
  • 网络other investment;Alternative Investments;others
  1. 此外,由于在交易所挂牌上市,ETF的透明度优于许多其他投资工具。

    And since these products are listed on exchanges , they provide more transparency than many other investment vehicles .

  2. 他特别想把摩根大通描绘成与贝尔斯登(BearStearns)、雷曼(Lehman)和其他投资银行那些“不诚信的家伙”有显著区别的公司。

    He specifically sought to paint his firm as distinctly different than those " cowboys " at Bear Stearns , Lehman and the other investment banks .

  3. 这轮融资由总部在香港的全明星投资基金(All-StarsInvestment)领投,该基金的其他投资项目包括智能手机厂商小米和打车服务软件滴滴快的。

    The fund-raising was led by the Hong Kong-based All-Stars Investment , which has also invested in the smartphone maker Xiaomi and the taxi-hailing app Didi Kuaidi .

  4. 世界黄金协会(WorldGoldCouncil)资料显示,中国是全球最大的黄金市场,今年第一季度黄金需求量占到全球总量的四分之一。中国消费者对黄金的旺盛需求受到他们缺少其他投资渠道的推动。

    China is the largest bullion market , accounting for a quarter of demand in the first quarter of this year , according to the World Gold Council , and strong consumer demand for gold has been driven by the lack of other investment options .

  5. 百仕通(Blackstone)首次进军印度地产市场,收购了一家项目管理公司的股份,该公司可以作为进行其他投资的跳板。

    Blackstone has made its first foray into Indian real estate with the acquisition of a stake in a project management company that it can use as a springboard for other investments .

  6. 2015年,Alphabet的核心网络业务——谷歌公司获得了745亿美元的财政收入,远远高于“其他投资”领域的收入,所有其他子公司加一起一共就4.48亿美元。

    For the whole of 2015 , Google Inc - the core internet business - had revenues of $ 74.5bn , dwarfing the $ 448m of its " Other Bets " - all the other companies .

  7. 房地产投资信托(REITs)是国外盛行的房地产融资工具,其本质上是一种证券化的产业投资基金,具有其他投资工具无可比拟的特点与优势。

    Real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) is a real-estate financing instrument prevailing abroad . In essence , they are a type of securitized industrial investment fund , with features and advantages unparalleled in other investment instruments .

  8. 而伦敦资产管理公司millenniumglobalinvestments的董事总经理艾伦爱斯纳(alaneisner)指出,另一方面,全球各国央行或许希望将手中持有的大量美元资产分散为其他投资。

    On the other hand , global central banks still ' hold a lot of dollars that they would like to diversify into other investments , ' said Alan Eisner , managing director at Millennium global investments , a London asset-management firm specializing in currencies .

  9. 其他投资界人士可没那么肯定。

    The rest of the investing world is not so sure .

  10. 人们显然对其他投资计划感到不安。

    And there has been clear nervousness about other plans .

  11. 谷歌应该少研发些新产品,少做其他投资。

    Google should create fewer products and make less investments .

  12. 谷歌也已经在交通运输方面进行了其他投资。

    Google has made other investments in transportation too .

  13. 接管其他投资方开发建设的码头发展战略(市场集中化战略和战略联盟的组合);

    Take over other investor 's pier ( combine market concentration with strategy alliance );

  14. 国务院规定范围内的其他投资品种和工具。

    Other investment objects and instruments within the scope specified by the state council .

  15. 除了银行存款、股票和房地产,中国人几乎没有其他投资渠道。

    People have virtually nowhere to invest besides bank deposits , stocks and property .

  16. 银行还向其他投资于绿色解决方案的公司取经。

    The bank is also gleaning knowledge from other corporations that invest in green solutions .

  17. 固定资产投资一般比其他投资项目风险大,对固定资产投资项目进行审计是非常必要的。

    Fixed-asset investments are much riskier than other kind of investment , which makes the audit necessary .

  18. 您通过购买额外的股票、债券、公共基金,或其他投资来构建投资组合。

    You build the portfolio by buying additional stocks , bonds , mutual funds , or other investments .

  19. 潘克赫斯特,谁将会寻求其他投资机会,仍将是一个非执行董事和少数股东。

    Pankhurst , who will be pursuing other opportunities , will remain a non-executive director and minority shareholder .

  20. 克拉普维克表示,有人将被迫出售美国国债,为其资金寻找其他投资目标。

    There will be people forced to sell US government obligations and seek other homes for their money .

  21. 相对于其他投资方式,风险投资可为投资者带来高收益,但投资者也承担高风险。

    Compared with other investment modes , venture capital brings higher income while higher risk at the same time .

  22. 相反,鲁比尼认为未来几年股票和其他投资有可能上涨。

    Instead , Roubini suggested that stocks and other investments are likely to rise for the next few years .

  23. 报告中指出投行掩盖了金融杠杆衍生品,资产负债表外的实体和其他投资工具的过度使用。

    The banks hid their excessive leverage using derivatives , off-balance-sheet entities and other devices , the report found .

  24. 如果该基金运作得当,其他投资机构将参与进来,从而提升我们所开展工作的影响。

    If it is well-crafted , then others will join us and increase the impact of what we do .

  25. 保持和加强自身专业能力以及努力保持和加强其他投资专业同仁的能力。

    Maintain and improve their professional competence and strive to maintain and improve the competence of other investment professionals .

  26. 企业价值评估是企业兼并,收购,租赁及其他投资行为的依据和前提。

    Business valuation is the basis and premise for mergers and acquisitions as well as other investment and management practice .

  27. 非经营性政府投资项目的投资规模巨大,对其他投资具有引导性。

    Non-business government investment projects have a huge scale of investment , they can be the guidance to other investments .

  28. 因此外汇基金的投资策略与退休基金及其他投资基金的投资策略差别很大。

    The strategy is therefore significantly different from the strategies of , for example , pension funds and other investment funds .

  29. (货币)贬值风险对他们的影响不像对其他投资商那么大。

    The risk of devaluation ( of the currency ) does not affect them as much as it does other investors .

  30. 人们通常在经济不景气时购买黄金,因为他们认为黄金比其他投资更保值。

    People traditionally buy gold during difficult economic times because they think it will hold its value better than other investments .