
  1. 维克平均每月做5次飞机,她有一套在登机之前严格遵守的养生之法。

    Vickers flies five times a month on average and has a regime she abides by to see her through long before she gets on the plane .

  2. 中国传统养生方法之精神养生法

    Chinese Traditional Mental Health Preservation

  3. 补脾法即调理脾脏,恢复脾主运化、主升和统血的生命机能,使之在人体中发挥正常的生命效应,既是治病之法,亦是指导养生、抗衰延年之法。

    Bu-spleen is to help to recover the normal function of the spleen , which is not only a therapeutic method , but also a guideline to acquire long-life .