
nèi yè
  • Office work;interior work
内业[nèi yè]
  1. 加强内业管理建立优良工程档案

    Strengthening interior work management , establishing good project files

  2. Excel在公路闭合导线内业工作中的应用

    Application of Excel in Indoor Work of Highway Closed Traverse

  3. AutoCAD和Excel在矿山测量内业中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD and Excel in Mine

  4. 提出将GIS技术溶入林业资源调查内业处理,实现调查全数字进程化的思路,并指出了建立资源调查信息管理系统的几项重要基础工作和关键步骤。

    The paper also points out some important fundamental jobs and key steps in the establishment of the information management system of forest inventory .

  5. 借助AutoCAD可以正确地完成施工定位放线的内业和外业工作。

    If AutoCAD is adopted , it enables to complete work of orienting location and laying line in construction .

  6. 在GPS工程控制网建立的内业处理中,为后续工程的方便必须设法消去高斯投影变形对坐标成果的影响。

    In the inner processing of building GPS engineering control network , the influence to the coordinate of distortion of Guass projection must be deleted .

  7. 介绍了利用GPS新技术进行矿区控制测量的GPS网布设方法,以及外业观测、内业平差方法及计算。

    The GPS technology to carry out control surveying over mining area , including GPS mesh distribution , outdoor observation , and indoor error-elimination is introduced .

  8. 根据生产实际需要,作者在Turboc系统下开发了集坐标换带计算、导线网精度设计、观测成果概算及内业平差为一体的导线测量综合计算系统。

    The synthetic calculation system of traverse survey , which includes coordinate transformation , precision design , field checking computation and adjustment , is developed with Turbo C language .

  9. 所采集数据通过USB接口一键导出,实现与内业软件和数据库的无缝对接。

    The data collected is exported through the USB interface by a click of one button , realizing seamless connection with indoor software and database . 3 .

  10. 应用计算机OfficeExcel2003的插入图表绘图功能,在路基土填料CBR值检测中实现承载比(CBR)试验成果图的自动绘制,从而规范了内业资料整理。

    The function of inserting graphical charts with application of office Excel 2003 , the auto-drawing has been realized for fitting in CBR value , thus normalizing data in the office work .

  11. PC-1500袖珍计算机是理想的野外数据采集工具,IBM系列微机又是比较普及的内业处理机,PC-1500与IBM又可以联机通讯。

    PC-1500 pocket-computer is an ideal machine for survey data acquisition . IBM series micro-computer is comparatively popular in-house data processor . PC-1500 and IBM can also be linked up for communication .

  12. 该系统还能够实现PDA与测量仪器串口及蓝牙传输,对检测数据进行实时更新。实现了检测工作和后期内业工作紧密结合及良好的互动。

    Further , this system can realize the serial port and bluetooth transfer between PDA and surveying instrument , update the testing data and achieve compact combination and favourable interaction of testing work and indoor work .

  13. 利用计算机上的AutoCAD制图软件,轻松地解决了这方面的问题,大大提高了工作效率和减少了人工绘图误差,同时使利用内业图纸求算林地面积误差变为零。

    Using AutoCAD charting software in computer can solve the problem easily , and this method increased efficiency and reduced manual mapping error , at the same time , the error of forest land calculation which using inside drawing comes to zero .

  14. 所以GPS外业工作者在只需求坐标时常常不重视天线高的量取工作,甚至不量天线高,GPS内业工作者在计算坐标时常常不输入天线高。

    So family property worker pay attention to high quantity of aerial fetch and work often at demand coordinate only outside the GPS , do not even measure the aerial high , Family property workers in GPS do not often input the high of aerial when calculate coordinates .

  15. 外业记录和内业数据处理在PC1500机上使用专用软件完成;

    Field recording and indoor data processing use PC-1500 computer with the special software ;

  16. 本文介绍在露天矿边坡和排土场的精密水准测量中应用PC-1500微机进行观测记录、平差计算以及内业成果整理的程序编制。

    This paper presents the application of microcomputer PC-1500 in the accurate leveling survey for open pit slopes and waste piles with an emphasis on the treatment of the in-situ measurement data and the calculations for adjustment of elevation in home work .

  17. 两井定向内业计算的新方法及其应用

    New Method for Calculating Two Well-oriented Internal Operation and Its Application

  18. 关于地籍调查内业整理高效率的若干方法

    Several methods about cadastral investigation indoor data processing with high efficiency

  19. 航道测量内业制图系统的开发

    The Development of the Indoor Nautical Charting System in Channel Surveying

  20. 加强工程内业管理全面提高公路工程建设质量

    Strength Engineering Internal Affaire Management and Total Raise Highway Engineering Quality

  21. 论后方交会测量方法和内业电算程序的应用

    On the Measuring Method of Resection and Applications of Office Computation Program

  22. 测量学(考古工作者及其他外业人员适用)外业与内业人员快乐感和社会支持关系比较

    A Psychology Study of Happiness and Social Support between Outdoor and Indoor Workers

  23. 微机测控及水文内业管理系统软件设计

    Software Design of Detecting and Controlling & Hydrological Interior Management System in Computer

  24. 感潮河网地区水文测验计算机内业处理系统的初步研究

    A Primary Study of a Hydrologic Data Computer Processing System on Tide River

  25. 时间视差法的原理及内业处理

    Principle of TIME-PARALLAX and its process in indoor work

  26. 关于公路工程监理内业的探讨

    Disuss about office work of supervisor in road engineering

  27. 数字测图中设站错误的内业改正

    Indoor Correction for Incorrect Station Positioning in Digital Mapping

  28. 海洋重磁资料内业整理软件的开发及应用

    Development and application for software of marine gravity and magnetic data processing indoor

  29. 谈公路工程内业资料的标准化

    The Normalization of Office Datum in Highway Engineering

  30. 集体土地所有权登记发证内业处理的探讨

    Discussion on Indoor Work Processing for Register and Providing Certificate of Collective Land Ownership