
  • 网络cultured shellfish;cultivation of shellfish;reared shellfish
  1. 福建沿海养殖贝类中农药残留的含量及来源分析

    Analysis of contents and sources of pesticides in cultured shellfish of Fujian coastal areas

  2. 结果表明,位于养殖区上游化工区排放的污水对养殖贝类有较大毒性效应,已明显影响到贝类养殖区的海水水质和底质。

    The drained waste water from chemical industrial region located at the upper reaches of the cultured area had greater toxicity effect for cultured shellfish and influenced obviously the water quality and deposit quality in cultured area .

  3. 但养殖贝类重金属污染问题较为严重,Cd含量超标现象尤为严重,已是食物安全重大隐患之一。

    However , the heavy metal pollution of shellfish is very serious , especially Cd , which was the one of food safety .

  4. 栉孔扇贝(chlamysfarreri)是我国北方沿海重要的养殖贝类。

    Scallop ( Chlamys farreri ) is an economic shellfish in North China .

  5. 福建中、东部沿海主要养殖贝类体内石油烃含量调查分析对HDL、LDL腔内壁面浓度与

    Investigation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Concentration in The Shellfishes from The Main Shellfish Culture Areas in The Middle and East of Fujian Coastal Areas

  6. 得到了海水养殖贝类苗种循环水处理利用砂滤BAF泡沫分离O3灭菌活性炭吸附联合处理工艺中各处理单元的控制参数。

    The technique parameters of the circle water treatment of mariculture for young seashell by foam fractionation-ozone disinfection-activated carbon adsorption coupled treatment technique were obtained .

  7. 合浦珠母贝(Pinctadamartensii)是我国广西、海南、广东沿海主要的海水珍珠养殖贝类,采珠后产生大量的珍珠贝肉,珍珠贝肉含有丰富的活性物质。

    Pinctada martensii is the pearl shell of main coastal water of shellfish aquaculture in Guangxi , Hainan and Guangdong province of China . There is a large number of Pinctada martensii meat which is rich in active substances after pearl harvest .

  8. 皱纹盘鲍(HaliotisdiscushannaiIno)自然分布于我国黄渤海区,是我国北方海区的重要养殖贝类。

    Pacific abalone , Haliotis discus hannai Ino is an important aquatic species in the north sea area of our country which distributed naturally in the Yellow sea and Bo sea . While to this day the function gene study of Haliotis discus hannai Ino .

  9. 杂交育种技术在海水养殖贝类中的应用及研究进展

    Application and Recent Research Advancement of Cross-breeding in Marine Shellfish Culture

  10. 海洋围隔生态系中疏浚物倾倒对养殖贝类的生态效应研究

    Study on biological effects of marine dumping material on mollusks in mesocosm

  11. 我国主要养殖贝类微生物性疾病研究进展

    Advances in microbe diseases of reared shellfish in China

  12. 养殖贝类附着敌害生物的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Marine Harmful Fouling Organisms and Control in Cultivation of Shellfish

  13. 福建沿海养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平的分布特征

    Concentration Distribution Characteristics of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Cultivated-shellfish from Fujian Coastal Waters

  14. 福建省海水养殖贝类的总汞含量及风险评价

    Total mercury content in seawater-cultured shellfish in Fujian Province and its health risk assessment

  15. 厦门海域养殖贝类体内重金属的初步研究

    Preliminary study of heavy metals concentrations in the culture-shellfish from Xiamen coastal waters , China

  16. 养殖贝类有利可图。

    It is profitable to farm shellfish .

  17. 辽宁黄海沿岸水域增养殖贝类病害发生机理和防治对策

    Disease triggering mechanism and protecting policy of the mariculture shellfish in coast of Yellow Sea

  18. 大连常江澳浮筏养殖贝类的饵料结构与浮游植物的关系

    The relationship between food structure of raft for cultivated shellfish and phytoplankton in changjiang'ao , Dalian

  19. 乐清湾主要养殖贝类代谢生理研究及对养殖环境的影响

    The Study for Metabolism Physiology and Effects on Environment of Main Breeding Shellfish in Yueqing Bay

  20. 结果表明:福建沿海6种养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平范围在2.57mg/kg。

    The results of this study show that the TPH concentration in six cultivated-shellfish varied from 2.57 mg / kg .

  21. 养殖贝类病害的不断爆发以及各种疾病病因的多样性迫切要求制定新的疾病防治措施,开发新型的抗菌物质或处理方法。

    The etiological diversity of pathogens and the repeated appearance of new diseases led to develop new approaches for the control of diseases .

  22. 造成区域间养殖贝类气候适宜性差异的主要是高温、低气压等灾害性天气指标。

    High temperature , low air pressure and other disastrous weather indices were the main causation of climate suitability differences in regional culture .

  23. 对福建沿海6种主要养殖贝类体石油烃总量水平的分布特征进行了探讨。

    This study was undertaken to investigate various distribution characteristics of total petroleum hydrocarbons ( TPH ) in six cultivated-shellfish from Fujian coastal waters .

  24. 养殖贝类与其养殖水体环境之间的相互作用,一直是养殖生态学的研究热点之一,正受到人们的广泛关注。

    The interaction between shellfish and ambient environment has always been considered as a research focus of culture ecology and attached with more and more attentions .

  25. 通过2003~2004年对福建闽南沿海5种养殖贝类体砷含量的调查监测,对养殖贝类体中砷含量的分布进行了探讨。

    It was undertaken ( 2003 ~ 2004 ) to investigate the distribution of arsenic concentrations in five culture-shellfish from the southern coast of Fujian Province , China .

  26. 而目前尚无有效地消除鲜活贝类重金属残留的方法,如果这一问题不能有效解决,将严重影响我国养殖贝类的可持续发展。

    And there are not availably technology to remove the Cd from fresh shellfish . If the problem can be solved availably , which will have great influence to the sustainable development of shellfish farming .

  27. 贝类养殖业是我国海洋经济的支柱性产业,由于近年来养殖贝类的大规模死亡现象时有发生,病害日渐严重,已成为贝类养殖业发展的瓶颈问题。

    Shellfish aquaculture is the pillar industry of the marine economy in our country . Because the extensive death of the shellfish takes place occasionally in recent years , the disease has already become the choke point of development of shellfish aquaculture .

  28. 文蛤(Meretrixmeretrix)是我国重要的养殖经济贝类,近年来大批死亡现象时有发生,环境中氨氮等有害物质的积累是其中的重要因素之一。

    Meretrix Meretrix is an important shellfish of aquaculture . In recent years , the phenomenon of large numbers of deaths has occurred . One of the important factors is the accumulation of ammonia in the environment .

  29. 用作水产养殖业(类养殖及贝类养殖)最初饲料。

    Used as a starting fodder in the aquaculture ( industrial fish-farming , shellfish-farming ) .

  30. 我们可以在自然海域中养殖大量贝类和藻类。

    we can work with natural ocean systems to produce huge amounts of shellfish and seaweeds .