
nèi xī shōu
  • Internal absorption;intussusception
  1. Pb在小麦植株内吸收、分配和累积的研究

    Studies on Pb Uptake , Distribution and Accumulation in Wheat

  2. 指出,由于源本身的不均匀性即可产生c型谱(低频倒转),即使源本身是光学薄的,完全忽略其内吸收。

    It is pointed out that the spectral class c is possibly originated from the nonhomogeneity of the source even if the internal absorption in the source is neglected .

  3. 利用有限容积法采用C语言模拟了三维圆柱体内吸收、散射性介质的辐射传热温度场;

    Radiative heat transfer temperature field is numerically simulated in an absorbing & scattering media in three-dimensional cylinder , by using the finite-volume method ( FVM ) based on C language in the paper ;

  4. 4眼发生前房少量出血,在48~72h内吸收;

    Scarce bleeding inside anterior chamber occurred in 4 eyes , which was absorbed within 48-74h .

  5. 我们考虑中的一个野蛮防御的改动是将其改为在一定时间内吸收X点伤害,而不是现在的降低下次近战攻击X点。

    For Savage Defense the change we 're thinking about would probably be instead of reducing the next physical attack for X damage , it would instead absorb X damage for some duration .

  6. 不推荐给有自身免疫缺陷的人,HIV感染者,内吸收系统疾病,或是对紫锥菊或其它菊科植物敏感的人使用。

    Not recommended for individuals with autoimmune diseases , HIV infection , progressive systemic disease , or who are allergic to echinacea or other flowers of the same Compositae ( or Asteraceae ) family .

  7. 为探讨不同元素在土壤-烤烟系统内吸收分配的相互关系,采用网室盆栽的方法,研究烤烟中Cu、Zn、Mn的交互作用。

    In order to research the relationships among different elements in soil-flue-cured tobacco system , interaction among copper ( Cu ), zinc ( Zn ) and manganese ( Mn ) was studied using pot experiment in greenhouse .

  8. 为了考察SO2气体在不同排放条件下的吸收特性,研究SO2气体在紫外200~240nm内吸收截面随气压的变化规律。

    In order to investigate the absorption characteristic of SO_2 under various emission conditions , the effects of gas pressure on its absorption cross-sections at ultraviolet 200 ~ 240 nm were studied .

  9. 并发尿潴留3例,8例术后切口疼痛,其中3例于手术当晚使用止痛剂,阴囊肿胀4例,7d内吸收消退。

    There were 3 cases of urinary retention , 8 cases of postoperative incisional pain ( 3 patients had taken analgesics ), and 4 cases of scrotal swelling .

  10. 根据动物实验推算,经尿道前列腺切除的患者,术中短时间内吸收38ml/kg以上的冲洗液,有发生TURS的可能。

    We inferred that if more than 38 ml / kg the irrigating fluid was absorbed during transurethral resection of the prostate , the complication , TURS , could occur .

  11. 采用在大鼠小肠内吸收药物的方法,对葛根素的肠吸收动力学进行了研究。

    The absorption kinetics of puerarin in rat intestines was studied .

  12. 利福定在大鼠离体肠囊内吸收机制研究

    A study of the absorption mechanism of Rifandin in mice

  13. 玻璃状聚合物内吸收溶剂浓度变化问题计算

    Calculation of Concn Changement of Sorption Solvents in Glassy Polymers

  14. 学生能在一小时内吸收这节课吗?

    Can the students absorb the lesson in an hour ?

  15. 经过口服,它是在小肠内吸收。

    After oral ingestion , it is absorbed in the small intestine .

  16. 牙内吸收热塑牙胶充填治疗疗效观察内热串接石墨化炉加热过程热场数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of heat field in lengthwise graphitization furnace during heating process

  17. 萘普生缓释片体外释放与人体内吸收的相关性研究

    Correlation Between Dissolution in Vitro and Absorption in Vivo of Naproxen Sustained-Release Tablets

  18. 树木叶片衰老过程中养分元素内吸收研究

    Studies on the nutrient retranslocation efficiencies during leaf senescence

  19. 至今,香港仍然是亚洲区内吸收海外直接投资最多的地方。

    Hong Kong still leads Asia in the introduction of overseas direct investment .

  20. 齐留通片在人体内吸收迅速,分布广泛。

    Zileuton was absorbed quickly and distributed widely .

  21. 经尿道前列腺电切术血钠浓度测定与灌注液体内吸收量的估计

    Estimation of serum Na level and absorption of irrigating fluid volume in transurethral prostatectomy

  22. 失败原因为根管内吸收和暂补料脱落再感染。

    Failure was caused by absorption in root and reinfection after loss of temporary sealing agent .

  23. 他们能在传统制度和思想的基准体系内吸收并消化这些变革。

    They were able to absorb these changes within the framework of traditional institutions and ideas .

  24. 特征部分内吸收系数

    Characteristic partial internal absorbance coefficient

  25. 黄芩甙在人体内吸收的研究

    Absorption of Baicalin in human

  26. 随着水体中磷浓度的增加黑藻对水体中磷的吸附量逐渐增加,从表面吸附向细胞内吸收,平衡时间逐渐缩短。

    The capacity of the adsorbed P increased with the increasing of P concentration in water body .

  27. 乳品、铁及维生素D3对镉在大白鼠肝内吸收的影响

    The effects of dairy products , iron and vitamine D3 on cadmium absorption by the liver of rats

  28. 口服补液盐溶液在小肠内吸收,从而补充水和电解质的丢失。

    The ORS solution is absorbed in the small intestine , thus replacing the water and electrolytes lost .

  29. 不同林分类型叶片氮磷含量、氮磷比及其内吸收率

    Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations , N ∶ P ratio and resorption efficiency of leaves in different forest types

  30. 在最后一章,我们还对这些从喷流上发出的低能端和高能端的内吸收问题做了讨论。

    In the last paragraph , I also discussed the internal absorption of lowest - and highest-energy emission from jets .