
  1. 自发性思维与个体的自我相关事件密切有关。其自发性思维内容反应了个体关注的个人事件,内部感受,未完成的目标未解决的挑战,内心的担忧和希望,存在争议的内部想法等等。

    Spontaneous thinking is closely related with the personal events of daily life , and it reflects the persons current concerns , internal feelings , unfinished goals , unresolved challenges , inner fears and hopes , the interior of the controversial ideas and so on .

  2. 谈话时,说话者面对面,也就可以看到对方对所谈内容的反应。

    When speaking to one another , speakers are face to face and can therefore see how individuals react to what is said .

  3. 这是一个很好的方式去了解别人眼中的世界,然后在此过程中,认真地审视自己对所阅读的内容的反应。

    Its a good way to see the world from someone elses eyes and , in the process , critically examine your own reaction to what youre reading .

  4. 另外,由于机器人不会对人们表达的内容作出反应或给予评判,我们自己的偏见也会投射到这些自动化系统中,让我们以为机器人会无条件支持我们。

    As well , since robots don 't react orjudge what someone says , our own biases get projected onto these automatedbeings and we assume they 're rooting for us no matter what , he said .

  5. 其中,劳动歌、摆手歌、时政歌、情歌、儿歌、习俗歌等不同的形式与内容都反应了土家族民间文化生活的各个方面。

    The different form and content of folk such as work songs , Baishou songs , politics songs , love songs , nursery songs and custom songs , have reflected the Tujia folk culture in all aspects of life .

  6. 股票市场过度反应是对有效市场假说的-个重要挑战,也是行为金融学研究领域的一项重要内容。过度反应假说是由Debond和Thaler最先正式提出的。

    The stock market overreaction is one of the important challenges to effective market hypothesis , is also an important content in the field of behavior finance research . " Overreaction " hypothesis was first formally proposed by De the bond and Thaler .

  7. 中性脂肪以肠管和肠内容物着色反应最明显;

    The intestinal wall and the contents of intestine with the strong reaction for lipid ;

  8. 近年来反应精馏技术的研究和应用都取得了较大进展,其中重要内容之一是反应精馏过程的建模与模拟。

    In recent years , great progress has been made in the research and application of reactive distillation .

  9. 表面预处理的主要内容及着色反应的化学机理。并对目前众多的人工表面着色配方进行了归纳。

    This paper also sums up many useful prescription of artificial surface coloration and presents the chemical mechanism of coloration reactions .

  10. 例如,可能是对角蛋白或皮脂等毛囊内容物的反应,甚至可能是对毛囊螨虫的反应。

    It may , for instance , be a reaction to follicular contents , such as keratins and sebum , or even to Demodex folliculorum .

  11. 《有机化学》是化工专业的一门十分重要的基础课,其特点是内容庞杂、反应繁多,既有鲜明的理论性又有突出的应用性。

    Organic Chemistry is an important basic course for chemical industry specialty , including plenty of contents and various reactions , distinctive theories and applications .

  12. 在教学中,学生对学科内容的情感反应被认为是影响其学习行为和成绩的重要因素,积极的情感反应有利于产生良好的学习效果。

    Students ' emotional response to academic subject matter is important to learning behavior and achievement in teaching , and positive responses are helpful to learning .

  13. 试验内容主要包括反应器在中温(35℃)的启动运行和在常温下运行的效果,重点研究其浓缩功能和消化功能。

    The experimented contents include the reactor startup mesophilic condition ( 35 ℃) and the operating effects under normal condition , with emphases thickening and digestion function .

  14. 测井相识别是油田沉积相识别的重要内容,找出反应测井曲线本质的特征是模式识别的关键。

    Recognition of log facies is the key to the recognition of deposition facies and the identification of the features representing the nature o f log is very important for pattern recognition .

  15. 建立了能够同时在团簇微观和电极宏观两尺度上描述多孔电极内反应和传递耦联过程的非线性理论模型,研究内容处于电化学反应工程理论研究的前沿,是对传统研究方法的突破。

    The nonlinear theoretical model was developed to simultaneity describe the coupled reaction-transport process on both scales of the micro cluster and macro size of electrode . The study is in forward position of electrochemical reaction engineering , and is of challenge to conventional research method .

  16. 测试内容包括记忆力、反应时间和认知功能的测试,这些测试的结果随后被用来进行比较。

    The test covered memory , reaction times and cognitive function , and the results were subsequently compared .

  17. 而书写拉开了书写者和读者的距离,书写者没办法得知读者看到书写内容时的直接反应。

    On the other hand , writing creates distance between writer and reader , preventing the writer from getting any immediate reaction from the reader .

  18. 公平作为法律价值观的重要内容,它主要反应社会利益的一种协调和平衡状况。

    As an important content of the value of law , Equity mainly responds of a kind of condition with coordination and equilibrium among social benefits .

  19. 还是其他因素也会让诚实者测出在说谎,比如问题内容导致的情感反应、或者测试环境本身?

    Or can other factors , such as emotional reactions to the content of the questions or the testing situation itself , cause truthful people to appear to be liars ?

  20. 社会的发展日新月异,一方面要求教学内容能迅速做出反应,增加一些反映现实生活、现实社会发展的新内容;

    The development of the society changes with each passing day , request the content of course can do a reaction quickly increasing new contents of some reflections of the real life , realistic social development ;

  21. 本文主要研究曝气生物滤池中脱氮工艺与过程控制的相关内容,研究了反应器的启动与影响因素、反应器空间特性、反冲洗特性和反应器中生物膜与生物相的变化等。

    This research examined the craft of nitrogen-removal and the process control with biological aerated filter ( BAF ) . the reactor start and the influence factors , space character , back-flushing characteristic , reactor biofilm characteristic and biofacies change were investigated .