
  • 网络protecting health
  1. 第二章介绍了《淮南子》的养生论,显示了它珍惜生命热爱生活的哲学意趣。

    The second passage introduces that how to preserve human 's health , showing the philosophy interest that it cherishes the life and living .

  2. 并运用思想史和学术史相结合的方法,对先秦杂家六本著作的宇宙自然观、天人关系论、人性论、养生论和政治思想进行了逐本或综合性地分析论述。

    The visions of cosmos and nature , heaven-man relationship , human nature , health preservation and the political thoughts of these six books are studied by combining ideological history and academic history .

  3. 武当道教武术养生方法略论

    Ways to Preserve Health in Taoist Wushu in Wudang