
wèi bì
  • stomach wall
  1. 此外,喹乙醇对中华鳖稚鳖的胃壁有一定的损伤作用,而且在400mg/kg时胃壁损伤率较高。

    Some hurts were observed in stomach wall , and the rate of harmed turtles became higher at the 200mg / kg olaquindox level .

  2. 用胃壁标本评估中国狍和欧洲狍(Capreoluscapreolus)的营养状况(英文)

    Stomach wall samples as indicators of nutritional status in Chinese and European roe deer ( capreolus capreolus )

  3. 螺旋CT在胃分区及胃壁厚度测量中的价值

    Evaluation of spiral CT in gastric subarea and measuring gastric thickness

  4. 口服脂肪性造影剂后胃壁的CT观察

    The CT Observation of Gastric Wall with Oral Fat-density Contrast Agent

  5. 恶性肿瘤背景下胃壁增厚的CT观察

    CT Observing Thickness of Stomach at Background of Malignancy Tumor

  6. 多层螺旋CT判断胃癌胃壁浸润深度的价值

    Multislice CT for diagnosis of invasion depth of gastric cancer

  7. CT检查均显示胃病变区胃壁明显不规则增厚,3例患者出现肝转移灶。

    Metastatic foci in the liver appeared on CT in 3 cases .

  8. 结果主要CT征象为胃壁增厚僵硬、肿块。

    Results The main CT signs included thickening of gastric wall and mass .

  9. 对7例经病理证实的胃平滑肌肉瘤的CT表现进行了分析,其特征性CT表现是(1)左上腹较大肿块与胃壁密切连续,不易分离;

    The CT findings of seven cases with gastric leiomyosarcoma proved Pathologically were analyzed .

  10. 螺旋CT三期扫描对进展期胃癌胃壁浸润的研究

    Gastric Wall Invasion in Advanced Gastric Cancer : A Study with Triphasic Spiral CT Scanning

  11. 胃壁动态观察在胃癌CT诊断中的价值

    Clinical value of dynamic observation of thc gastric wall in CT diagnosis of gastric cancer

  12. 胃壁淋巴管浸润或淋巴结转移阳性肿瘤的MiB-1PI较高(P<0.05)。

    Cancers with lymphatic vessel invasion or lymph node metastasis had higher MiB-1 PI ( PR < 0.05 ) .

  13. CT扫描中胃壁的厚度和浆膜的累及有相关性(P<0.001)。

    Wall thickness assessed in dynamic CT correlated with the risk of serosal involvement ( P < 0.001 ) .

  14. 三种H2受体拮抗剂诱导鼠胃壁细胞H2受体脱敏的比较

    Differences among desensitization of histamine H_2 receptor induced by three H_2 receptor antagonists on rat gastric parietal cells

  15. 目的探讨进展期胃癌胃壁浸润CT分层征象的病理学基础。

    Objective To explore the pathological basis of CT " laminated sign " about gastric wall invasion of advanced gastric cancer .

  16. 恶性胃壁增厚性病变的CT、钡餐与胃镜对比研究

    Malignant thickening lesions of the gastric walls : a correlative study of CT scans versus gastrointestinal barium meal examinations and gastroscopies

  17. 人胎胃壁内NOS阳性神经元发育的研究

    Prenatal development of the NOS positive neurons in human gastric wall

  18. 目的研究颅脑损伤(braininjury,BI)大鼠胃壁细胞形态和泌酸功能的变化。

    Objective : To assess the changes of gastric parietal cellular configuration and acid secretion in rats with brain injury ( BI ) .

  19. 对102例口服15%花生油乳剂行上腹部CT扫描的正常人胃壁的厚度及形态进行观察。

    The shape and thickness of the cardiac and gastric wall of 102 volunteers with epigastric CT scans after taking 15 % peanut oil emulsion were observed .

  20. 软饮会腐蚀你的胃壁。n.侵蚀,腐蚀;

    Soft drinks erode your stomach lining .

  21. 通过CT平扫、增强及延迟多相位动态观察胃壁改变,以局限性胃壁厚度10mm作为胃壁增厚的诊断标准。

    Dynamic observation of the gastric wall were undergone by plan , contrasted and delayed CT scans .

  22. 局限性的大弯侧胃壁伸展受限和Ⅱc样凹陷灶是浸润型胃癌最常见的早期X线征象;浸润型胃癌的CT表现特点与临床应用价值

    The focal rigidity of great curvature and ⅱ c like depressed lesions are the most common early X-ray appearances of infiltrative gastric carcinoma . CT Features of Infiltrative Gastric Carcinoma

  23. 颈部:胃壁横形切开,常规手工吻合(简称A1);

    Cervical anastomosis : Transerse incision of stomach with hand suture anastomosis ( A1 ) .

  24. 目的评价多层螺旋CT(MSCT)术前判断胃癌胃壁浸润深度的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of multislice CT ( MSCT ) in the diagnosis of invasion depth of gastric cancer before operation .

  25. CT表现:12例可见在胃体或胃底部软组织肿块影,边界清晰,位于胃壁,与周围组织关系分界清晰;

    According to CT images soft tissue masses were found on fundus or stomach body in 12 patients . The lesion margin was clear and had distinct interface with surrounding structures .

  26. 幽门螺杆菌阳性胃炎患者杀菌治疗前后胃壁细胞形态及H~+-K~+ATP酶mRNA基因表达情况的变化

    Changes of gastric parietal cells morphology and H ~ + - K ~ + ATPase mRNA gene expression in H. pylori-related gastritis before and after H.pylori eradication

  27. 幽门螺杆菌感染及根除对胃壁细胞及氢-钾ATP酶mRNA基因表达的影响

    Effect of Helicobacter pylori infection and its eradication on gastric parietal cell and the H ~ + - K ~ + ATPase mRNA expression

  28. 结果微米大黄炭能显著缩短胃壁组织平均出血时间和局部出血时间,与云南白药组比较,微米大黄炭组和NA盐水组平均出血时间显著缩短(P<0.01,P<0.05);

    Results : Micron rhubarb charcoal could shorten the average bleeding time of gastric tissue and local bleeding time ( p < 0.01 ) .

  29. 结果:NOS广泛分布于大鼠胃壁内,主要定位于肌间神经丛,在粘膜下丛、胃粘膜表面、胃腺及血管壁等处亦有分布。

    Results : NOS was widely distributed in the gastric wall and most of it was localized in the myenteric plexus .

  30. 采用ABS灌注法对30例新鲜胎儿尸体(6~10月)的胃壁内动脉的微血管进行了观察和测量。

    , Oriental ingredients ( 10 spp. ) We injected ABS to the arteries of 30 fetuses to study the arteral microvascular of stomach .