
wèi dǐ xiàn
  • fundus gland
胃底腺[wèi dǐ xiàn]
  1. 从界嵴循胃底腺至胃窦幽门腺的顺序观察,PNA结合反应显示逐渐减弱趋势;

    Observing from fundus gland to pyloric gland , as well as , from neck , body te bottom of the glands , the reaction of PNA binding was weakened progressively .

  2. 本研究采用地高辛标记的RNA探针,用原位杂交的方法研究了大鼠胃底腺中胃蛋白酶产生细胞的个体发育。

    In this study , the ontogeny of pepsinogen producing cells in rat fundic glands was studied by in situ hybridization using a digoxigenin-labeled RNA probe .

  3. 表明猪胃底腺中SS阳性细胞的发育可能对盐酸细胞的发育具有调节作用。

    Our results suggested that the development of SSpositive cells plays an important role in the development of oxyntic cells in porcine gastric tissue .

  4. 萎缩性胃炎患者胃底腺粘膜萎缩愈严重,SPG值降低愈显著。

    The more serious the fundus glands membrane atrophied from patients with atrophic gastritis , the slower the SPG value descended .

  5. 采用HE染色和免疫组化方法结合生物体视学技术,对链脲佐菌素诱导的糖尿病大鼠在胃底腺的壁细胞和幽门部胃粘膜的G细胞进行立体计量研究。

    The stereological survey on the parietal cells in the gastric oxyntic glands and the gastrin cells in the gastric pyloric mucosa of the streptozotocin induced diabetic rats was performed using combined HE staining and gastrin 's immunocytochemistry by Weibel 's stereological methods .

  6. 应用Image-processing-plus图象分析系统测量胃底腺、肠绒毛长度。

    The stomach gland and the small intestine villi were measured by Image-processing-plus .

  7. 结果:给予硝酸镧6个月后,20和10mg·kg-1组大鼠胃底腺上有较多胞质疏松的壁细胞;

    Results : In the groups of 20 mg · kg - 1 and 10 mg · kg - 1 , the cytoplasma of more parietal cells lying in the top of the gastric gland was loose .

  8. 在胃底腺中,人的壁细胞只对WGA反应,主细胞对WGA和PNA都有反应,而大小鼠二种细胞对三种凝集素均有反应。

    In gastric glands , the parietal cells showed only positive staining with WGA in human . While chief cells showed positive reaction with WGA and PNA . All lectin reactions with both cells showed positive staining in rat and mouse .

  9. 胃底腺壁细胞含量较多。

    There are a relatively many parietal cells in the fundic gland .

  10. 胃底腺壁细胞、主细胞、颈粘液细胞比值的变化与剂量呈一定相关性;

    Proportion of cell types of the gastric gland was related to the doses .

  11. 胃壁细胞出生于胃底腺的开端处,然后转移到底部。

    Gastric parietal cells are born close to the opening of the fundic gland and then migrate towards the bottom .

  12. HGM72的抗原表达在胃底腺的颈细胞及胃窦腺细胞。

    The HGM 72 specific mucin carbohydrates could be detected in the cells of antral gland and mucosa neck cells of gastric gland .

  13. 皱胃的胃底腺主要是主细胞和壁细胞,颈粘液细胞数量少而不明显。

    Fundic gland of the abomasum consists primarily of chief cells and parietal cells , but neck mucous cells are few and not clear .

  14. 对小肠绒毛长度有提高的趋势,比对照组高44.36%,对胃底腺胃小凹的深度有加深的趋势,比对照组深17.74%。

    The villus length in the small intestine raised by 44.36 % , while the gastric pits altitude in the fundic gland improved by 17 . 74 % .

  15. 舌癌切除术中应用口腔组织补片修复口腔黏膜缺损的护理配合双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜组织学与组织化学研究

    Nursing cooperation in surgical procedure of glossectomy and repair with acellular dermal matrix Histology and Histochemistry of the Stomach of the Bactrian Camel in China ( Camelus bactrianus ) & The Fundic Glandular Region Mucosa

  16. 盆底组织和血浆中神经肽Y的表达及其与盆底松弛的关系双峰驼胃底腺区黏膜组织学与组织化学研究

    Expression of Neuropeptide Y in Plasm and Pelvic Tissue and Its Relationship with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Histology and Histochemistry of the Stomach of the Bactrian Camel in China ( Camelus bactrianus ) & The Fundic Glandular Region Mucosa

  17. 胃底腺内壁细胞和主细胞的反应有明显的种系差异,人和犬二种细胞都为阳性反应,而大小鼠只有主细胞有阳性反应。肠腺阳性反应。

    There was significant species difference of staining reaction in chief cell and parietal cell of gastric glands : both cells showed positive staining in human and dog , while only chief cells showed positive reaction in rat and mouse .

  18. 结果表明,双峰驼胃底腺区有发达的黏膜皱襞和厚的黏膜层,固有层中充满长而直的分支管状腺,由颈黏液细胞、壁细胞、主细胞和亲银细胞组成。

    The results showed that there is thick mucous membrane in the fundic glandular region and the lamina propria is occupied by long straight branching tubular glands consisted of mucus neck cells , parietal cells , chief cells and argentaffin cells .

  19. 结论:慢性饮酒刺激胃黏膜底腺干细胞的增殖可能与酒精引起活性氧(ROS)增多有关,同时本研究还第1次发现慢性饮酒诱导胃底腺干细胞增殖是由BMK1所介导。

    Conclusion : Our results suggest that long-term stimulus with the low-concentration ethanol-induced gastric mucosal cell proliferation is related with BMK1 signaling pathway via ROS production .

  20. 结论:以上结果提示,胃小凹上皮细胞、胃底腺壁细胞含有DHEA,DHEA对消化道可能具有重要的调节功能。

    Conclusions : Parietal cells had DHEA , which might play an important role in the regulation of digestive function .

  21. 胃体及幽门区上皮分别内陷形成单管状的胃底腺和幽门腺,无贲门腺;

    Epithelia at gastric body and pyloric area sank inward respectively , forming simple tubular fundic and pyloric glands , no cardiac gland was found ;

  22. 目的:观察小鼠胃体部粘膜内分泌细胞的超微结构,及内分泌细胞与胃底腺主细胞、壁细胞等细胞的相互关系。

    Objective : To observe the ultrastructure of endocrine cells in the mucosa of the mouse stomach . Meanwhile , to identify the relations between these endocrine cells and other cells , such as the chief cells and parietal cells .