
  • 网络Interior wall latex paint;Beaucolor
  1. 改性胶体及其对高PVC内墙乳胶漆性能的影响

    Modified Colloid and Its Influence on performance of High PVC Interior Emulsion Coatings

  2. 高PVC内墙乳胶漆对比率等性能的影响因素

    Influence factor of high PVC interior wall latex paint on contrast ratio and other performances

  3. 纳米TiO2改性内墙乳胶漆的性能

    Research on Properties of Nano-TiO_2 Modified Interior Latex Paint

  4. 丙烯酸内墙乳胶漆中VOCs散发研究

    Study on feature of VOCs emission from acrylic interior wall latex paint

  5. 纳米TiO2改性内墙乳胶漆的抗菌性能及甲醛降解研究

    Study on Antibacterial property and Degradation Formaldehyde of Interior Latex Coating Modified by Nano-TiO_2

  6. 主要研究了利用TiO2光催化作用对传统内墙乳胶漆改性,并进行降解甲醛实验的研究。

    The paper mainly researched photocatalytic effect of modified interior latex coating by nano-TiO_2 and the experiment of degradation formaldehyde .

  7. 零VOC内墙乳胶漆及专用乳液的研究

    Research on Zero VOC Interior Latex Paint and Special Emulsion

  8. 低VOC杀虫抗菌内墙乳胶漆的研制

    Development of Insecticidal and Anti-Microbial Emulsion Paint with Low VOC for Internal Wall

  9. 简单介绍了VOC的定义及其危害、乳胶漆中VOC的主要来源,着重论述了超低VOC内墙乳胶漆的配方设计,主要包括乳液的选用、水性助剂合理搭配及颜填料的选择等。

    Based on introduction of definition , the harm and original of volatile organic compound ( VOC ) in latex paint , the formulation design of zero VOC latex paint for interior wall including the choice of polymer latex , additives , pigment and packing are emphasized .

  10. 负离子内墙乳胶漆的研制及应用研究

    Development and Application of Negative Ion Emulsion Paint for Interior Wall

  11. 仿瓷涂料,内墙乳胶漆,外墙丙稀酸的生产,销售。

    Fangci paint , interior Rujiaoqi walls bingxisuan production , marketing .

  12. 用于无气喷涂施工的内墙乳胶漆配方设计

    Composition Design of Interior Wall Coatings Used for Airless Spraying Application

  13. 净醛内墙乳胶漆的配方设计及其施工性能研究

    Formulation Design and Application of Formaldehyde-Buster Interior Wall Latex Paint

  14. 丙烯酸酯树脂内墙乳胶漆中甲醛的释放特征交联型丙烯酸酯树脂涂料的研究

    Study on Formaldehyde Emissions from Acrylic Aqueous Interior Coatings

  15. 多功能内墙乳胶漆是一种新型环境治理健康漆。

    Interior Latex Paint is a new type of environmental control health Chatham .

  16. 高流平、耐沾污性内墙乳胶漆的研制

    Preparation of Interior Wall Latex Coatings with High Performances of Leveling and Anti-pollution

  17. 具有调湿功能的内墙乳胶漆

    Latex Paint for Interior Wall with Humidity Conditioning Function

  18. 一种建筑内墙乳胶漆的研制

    Preparation of emulsion paint for building interior wall

  19. 环保型内墙乳胶漆配方设计

    Formulation Design of Environmental Friendly Interior Emulsion Paint

  20. 从产品质量抽查结果分析内墙乳胶漆行业现状

    Analysis of Present Status of Interior Emulsion Coatings According to a Selective Examination of Product Quality

  21. 浅谈经济型内墙乳胶漆的制备

    Preparation of Economical Interior Latex

  22. 通过实验,对影响内墙乳胶漆对比率和贮存稳定性的各种因素进行了分析。

    The author gives his view point on the factors which may influence the contrast ration and storage stability .

  23. 研制健康型内墙乳胶漆对于人类健康、保护居住环境具有重要意义。

    It is significant to research the emulsion paint of wall in the health type to the human health , protect the living environment .

  24. 公司产品系列主要有:内墙乳胶漆、外墙乳胶漆、弹性外墙乳胶漆、水性氟碳涂料、质感艺术涂料、工业地坪等多种产品。

    The products mainly have : interior wall latex paint , exterior wall latex paint , flexible exterior wall latex paint , water based fluorocarbon paint , textural art paint , industrial terrace etc.

  25. 乙丙内墙平光乳胶漆

    Vinyl acetate-acrylate matt interior wall latex paint

  26. 苯丙内墙无光乳胶漆

    Styrene-acrylic interior wall matt latex paint