
nèi qū lì
  • drive
内驱力[nèi qū lì]
  1. 成就导向是指完成许多事情的强烈的内驱力。

    Achievement Orientation is the intense drive to get many things done .

  2. 苦闷:创作动机产生的内驱力

    Depression : Inner Drive for Literary and Artistic Creation

  3. 网购动机是指顾客网上购物的内驱力,本研究采用Pui-LaiTo等人(2007)将网购动机划分为实用性购物动机和享乐性购物动机。

    Online shopping motivation was the driving force of the customer online shopping , constituted by the utilitarian shopping motivation and hedonic shopping motives ( Pui-Lai To , 2007 ) .

  4. 内驱力是西方心理学著作中一个重要的概念。

    Motivity is a chief concept in western works of psychology .

  5. 论音乐创作内驱力与心理场、物理场的协同关系

    Cooperative Relations between Composing Internal Force and Psychological Field and Physical Field

  6. 我研究《金瓶梅》的内驱力,是为《金》进行辩护。

    My aim in studying The Golden Lotus is to defend it .

  7. 文学创作内驱力概念辨析

    Simple Analysis of the Internal Drive of Literary Creation

  8. 文化变异内驱力研究

    Comparative Research on Internal Driving Power of Cultural Variation

  9. 通常,不是原始天赋而是内驱力使你成功。

    Usually it is not raw talent but drive that makes the difference .

  10. 激发学生合作评改的内驱力;

    Excite the interior drawing force of students'cooperating correcting .

  11. 政治行为倾向是政治人格的意向、内驱力。

    The political behavior tendency is the inner motivation of the political personality .

  12. 城市发展的内涵与内驱力

    The Connotation and Inner Impetus of City Development

  13. 学习动机是激发学生学习积极性的原动力,或称内驱力。

    Study motive is a basic motive power which can stimulate students ' initiative .

  14. 实验后,对两个班分别进行了英语能力的后测及内驱力水平问卷的后测。

    The post-test on English proficiency and the post-questionnaire were employed in both classes .

  15. 法律信仰:依法治国的内驱力

    The Legal Conviction & the Internal Driving Force for Running the Country with Laws

  16. 这些构成了李贺诗创作的内驱力。

    This constitutes his drive for literary creation .

  17. 优秀的企业文化是企业可持续发展的内驱力。

    Excellent business culture is a kind of internal force of the business development .

  18. 应当在学习方法上引导学生,调动学生学习的内驱力;

    They should guide the learning methods and arouse the students ' inner motivation .

  19. 学生的成就动机主要有认知的内驱力,自我提高的内驱力,附属的内驱力三种类型。

    Students ' achievement motive includes internal stress of cognition , self improvement and subsidiary .

  20. 动机作为学习的内驱力,在外语学习中起着重要的作用。

    As an internal force of learning motivation plays an important role in language learning .

  21. 科学意识和科学观念是时代赋予思想道德的新内涵和内驱力。

    Scientific consciousness and concept is the new connotation and drive that the era endowed .

  22. 学习需要是学生进行学习的动力源泉,具有强大的内驱力。

    Learning needs is the drive source of students ' learning , witha strong motivation .

  23. 对部分研究生认知内驱力弱化的透视

    The Perspective of the Weakening of Some Postgraduates ' Cognitive Drive Models of cognitive studies

  24. 利益是文明模式建构的基础、源泉和内驱力。

    Interests are the foundation , springhead and internal driving force of the construction of civilization .

  25. 激发内驱力调动学生学习英语的积极性

    Inspiring Internal Motivity of English Study

  26. 公众对法律的信仰是中国法治化进程的内驱力。

    The belief in law by the public is the inner impulse of the Chinese constitutionality .

  27. 作者以72名英语专业本科生为对象,从认知内驱力、自我提高的内驱力和附属内驱力三方面对学生的学习动机进行了探讨。

    This correlation study of motivation and EFL teaching is carried out among 72 English major students .

  28. 事实上,公民对法律运行各个环节的积极参与构成了法治秩序确立、运行的内驱力与主体性支撑。

    In fact , the citizens ' participation in the law drives and supports the order of law .

  29. 审美意识的不断积累构成创作内驱力的真正能量来源。

    The increasing accumulation of the aesthetic consciousness constitutes the real origin of energy for the creation inner drive .

  30. 你有多了解你自己?当你交易时,有哪些内驱力在起作用?

    How well do you know yourself , and what kind of internal forces are at work when you trade ?