
  • 网络veterinary drug;GMP;animal remedy;GSP
  1. 2003年美国FDA批准的新兽药产品简介

    A brief introduction to the new veterinary drugs approved by FDA in 2003

  2. 四川省兽药GMP企业情况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Veterinary Drugs GMP Enterprises of Sichuan Province

  3. 这种兽药对于防治兽类掉毛很有效。

    This veterinary product is very effective in preventing animal molt .

  4. DNA芯片技术在新兽药开发中的应用现状与展望

    The present application and prospect of DNA chip technology in new veterinary medicine development

  5. 因玉米芯PH值偏酸,而兽药基本偏碱。

    PH value Piansuan due to corn-cob , while the veterinary basic partial alkali .

  6. HPLC法测定猪组织中氟喹诺酮类兽药残留的方法研究

    The Research on Multiresidue Determination of Fluoroquinolones in Pig Tissue by HPLC

  7. HPLC法在测定动物性食品中兽药残留量的应用

    Application of HPLC method in testing of rudimental animal drug in animality foods

  8. 国际市场对玉米芯颗粒粉兽药载体PH值指标的要求越来越高。

    The international market for corn cob carrier particle powder PH value of veterinary drugs have become increasingly demanding targets .

  9. 兽药(veterinarymedicines)被广泛的应用于养殖业包括畜牧养殖业和水产养殖业,以治疗动物疾病和保障动物健康。

    Veterinary medicines are widely used in breeding industry ( livestock breeding and aquaculture ) .

  10. 本文建立了HPLC测定兽药粉剂/预混剂中甲氧苄啶含量的方法。

    A method to determine the contents of trimethoprim in powder / premix of veterinary drug by HPLC was established .

  11. 兽药GMP车间设计应注意的问题和节能思考

    Problems and Energy Saving in design of GMP Animal Medicine Workshop

  12. 特别是我国加入WTO后,在兽药管理法律体系建设方面更需要加快与国际接轨的速度。

    Especially after China enters into WTO , the construction of animal medicine management regulations needs to accelerate the speed in line with international ones .

  13. 兽药无菌粉针车间的GMP建设

    GMP Construction of Axenic Workshop of Animal Powdery Agent

  14. 兽药企业的计量工作如何满足FDA认证的需要

    How fo meet the requirements of FDA approval on management of measures in veterinary drug enterprises

  15. 随着兽药GMP的实施,无菌粉针车间的条件正在不断地改善。

    With the construction of GMP , the hardware of workshop was being improved increasingly .

  16. 例如,某个制药企业可能在动物分类中定义一个新的“requires”关系,来指向其他分类中有关兽药疫苗数据的概念。

    For example , a pharmaceutical company might define a new " requires " relationship in an animal taxonomy to point to concepts in another taxonomy 's data about veterinary vaccines .

  17. 随着了解的不断加深,你会发现,兽药在过去25年多时间里的增长速度是GDP增速的两倍。

    As you peel away the onion , you see that veterinary medicine is growing over the past 25 years at twice the rate of the GDP .

  18. 而后进一步将此方法应用到兽药残留的分析,结合HPLC进行了禽肉中磺胺类、地克珠利、克球酚的同时检测,结果同样令人满意。

    We further applied this method into the analysis of veterinary residue and carried out simultaneous detection of sulfa , diclazuril and clopidol in poultry meat combined with HPLC .

  19. 兽用生物制品生产企业实施兽药GMP管理是提高竞争力和产品质量的有效途径。

    The GMP management implemented by a veterinary bio-products factory is an efficient way to improve competence and quality of products .

  20. 用没经过PH值处理的玉米芯颗粒粉作载体会对兽药的药性产生影响,降低药效,增加兽药生产企业的成本。

    Use , without a PH value of processed corn cob powder as carrier particles will have an impact on veterinary medicinal properties , lower efficacy , increase the cost of veterinary drug manufacturers .

  21. 新霉素(neomycin,NEO)是一种氨基糖苷类抗生素(aminoglycosides),因其具有高效、广谱的抗菌作用,广泛应用于医药和兽药领域。

    Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic which was widely used in veterinary medicine because of its broad-spectrum antibacterial effect .

  22. 本论文针对兽药EM和EEs,分别进行了分子印迹聚合物的制备及其性能研究。

    In this study , the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers and their properties of veterinary drug EM and EEs were studied .

  23. 监督检查报告和处理意见需上报我部和农业部兽药GMP工作委员会办公室。

    The supervision and examination report and the opinion should be reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and the ministry 's veterinarian medicine GMP working committee office .

  24. 公司从原料采购到生产及产品销售等各个环节,严格遵格兽药GMP要求。

    Corporation purchases from raw material to the production and the product sale and so on each link , obeys the standard veterinary medicine GMP request strictly .

  25. 介绍了液相色谱-质谱联用技术(LC-MS)应用于动物性食品中几种常见兽药残留的检测方法。

    The applications of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ( LC-MS ) in the security determination and analysis of animal food were introduced in the paper .

  26. 试验用3种方法研究了2种含砷兽药洛克沙胂(roxarsone)和阿散酸(arsanilicacid)对安德爱胜蚓(Eiseniaandrei)的急性毒性。

    The acute toxicity test of two veterinary pharmaceuticals containing arsenic-roxarsone and arsanilic acid to earthworms ( Eisenia Andrei ) was studied using three methods .

  27. VICH兽药靶动物安全性研究指导原则概述

    Overview of VICH Guideline of Target Animal Safety for Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products

  28. 从兽药企业FDA认证的角度,描述了计量管理工作在认证中的重要作用,介绍了FDA对计算机控制系统、仪器仪表及电子记录/签名的特别要求以及企业在实际计量管理工作中的应对措施。

    The important action of the measure work in FDA approval were described , including the computer control system , the instrument and meter , the electronic recording / signs as well as actual measurement data , and the management of measures .

  29. 结果表明,由于受国际以及我国人药GMP发展的影响,我国兽药GMP正在向科学、合理、适用的方向发展。

    Relatively find through analyzing , are affected by people 's medicine GMP development of world and our country , the development of GMP of animal remedy of our country is being developed in science , rational , suitable direction gradually too .

  30. 对兽药GMP车间设计中的总体规划、生产环境的确定、空调系统的节能等问题,从节能方面的角度进行探讨和思考,提出一些可行的建议和方法。

    From the aspect of energy saving , the general plan of GMP animal medicine workshop design , the determination of production environment and air conditioner system design were discussed in this article . Some feasible proposes and methods were presented meanwhile .