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yǎng nǚ
  • adopted daughter;foster daughter
养女 [yǎng nǚ]
  • [foster daughter;adopted daughter] 被收养而非亲生的女儿

养女[yǎng nǚ]
  1. 实际上,她是他们的养女。

    In point of fact , she is their adopted daughter .

  2. 但是如果他们没有死,凯蒂布莉儿最终将不会成为布鲁诺的养女,很可能根本不会来到冰风谷居住。

    But if they hadn 't , Catti-brie would not have wound up as Bruenor 's adopted daughter , would likely not have come to reside in Icewind Dale at all .

  3. 我们第一次乘火车去我的中国养女(当时8岁)格雷丝(Grace)的老家时,列车上的厕所臭到我们连盒饭都吃不下去。

    On our first train journey , to the home town of my then eight-year-old adopted Chinese daughter Grace , the rail car 's potty ponged so much that we could not stomach our picnic .

  4. 我们之间的关系也并非尽善尽美——不论是我与我的中国养女Grace(还有她的中国妹妹Lucy),还是我与那个无法收容她们的国家。

    It hasn 't all been unadulterated bliss in either of my relationships - that with my adopted Chinese daughter Grace ( and her Chinese sister Lucy ) , and with the country that could not keep them .

  5. 他的养女比他的亲生儿女更加照顾他。

    His adopted daughter cares for him better than his birth children .

  6. 零三年。并且生儿养女。

    Four hundred and three years , and begat sons .

  7. 许多人被炸死,其中包括卡扎菲的养女。

    Many people were killed , including the adopted daughter of Colonel Gadhafi .

  8. 也许海伦对这些辩解,自己也不完全相信,象她的养女一样。

    Helen no more believed in these excuse than her adopted daughter did .

  9. 但是你,茉嘉娜小姐,却是乌瑟的养女。

    But you , my lady Morgana , you are Uther 's ward .

  10. 2005年,她又收养了一个埃塞俄比亚孤儿,也就是她的养女扎哈拉。

    She then adopted her daughter Zahara , an Ethiopian orphan , in 2005 .

  11. 她是国王的养女吧?

    Isn 't she the king 's ward ?

  12. 耶何耶大为他娶了两个妻,并且生儿养女。

    Jehoiada chose two wives for him , and he had sons and daughters .

  13. 不是,只不过是养女罢了。那么,你为什么在郝薇香小姐家呢?

    No , only adopted . Why were you at Miss Havisham 's then ?

  14. 身为养女,我并不想找到自己的生身父母。

    As for being adopted , I have no desire to find my real parents .

  15. 20年前他没有骚扰养女,阿布拉莫维兹说。

    He was determined not to have molested his daughter 20 years ago , Abramowitz said .

  16. 不,不,对不起,我是说,你是国王的养女。

    No , no , sorry . Erm , I meant , you 're the King 's ward .

  17. 帕丽斯的妹妹妮琪·希尔顿是凯西3岁的养女爱娃的教母。

    Paris ' sister Nicky Hilton , is godmother to Casey 's adopted daughter , Ava , 3 .

  18. 你在这地方不可娶妻,生儿养女。

    You are not to take a wife for yourself or have sons or daughters in this place .

  19. 拉吴生西鹿之后,又活了二百零七年,并且生儿养女。

    And Reu lived after he begat Serug two hundred and seven years , and begat sons and daughters .

  20. 你生儿养女,却不算是你的,因为必被掳去。

    You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them , because they will go into captivity .

  21. 以诺生玛土撒拉之后,与上帝同行三百年,并且生儿养女。

    And after he became the father of Methuselah , Enoch walked with God300 years and had other sons and daughters .

  22. 你虽然生子养女,但他们却不属于你,因为他们要被掳去。

    Thou shalt beget sons and daughters , and shalt not enjoy them : because they shall be led into captivity .

  23. 因骨髓衰竭而濒临死亡的美国养女从一次成功的骨髓移植手术中活过来,这多亏了她的中国捐赠者。

    An adopted American girl who was dying from bone marrow failure has survived a successful transplant thanks to her Chinese donor .

  24. 玛土撒拉生拉麦之后,又活了七百八十二年,并且生儿养女。

    Methuselah lived seven hundred and eighty-two years after he became the father of Lamech , and he had other sons and daughters .

  25. 我的养女很可能是她生母怀的第二个或第三个女儿,放在今天,她可能根本就不会出生。

    My Xinke may well have been a second or third daughter ; if conceived today , she might not have been born at all .

  26. 吾养女夜凰见信如晤:婚事仓促,实有所怜,但不为憾;

    I the foster daughter night female phoenix watch letter favor Wu : The marrying is rush , actually have compassion , but not regretful face ;

  27. 尽管这一切可能并不太管用,至少现在他知道了他的养女克莱尔的血可以拯救世界。

    While it may not have worked out too well , at least now he knows that his foster daughter Claire 's blood could save the world .

  28. 刚跛腿时这位无儿无女的老太太曾向马奇夫妇提出要收一个姑娘为养女,却被婉言拒绝了,心里老大不高兴。

    The childless old lady had offered to adopt one of the girls when the troubles came , and was much offended because her offer was declined .

  29. 在此后的几周直至几个月中,我时常想起这个孤独的身影,想象他走上异乡陌生的街头,寻找他的养女。

    I often thought of that lonely figure in the next few weeks and months , walking through strange streets in foreign cities , looking for his adopted child .

  30. 随着新科即将步入青春期,当初导致她成为我养女的一个简单事实——中国的孩子太多了——已发生了彻底的逆转。

    For as Xinke enters her tween years , the simple truth that made her my daughter - that China had too many babies - has undergone a stunning reversal .