
nèi kù
  • underpants;pants;briefs;knickers;drawers;thong;kecks
内裤[nèi kù]
  1. 地板上有一个胸罩和一条短内裤。

    A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor .

  2. 那么可以尝试耐克3TempoModernEmbossed这款跑步短裤,这款短裤有多个口袋,内置内裤和可以通风的网面材料。

    Try Nike 3 " Tempo Modern Embossed running shorts , which have multiple pockets , built-in briefs , and mesh panels to encourage airflow .

  3. 她给安买了两件胸罩、6条内裤。

    She bought Ann two bras and six pairs of knickers .

  4. 往浴缸里放水时,他穿着内裤走来走去。

    While the bath was filling , he padded about in his underpants .

  5. 他穿着内裤就冲出来。

    He rushed out in pants .

  6. 显然,这是出于卫生考虑,因为男性可能会把宽松的平角泳裤当成普通内裤来穿,这样他们可能会感染尘土之类的脏东西。

    Apparently3 , it has to do with hygiene4 , because men may wear their baggy5 swim shorts as normal shorts and then they may pick up dust , dirt , and such . 9 .

  7. 我妈以前会这么说来吓唬我:“给我穿条干净内裤!不穿的话想想要是你被公交车撞了,护士们就会看到你的脏内裤。”这估计是最糟糕的状况了吧。

    My mom used to scare1 me with this one : " Put on clean underwear2 ! If you get hit by a bus , all the nurses will see those dirty ones ! " . Always wondered which situation would have been worse .

  8. 你知不知道在英国,pants指的是内裤?

    Did you know that in Britain " pants " means underwear ?

  9. 我们还有红黑的Ellen内裤正在热卖

    and we also have red and black Ellen underwear that were selling

  10. 用途:适用于PVC、PET胶片成型的各种瓜子筒,子弹内裤,文具,玩具,糖果,一般商品的圆筒包装盒

    Application : PVC , PET film tube forming a variety of seeds , bullets underwear , stationery , toys , confectionery , general merchandise cylinder box

  11. 因为两年前与亚洲航空CEO托尼·费尔南德斯就F1大奖赛打赌输了,这位亿万富翁企业家不得不男扮女装:脱掉平角内裤穿上丝袜!

    The billionaire entrepreneur swapped his boxer shorts for a pair of stockings after losing a Grand Prix bet with AirAsia chief executive Tony Fernandez two years ago .

  12. Halifax一个老师反映当一个“没穿内裤的男孩”体育课换衣服时,学生会笑他。

    One teacher from Halifax reported pupils laughing when a'boy with no underpants'was changing for PE .

  13. 我只穿祖母式内裤,22岁,身材苗条的茱莉亚·贝里斯(JuliaBaylis)骄傲地宣布。

    I only wear granny panties , Julia Baylis , a willowy 22-year-old , declared proudly .

  14. 把iPhone当作盔甲无疑要比之前被捕的偷渡者的方法好闻多了——那个家伙把机器藏在了内裤里。

    The body armor approach may be a decidedly less smelly method than what was employed by another recently caught Chinese iPhone smuggler . That man was caught wearing the devices in his underwear .

  15. 1日,碧昂斯在Ins上发布了一张仙气十足的照片公布该消息,照片中她身穿胸衣和内裤,轻轻地抱着孕肚,周围花团锦簇。

    In her photo announcement on Wednesday , Beyonce posed in just a bra and panties in an ethereal shot while surrounded by flowers and cradling her bump in an Instagram post .

  16. 你可以在TheUnderwearExpert网站找到这一论断的证据。这家网站专门研究、测试、评价甚至策划销售内裤,内容十分全面。那些内裤是从目前挤满市场的近600个品牌中挑选出来的。

    Proof of that assertion can be found on The Underwear Expert , a startlingly comprehensive website dedicated to researching , testing , reviewing and even curating for sale underpants culled from the nearly 600 labels now crowding the field .

  17. “酷”的仲裁者,科洛·塞维尼(ChloëSevigny)已经成了这款内裤的粉丝。

    She already counts Chlo ë Sevigny , an arbiter of all things cool , as a fan .

  18. 米拉·达尔贝西奥(MylaDalbesio)也欢迎这股全底内裤风潮,她是内裤模特,穿10码。

    Fuller styles are a welcome alternative for Myla Dalbesio , a size 10 underwear model .

