to the dividend and inte-rest shall be accounted for as a temporary payment and dis-j closed under other receivable .