
  • 网络Content distribution;Content publishing;content delivery
  1. 设计了一个基于P2P的广域网内容发布系统。

    Thirdly , the thesis designs a P2P-based Wide Area Network content distribution system .

  2. 巴茨推动了雅虎朝向高端内容发布的转变(将搜索业务外包给微软(Microsoft),关注于视频)。

    Ms Bartz pushed in the direction of premium content distribution ( outsourcing search to Microsoft , focusing on video ) .

  3. 基于XML的内容发布模块的设计

    The design of a content deployment module based on XML

  4. 随后,优步在内容发布平台Medium上写到:

    Writing on Medium , Uber said :

  5. 安装有关站点内容发布、web和ftp服务器管理的文档。

    Installs documentation about publishing site content , and web and FTP server administration .

  6. 提要(feed)的减少可以降低内容发布者和内容订阅者的复杂度。

    Such a reduction in feeds results in a net reduction in complexity for both the content publisher and content subscribers .

  7. WordPress是越来越流行的一个可扩展Web应用程序,它让您能够轻松地将内容发布给用户。

    WordPress is an increasingly popular , extensible Web application that allows you to easily publish content to your users .

  8. 可以将内容发布在普通的Web服务器上,然后用HTTP重定向连接到PURL。

    You publish your content on an ordinary Web server , then connect it to your PURL with HTTP redirection .

  9. 然而,在有些场景则不适用,比如涉及复杂对话线程和分布式对话的场景(来自内容发布者未知成员的提要(feed))。

    However , it begins to break down in scenarios that involve complex conversation threads and distributed conversation scenarios ( feeds from an unknown number of content publishers ) .

  10. 随着网络技术的进步,Internet已经发展成为信息社会中最重要的内容发布系统,但Internet中传统的以应用服务器为中心的内容发布方式也存在性能瓶颈等问题。

    With the development of network technology , Internet has become the most important content distribution system in the information society , but the traditional server-centric content distribution mode is also confronted with performance bottleneck .

  11. 将活动内容发布到LotusQuickr之后,这个文件就不再在活动中存在了。

    After the activity contents are published to Lotus Quickr , the file no longer exists in the activity .

  12. Web发展至今日已不仅仅是一个内容发布平台,它已经发展成为一个全球性的计算平台,其中Web应用主要面向人类用户,而Web服务则面向程序用户。

    Today , Web is not only a content publishing platform , but also a global computing platforms . Web applications are mainly for the human users , and Web services are mainly for the programming users .

  13. LMS是E-Learning支持平台,具有对教与学的过程中的学生管理、课程部署、学习内容发布、学习过程跟踪、师生互动交流、学习绩效评价诸环节的全面支持功能。

    LMS is an E-Learning platform that can support student management , course and resource deployment , learning track , interaction and assessment etc.

  14. 阐述了基于P2P流媒体播放模型的几种内容发布策略,并经过计算与模拟仿真得到了最佳内容发布策略。

    This paper proposes an analysis and implementation of the message distributing methods based on P2P stream media playing model , and finds the best method through simulation and computation .

  15. 这很方便,而且具有性能优势,因为Google的Dojo版本是通过Google自己的高效内容发布网站(CDN)提供的。

    This is both convenient and has some nice performance advantages since Google 's copies of Dojo are provided through Google 's own highly efficient content delivery network ( CDN ) .

  16. 在LotusQuickrDocumentLinker的树视图中构建第一级和第二级节点之后,现在就可以将内容发布到LotusQuickr服务器了。

    With the first-and second-level nodes built in the tree view of the Lotus Quickr Document Linker , you are now ready to publish the contents to the Lotus Quickr server .

  17. 一旦bolg爱好者的独有领地和在线新闻网站演变成基于Web的服务和内容发布的下一代平台,会怎么样呢?

    What was once the sole domain of bloggers and online news sites is evolving into a platform for next generation Web-based services and content distribution .

  18. SHM主要包括一个地址映射方案、一个拓扑管理协议STMP以及一个内容发布协议SCDP。

    SHM concludes an address scheme , a tree-mesh topology management protocol ( STMP ) and a content distribution protocol ( SCDP ) .

  19. 研究MCMS的内容发布流程和模板开发方法,探讨其在图书馆信息发布平台中的应用,以频道摘要列表模板为例说明基于.论图书馆专业信息服务频道及其实现方法

    This paper analyzes the process of publishing content and the method of designing template . It discusses the application of MCMS in library . Library Subject Information Service Channels and Their Realization

  20. 作为交易的一部分,BackType将停止BackTweets(帮助内容发布商了解推讯是如何转化为网站流量和销售额)的新用户注册。

    As part of the deal , BackType has already stopped taking on new users for its BackTweets product , which helps publishers track how their Tweets covert to web traffic and sales .

  21. 他可以直接将内容发布到活动日程而不用进行审批。

    He can publish directly to the events calendar without approval .

  22. 内容发布订阅系统路由算法和自配置策略研究

    Research on Routing Algorithm and Self-Configuration in Content-Based Publish-Subscribe System

  23. 基于兴趣划分的内容发布订阅系统关键算法

    Key algorithm in content-based publish / subscribe system based on subscription partitioning

  24. 基于知识服务的集群网站内容发布系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Cluster Web Content Management System Based on Knowledge Service

  25. 内容发布订阅服务网络中的路由策略

    Routing Strategy in Content - based Publish-Subscribe Service Networks

  26. 内容发布/订阅系统中事件代理动态重构研究

    Research on dynamic reconfiguration of event brokers based on content-based publish / subscribe system

  27. 分发内容发布服务器的定义必须包含发布服务器的名称。

    The definition of a DistributionPublisher must include the name of the publishing server .

  28. 有环图下基于内容发布/订阅系统路由算法改进

    Improvement on the Routing Algorithm for Content-Based Publish / Subscribe Systems Based on Cyclic Topology

  29. 该系统包括业务管理子系统、内容发布子系统和系统维护子系统。

    The system includes business management subsystem , content delivery subsystem and system maintenance subsystem .

  30. 关于该进展的详细内容发布于剑桥大学“康复技术”会议上。

    The developments were detailed at a conference on " rejuvenation technologies " at Cambridge University .