  19. 据一张即将出版的《GQ》杂志泄露版封面照片显示,这名歌手穿着一件极其省布料的polo衫——几乎再无其他,除此之外只有豹纹内裤和一点金色首饰。

    A leaked photo of an upcoming issue of GQ shows the singer clad in a very tiny polo shirt - and little else , save for leopard-print underwear and some gold jewelry .

  20. 据一张即将出版的《GQ》杂志泄露版封面照片显示,这名歌手穿着一件极其省布料的polo衫&几乎再无其他,除此之外只有豹纹内裤和一点金色首饰。

    A leaked photo of an upcoming issue of GQ shows the singer clad in a very tiny polo shirt & and little else , save for leopard-print underwear and some gold jewelry .

  21. 受到海德思想的触动,佐佐文木雄的背包里只带有着一个MacBookAir,Wi-Fi手机,Kindle电子书阅读器,一本书和一个充电宝,还有袜子和内裤。

    Motivated by Hyde 's ideas , Fumio has a backpack in which he carries a MacBook Air , Wi-Fi cell phone , Kindle e-reader , a book and a battery charger , as well as socks and some underwear .

  22. 新推出的这款名叫BraRangers的内衣得名于电视剧中的变形超人,与其配套的内裤口袋里还绣有“别用塑料袋!”的字样。

    The " Bra Rangers " -- named after the television characters that morph into superheroes -- come with matching underwear whose pocket has the inscribed message , " No more plastic bags ! "

  23. 虽然Saks男装部的负责人艾瑞克·杰宁斯(EricJennings)说这种内裤更时尚一些,但有些消费者也许会不屑一顾,因为觉得牛仔布根本不适合用来做男士内裤。

    Though Saks'men 's fashion director Eric Jennings says these shorts are more contemporary , they still may not pass muster with some who don 't think men should ever wear jean shorts .

  24. 创造出这款独特的培根内裤的公司声称他们采用了源自NASA并加以革新的培根气味印染技术,解释说,为了制造这款火辣内裤,他们“将极致的舒适和培根完美结合在了一起”。

    Using what they describe as ' advances in bacon-scented printing technologies from NASA ' , the creators of the unique bacon-y briefs explain that they have ' married the ultimate in comfort and cured meat ' in order to create the racy design .

  25. 用FFA-3功能纤维、非织造布、织物开发的抗菌防褥疮床单、除臭鞋垫、保健内裤、冰箱除臭保鲜剂等产品投入市场后,用户反映良好。

    After sanitary shoe-pad , health underpants , refrigerator deodorizer using FFA-3 are putted on the market , user reflects well .

  26. 即使在维也纳会议上,一些所谓的女士们仍穿着高腰服装,并故意弄湿,使其显得透明,而新式的、两条裤腿完全分离的贴身开裆内裤(drawers)几乎完全无法保护她们的羞怯。

    Even at the Congress , some of the so-called ladies were still wearing high-waisted dresses deliberately dampened to make them transparent , their modesty barely protected by the new-fangled drawers that had two legs wholly unconnected to one another .

  27. 这位在HBO奇幻电视剧中饰演雪诺的明星目前正在伦敦约克公爵剧院参演舞台剧《浮士德博士》,在这台剧中,哈灵顿大部分时间都只穿着内裤,到最后还会露得更多。

    The star - who plays Jon Snow in the HBO fantasy series - is currently appearing in Doctor Faustus at the Duke of York Theatre in London , in which he spends most of his time in his pants and eventually shows rather more .

  28. 到了今天春天是一个比我年长12岁、和一位穿着褪色长内裤的“古风”派男子共住在一间俯视Tompkins广场公园的家伙。

    In the spring there was the guy12 years older than me who shared an apartment overlooking Tompkins Square Park with an antediluvian man who walked around in graying long underwear .

  29. 除了销售,这款“女权主义内裤”还激发了“你和我”的消费者们在Instagram上无止境的“后自拍”(belfies,就是从身后自拍)风潮,她们乐于张扬自己对女性主义的肯定以及时尚的臀部。

    Besides sales , the " feminist underwear " has inspired countless Instagram " belfies " ( that 's a selfie for the behind ) from Me and You customers eager to show off their feminist convictions as well as their pert posteriors .

  30. 我知道进行比较是不对的。但是我感觉到好像我在卡文克莱的广告中度过了一晚,而我现在又回到了棒球、炸鸡桶和BVD牌内裤的生活中了。

    I know it was wrong to compare , but I felt like I had spent the evening in a Calvin Klein ad and now I was back to baseball , buckets , and BVDs .