
  1. 在平衡宣传工具与市场方面还有很大空间,喻国明表示。

    There is still a lot of room to balance mouthpiece and market , said Prof Yu .

  2. 人民大学新闻学教授喻国明对中国日报说,节目必须满足大众的需求以及媒体环境的变化,否则就将面临进一步的衰落。

    Renmin University journalism professor Yu Guoming told China Daily that programmers need to address audience demands and changes in the media landscape or face further decline .

  3. “改革这些党的宣传工具难度很大,让它们上市开创了一个进行尝试的新的可能,”人民大学新闻学院教授喻国明表示。

    " Reforming these party mouthpieces is very difficult , and listing them is a new possibility for experimenting , " said Yu Guoming , a journalism expert at Renmin University .