
  • 网络Gastrointestinal absorption
  1. 口服药物胃肠道吸收机理预测模型研究进展

    Current status of mechanism-based gastrointestinal absorption modeling following oral administration

  2. 壳聚糖包衣对胰岛素聚酯纳米粒胃肠道吸收的促进作用

    Enhancement of gastrointestinal absorption of chitosan-coated insulin-loaded poly ( lactic-co-glycolic acid ) nanoparticles

  3. 中国人食入~(232)Th的胃肠道吸收分数

    Fractional Absorption in Gastrointestinal Tract of ~ ( 232 ) Th by Ingestion for Chinese Man

  4. 糖苷PAL在大鼠胃肠道吸收动力学研究

    Gastrointestinal absorption kinetics of glucosidase PAL in rats

  5. 本文选择具有镇静安眠止痛作用的豆腐果素为模型药物,根据其理化性质和胃肠道吸收特点,设计研制12h缓释微丸。

    According to the physicochemical properties and absorption characteristic of Helicidum in rats , its 12h sustained-release pellets were developed in this paper .

  6. 常见食物因素对大鼠血清铝水平及其铝的胃肠道吸收的影响

    Influence of Dietary Factors on Absorption and Serum Levels of Aluminum

  7. 胃肠道吸收快,1.25小时血药浓度达峰值;

    Gastrointestinal tract absorption of fast , 1.25 hours peak plasma concentration ;

  8. 胃肠道吸收,主要在空肠。

    Gastrointestinal tract absorption , predominantly in the jejunum .

  9. 药物胃肠道吸收屏障及新型促吸收方法

    Intestinal absorption barrier and novel strategies for absorption enhancement

  10. 结论:大鼠灌服复方丹参方后,丹参素可经胃肠道吸收入血,呈快吸收慢消除的过程。

    Conclusion : Danshensu can be absorbed into blood after ig compound Salvia recipe .

  11. ~8H-莪术醇自大鼠胃肠道吸收迅速且完全。

    Absorption of ~ 3H-Curcumol from gastrointestinal tract in rats was rapid and complete .

  12. 口服胰岛素聚乳酸纳米粒的胃肠道吸收与药效学研究

    Gastrointestinal absorption and pharmacodynamic research of insulin-loaded poly ( lactic acid ) nanoparticles for oral administration

  13. 胃肠道吸收动力学研究:采用在体肠循环灌注法进行研究。

    The study of absorption kinetics in Gastrointestinal : Using the intestinal perfusion method to research .

  14. 研究表明:索法酮可以通过增溶技术制备成胃肠道吸收的口服固体新剂型。

    It shows that it can be prepare a new oral administration preparation of gastro-intestinal tract absorption by solubilization technology .

  15. N-[8-(2-羟苯基)氨基]辛酸钠对胰岛素溶液的胃肠道吸收促进作用及机理

    Studies on gastrointestinal absorption enhancement effect and mechanism of sodium N - [ 8 - ( 2-hydroxybenzyl ) amino ] caprylate to insulin solution

  16. 结论:外源质粒能被胃肠道吸收,迅速分布全身各个器官并以碎片的形式在体内存留较长的时间。

    CONCLUSION : Foreign plasmid can be absorbed by gastrointestinal tract and distribute in different tissues quickly , surviving as the form of fragment .

  17. 结论提示复方法莫替丁咀嚼片中钙镁离子不经胃肠道吸收。

    CONCLUSION It was indicated that the calcium and magnesium contained in compound famotidine chewable tablets were not absorbed through gastrointestinal tract after oral administration .

  18. 超微预处理已经在中药材加工方面取得显著成效,诸多的研究结果表面超微粉碎可以增加中药材的有效成分的溶出,并使胃肠道吸收的有效成分增大。

    The results showed that the technology of ultrafine grinding can increase the dissolution of the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines and the gastrointestinal absorption of active ingredients .

  19. 在酸性条件下稳定,胃肠道吸收率达90%。它是一种时间依赖性抗生素;其抗菌效果取决于TMIC(最小抑菌浓度)的时间而非浓度。

    It is stable in acidic condition . The absorption rate in gastrointestinal is to 90 % . It is a time-dependent antibiotics ; The antibacterial effect depends on T MIC ( minimum bacteriostatic concentration ) time rather than its concentration .

  20. 本文以增加药物的胃肠道吸收,提高生物利用度为目的,同时为患者用药提供方便,研制了阿昔洛韦的缓释微丸胶囊剂。

    The purpose of the present study was designed to develop a kind of ACV controlled release capsule which would enhance the absorption of acyclovir in gastrointestinal tract and improve its bioavailability , and which would be more convenient for patients to use .

  21. 外源质粒DNA经小鼠胃肠道的吸收代谢动力学

    Metabolic kinetics of foreign plasmid DNA uptake via gastrointestinal tract in mice

  22. 结果不同剂量水平的维生素K对大鼠胃肠道钙吸收无显著影响;

    Results Vitamin K did not affect the intestinal absorption of calcium .

  23. 褐藻酸钠对~(58)Co的胃肠道阻吸收和811对体内~(58)Co的早期促排

    The prevention of Absorption of ~ ( 58 ) Co from the gastrointestinal tract by sodium alginate and removal of ~ ( 58 ) Co from the body by 811

  24. 结论:SFP对高脂血动物模型具有明显的降脂作用,其作用机制并非是促进体内脂质的代谢与消除,而可能是减少外源性脂质在胃肠道的吸收。

    Conclusion SFP has antihyperlipidemic effects on hyperlipemia models , its mechanism maybe related to its inhibiting the absorption of exterior lipids from GI tract .

  25. 目的研究荆豆凝集素(UEA1)饰的胰岛素脂质体在小鼠胃肠道的吸收作用。

    Aim To investigate the enhancing effect on insulin absorption through GI . tract in mice by using the Ulex europaeus agglutinin I ( UEA1 ) modified liposomes as the carrier .

  26. 用全身计数器测定胃肠道铁吸收率的简便方法

    A Simplified Whole-Body Counting Method for the Determination of Iron Absorption Rate of Gastro-Intestinal Tract

  27. 中西药在胃肠道中吸收、分布、排泄及药效学上的相互作用的综述。

    Interaction of compatibility of Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicines on absorption , distribution , excretion in gastrointestinal tract and pharmacodynamics was reviewed .

  28. 目的本课题旨在通过对不同载体材料和工艺的筛选,改善盐酸小檗碱在胃肠道的吸收,提高其口服生物利用度。

    Objective The subject is to improve the absorption and oral bioavailability of berberine hydrochloride through the screening of different carrier materials and processes .

  29. 这些营养素在胃肠道消化吸收并进入人体,保证机体的正常生长发育和各种生理功能。

    These nutrients are digested in gastrointestinal tract and absorbed into the body to ensure the normal growth and development of body and physiological functions .

  30. 通过结肠靶向给药,使药物能够直接作用于病变部位,减少由于药物在胃肠道上端吸收而引起的副作用,并使生物大分子类药物能够实现口服给药。

    With colon-specific drug delivery system , drug could act directly on the lesion site , reduce side effect induced by drug release in the upper gastrointestinal tract , and enable biomacromolecules to be used for oral administration .