
  • 网络internal negotiation
  1. 这会增加你在内部谈判的筹码,并且在你打算离职的时候就会有更多的选择。

    This will give you more leverage in internal negotiations & and more options if you decide to leave your current company .

  2. 主张不干涉别国内部事务和谈判解决国际争端,致力于维护世界的和平与稳定。

    We stand for non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and call for negotiated solutions to international disputes .

  3. 战略上的有利消息是,通过激烈的内部辩论和谈判,欧洲各国最终承认了它们之间的相互依赖关系。

    The good strategic news is that the European states , for all their internal debates and negotiations , have recognized their interdependence .