
nèi chénɡ
  • inner city
  1. 政府将继续努力重建内城地区。

    The government will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas .

  2. 新内城住宅&浅析伦敦多尼布鲁克住宅

    New Housing in Inner City : Housing in Donnybrook , London

  3. 这是个为各种内城常见问题所困扰的社区。

    It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems

  4. 政府大力推行改造内城贫民区的计划。

    The government pushed through schemes to rejuvenate the inner cities

  5. “内城的情况很糟,而且是越来越糟。”她断言道。

    ' The situation in the inner cities is bad and getting worse , ' she concluded .

  6. 内城区的区位特征与低收入者的就业可达性

    Location Characteristics of Inner-city Neighborhoods and Employment Accessibility of Low-wage Workers

  7. 荒废的内城区可以廉价出售用来修建房屋。

    Derelict inner-city sites could be sold off cheaply for housing .

  8. 土壤侵蚀内城现象及其启示

    Phenomena of Vicious Circle of Soil Erosion and Its Enlightenment

  9. 湖北省土壤侵蚀内城现象及景观格局

    Inner-city-Phenomenon of Soil Erosion and Landscape Pattern in Hubei Province

  10. 精明的密度规划是内城设计的指导方针。

    Smart density planning is a guiding consideration for internal city design .

  11. 内城中央的城门仍旧保持着原来的样子。

    The central tartar city gate , was still in its original form .

  12. 被忽略的内城区已经陷入更进一步地贫穷和衰败。

    The neglected inner-city area that has sunk further into poverty and decay .

  13. 荷属安的列斯群岛的威廉斯塔德历史区域、内城和海港

    Historic Area of Willemstad , Inner City , and Harbour , The Netherlands Antilles

  14. 政府发布了一份有关内城暴力的报告。

    The government have issue a report on the problem of inner city violence .

  15. 今天在北京内城漫步,还能时时看见深宅大院。

    Inside Beijing the city strolls today , still can see constantly deep curtilage courtyard .

  16. 迦太基人的喀尔寇阿内城及其墓地

    Punic Town of Kerkuane and its Necropolis

  17. 西蒙1967年加入哥伦比亚广播公司,曾报道过校园抗议和内城骚乱等重要事件。

    Simon joined CBS News in 1967 , covering campus demonstrations and inner city riots .

  18. 英国内城问题研究城市有我一片天

    Research on the British Inner City

  19. 梁思成指出,将政府行政中心建在内城面临两大困难。

    Liang said there were two difficulties in locating a governmental centre in the old city .

  20. 柏林内城发展规划

    Town Development Planning in Berlin

  21. 为此,河北移动进行了省内城域数据网的建设。

    To this end , China Mobile Hebei Branch carried out the construction of metro data network .

  22. 西方国家大城市内城改造与新城规划案例分析

    A Case Study of Inner City Rebuilding and the Planning of New District in Big City of West Country

  23. 现代化的公寓配套停车场为内城生活提供了全方位的便利条件。

    A carpark with this apartment is a huge advantage , giving an exciting total package for inner city living .

  24. 北京内城的跨街牌楼首当其冲成为城市近代化建设中矛盾的焦点。

    During that time , the street archways of inward city became the core of contradiction because of the city modernization .

  25. 北京老城商业空间演替过程研究&以1996年到2006年内城南北剖线变化为例

    Commercial Space Succession in Old City of Beijing Case of Survey Line of Inner City in Beijing from 1996 to 2006

  26. 自20世纪的70年代,西方城市文化政策主导下的城市更新开始兴起,其首要的发展目标在于解决内城危机和由此产生的经济问题。

    In 1970 's , cultural-policy-led regeneration appeared in western cities aiming to solve the inner city crisis and the economic problem .

  27. 7你的两太阳在帕子内,如同一块石榴。9、苏里南帕拉马里博的古老内城。

    As a piece of a pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks . 9.The historical inner city of Paramaribo , Suriname .

  28. 汶上信息港三位电影制作新人准备制作一部关于汶上内城生活的纪录片。

    Three first-time filmmakers , Justin , Dana and John set out to make a documentary about the hardships of inner-city life .

  29. 土壤侵蚀内城现象是自然因子与社会因子共同作用形成的。

    The phenomena of " vicious circle of soil erosion " is formed by the common action of natural factor and social factor .

  30. 外城墙建于1680年,以保护城市地区以外的内城墙,这也有个大门。

    The outer city wall was built in1680 to protect the urban area outside the inner city wall , which also had eight gates .