• bulge;protrude
  • protruding;raised
  • 高出周围,与“凹”相对:~出。~起。~透镜。~凹不平。


(高出) bulge; protrude:

  • 挺胸凸肚

    throw out one's chest and bulge one's belly


(高于周围) protruding; raised:

  • 凸纹

    raised carving or design;

  • 凸花银瓶 {工美}

    a silver vase with a raised floral design

  1. 有限元分析结果表明,上凸高度随成形角的增加而减小、随板厚的减小而减小是应归因于工具头周围的Von-Mises应力分布。

    FEA revealed that the decrease in bulge height with increase in wall angle and decrease in sheet thickness is due to localization of von-mises stresses around the tool .

  2. 板料局部管状凸台壁部增厚成形工艺与模具

    Thickening Processes and Die for Local Tube Shape Bulge of Sheet Metal

  3. 旅馆的名字凸印在信笺和信封上。

    The hotel 's name was embossed on the stationery .

  4. 一块凸出来的尖利岩石成了他们的避身之所。

    A sharp overhang of rock gave them cover

  5. 我们已建成一个凸式码头供远洋货轮停靠之用。

    We have completed a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters .

  6. 这就完成了凸定理的证明。

    This completes the proof of the convexity theorem .

  7. 有一个凸形插头。

    There is a male plug .

  8. 相反,他发明了一种凸点阅读系统,为盲人打开了一个全新的知识世界。

    Instead , h invented a reading system of raised dots , which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind .

  9. 我们可以看到一座教堂凸现在天际。

    We could see a church silhouetted against the skyline .

  10. 而且脖子后面的骨头都凸出来了。

    And the bone at the back of the neck is bulgy came .

  11. 坦白说,这样的疾病恰恰凸显出潜在的不平等和额外的负担——这两者都是黑人群体在这个国家有史以来不得不应对的。

    And let ’ s be honest — a disease like this just spotlights11 the underlying12 inequalities and extra burdens that black communities have historically had to deal with in this country .

  12. 凸体的p次径向平均体的几个性质

    Several Properties of the Radial pth Mean Bodies of Convex Bodies

  13. 局部凸空间上弱可积C半群理论

    Weakly integrable c & semi Group s on Locally Convex Spaces

  14. Bp~n上双全纯凸映照

    Biholomorphic Convex Mappings on B _ p ~ n

  15. 局部凸T2型Fuzzy拓扑线性空间中Fuzzy凸集的分离定理

    Separation Theorems of Convex Fuzzy Sets in Locally Convex T2 & Fuzzy Topological Linear Spaces

  16. 对非凸边界的处理,提出了新的准则&弧弦准则(arc-stringcriterion)。

    Also it advances a new criterion-arc-string criterion for non-convex boundary .

  17. C~3连续的保凸四次B样条插值曲线

    A Convexity Preserving Quadratic B-spline Interpolation Curve

  18. K空间中一类凹与凸算子的不动点

    The fixed point of concave and convex operation in K space

  19. 凸区域上椭圆方程弱解的边界唯一延拓性和Bp权特性

    The Boundary Unique Continuation and B_p Weight Properties for the Weak Solutions of Elliptic Equations in Convex Domains

  20. 随机针偶与凸体K相交的几何概率问题

    A problem of geometric probability for random pairs of needles intersecting a convex body K

  21. 具有(F,α,ρ,d)-凸广义分式规划的混合型对偶

    Mixed Dual for Generalized Fractional Programming with ( F ,α,ρ, d ) - Convexity

  22. h凸函数

    On h Convex Function

  23. k严格凸与kUR空间

    K - Strict Convexity and k - UR Spaces

  24. 利用局部凸轨法产生可调长间隔的SR脉冲

    Using local bump to generate SR pulse with adjustable interval

  25. 凸n边形内Fermat点问题的初等证明

    An Elementary Proof of the Problem of Fermat Point in a Convex n-Polygon

  26. 接近一致光滑和局部接近一致凸的Banach空间

    Nearly Uniformly Smooth and Locally Nearly Uniformly convex Banach spaces

  27. 局部凸空间中Cauchy初值问题解的存在性

    Existence of solutions to Cauchy initial problem in locally convex spaces

  28. 广义凸规划中的Lagrange乘子及对偶

    Lagrange multipliers and duality in generalized convex programming

  29. 利用凸正规化得到了B值狄里克莱级数的下级与其系数和指数的关系

    In this paper , through convex regularization the formulas of the lower order of B value Dirichlet series given by the exponents and the coefficients are arrived at

  30. 上凸密度与Hausdorff测度&Koch曲线

    The Upper Convex Density and Hausdorff Measure & the Koch Curve