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  • internal circuit
内电路[nèi diàn lù]
  1. 内电路全部采用大功率继电器转换,避免了经常烧毁开关现象。

    The internal circuit is made of high-power relay switching which avoiding the phenomena often burned .

  2. 贯通导线对屏蔽机箱内电路HEMP耦合电流的影响

    Effects to HEMP induced current in circuits inside the shielding box caused by penetrative wire

  3. 分析了不同开关频率范围内电路工作原理,并建立了基波等效电路,采用基波分析方法对LLC谐振电路的电压增益特性、输入阻抗特性进行了研究,确定了电路软开关工作范围。

    Analyzed the circuit working principles in different frequency range , established the fundamental equivalent circuit , the LLC resonant circuit voltage gain characteristics , input impedance characteristics has been analyzed through fundamental analysis method , determined the soft-switching working range .

  4. 关于电容器内电路特性的探讨

    Discussion on the Internal Characteristics of a Capacitor

  5. 由于孔内部是绝缘层与铜层交替存在的,因此要实现孔内电路导通,需要对孔壁进行金属化处理。

    Hole within the insulating layer and the copper layer alternately exist to achieve the hole circuit is turned on , metal treatment on the pore wall .

  6. 一种NMOS型折叠和内插电路及其SPICE分析

    An NMOS Folding and Interpolating Circuit and Its SPICE Simulation

  7. 在分析星载FPGA内时序电路特性以及FPGA可编程资源特性的基础上,指出了FPGA内同步时序电路出现时钟偏斜现象的机理。

    Mechanism about the clock skew of synchronism sequential circuit has been presented , based on analyzing the characteristics of programmable resources and sequential circuit in FPGA .

  8. 主要包括触发电路的设计、高速时钟电路设计、A/D数字化与数据采集电路设计、时间内插电路设计和PCI总线接口设计。

    It includes the design of trigger circuit , high speed clock circuit , A / D digital and data acquisition circuit , time inter-plug circuit and PCI interface circuit .

  9. 论文重点对片内振荡电路的设计进行了研究,提出了一种用于彩屏手机TFT液晶显示驱动控制芯片的高性能内置CMOS振荡电路&窗口比较式振荡电路。

    As an emphasis , a high quality built-in CMOS oscillator in TFT-LCD driver IC used for mobile phone is studied and designed in this paper .

  10. 针对电路系统的结构特征,对电路系统内集成电路受EMP影响进行分析,对集成电路EMP效应实验电流注入法进行探索,提出几种实验方法。

    The feature of construction that aim at the armament system , is effected by EMP to the integrated circuit , IC inside the system the progress analyze , investigating to the integrated circuit , IC EMP effect experiment current injection method progress , submitting a few experiments method .

  11. 以3μm器件参数、5V工作电压,分析了一种NMOS型折叠和内插电路在全温区范围内的功能,以及NMOS管衬底偏置效应和误差的影响。

    Using parameters for 3 μ m devices with 5 V operating voltage , an NMOS folding and interpolating circuit is analyzed for its functions at full temperature ranges . The impact of substrate biasing effect of NMOS transistors and its deviations is investigated .

  12. 数字电视自适应内插电路的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Adaptive Interpolation Circuit in Digital Television

  13. 混合封装电力电子集成模块内功率电路对驱动保护电路的热影响

    Power Circuit 's Thermal Effect to Drive / Protection Circuits inside Hybrid IPEM

  14. 一种新型电力机车库内动车电路的设计

    Design of a new mode of driving in shed circuit of electric locomotive

  15. 市区内微波电路受阻及采取的措施

    Blockage of Urban Microware Circuits and Countermeasures Taken

  16. 本文围绕数字存储示波器高速触发与时间内插电路模块设计与功能验证这一主题而展开。

    The dissertation focuses on the subject of design the High Speed Trigger and Time Inter-plug Circuit and verify its function .

  17. 通过在时域范围内对电路拓扑的工作原理和各个工作模态的详细研究与分析,推导出了电源的各模态数学模型。

    The math models of the each modes of the power supply were deduced after researched the operating theories and modes carefully in time area in half period .

  18. 第四章阐述了利用模拟电路将误差脉冲转化为电压量的内插电路原理,论述了电路的设计及器件参数的选择。

    Chapter 4 describes the theory of interpolating circuit that uses analog circuit to turn error pulses to voltage . The design of interpolating circuit and devices selection is introduced in this section too .

  19. 柜内的电路中还装有气体压力调节继电器,以便在柜体漏气造成其内气压过低时及时切断电路。

    An air pressure regulating relay is arranged in a circuit in the cabinet to cut the circuit in time when air leak happens in the cabinet body to make the air pressure in the cabinet too low .

  20. 当电力电子电路的各个变量呈周期性变化时,在各个周期时间内,电路的各个参数重复变化,所以只要重点分析其中一个周期内电路工作情况就可以实现对电路的分析。

    When each variable of the power electronic circuits is cyclical change , within each cycle , each parameter of the circuit is changed repeatedly , so in a key analysis of one cycle among them can realize the analysis of the working condition of the circuit .

  21. 组件内BITE模块电路的设计

    Design Considerations of BITE Module In Microwave Assembly Components

  22. 本论文主要研究了CMOS工艺中,集成电路片内ESD保护电路的设计。

    In this thesis work , some CMOS on-chip ESD protections are investigated .

  23. SiP封装、埋植式元件基板制造等高密度封装技术的不断发展,使得采用普通商用芯片实现胶囊内窥镜电路系统制造具有可行性。

    The development of SiP technology and embedded passives in substrate technology make the micro circuit system of capsule endo - scope with commercial chips feasible .

  24. 可见在适当的电源电压和温度变化范围内,振荡电路的性能较好,可广泛应用在PWM等各种电子电路中。

    Because of the better performances with the change of appropriate supply voltage and temperature , this Oscillator Circuit can be widely used in many kinds of electronic circuits .

  25. 然后对SiGeHBTLNA电路进行理论分析,并仿真了一款应用在UWB频段内的LNA电路。

    Then analysis and simulation of an application in the UWB frequency band LNA circuit by the theoretical of SiGe HBT LNA circuit are carried out .

  26. 和以往的工作相比较,本文实现了在频域内对时钟电路的优化,显著地提高了仿真速度。

    The method realizes the optimization of clock circuit in the frequent domain , and dramatically improve simulating time compared with previous work .

  27. 手柄内有控制电路,通过手柄上的开关调节电加热丝的电流。

    A controlling circuit is arranged in the handle , and the current in the electric heater strip is controlled by a switch on the handle .

  28. SoC芯片内对于混合信号电路测试有着举足轻重的作用。

    Testing the mixed-signal circuit is very important in the SoC .

  29. 基于SiP技术的胶囊内窥镜微型电路系统制造

    Micro System Manufacture of Capsule Endoscope Based on SiP Technology

  30. 本文重点设计基于状态机控制的SRAM内建自测试电路。

    This paper focuses on the overall design of an SRAM BIST circuit based on Finite State Machine ( FSM ) .