
nèi xiāo
  • for the domestic market;sold inside the country;sell on domestic market;sell on the home market
内销 [nèi xiāo]
  • [sold inside the country] 一国或一地区生产的商品在本国或本地区市场上销售

内销[nèi xiāo]
  1. 面向内销市场的生产商更加依赖于进口原材料,而生产链通过零部件的贸易网与全球市场密不可分。

    Producers for the domestic market are more reliant on imported inputs , and production chains link global markets through a web of trade in parts and components .

  2. 文章最后提出了FG集团公司实施出口转内销营销策略和保障措施。

    In summary , the author , forwarded marketing strategies and supporting measures for FG Group Corporation to take on domestic sales of export-oriented commodities .

  3. 虽然纽约警察清理了祖科蒂公园(ZucottiPark),其他城市也迅速跟进,但这场活动不可能在近期内销声匿迹。

    Though New York police cleared out zucotti Park and others cities quickly moved to follow suit , it is unlikely the movement will simply die away in the near term .

  4. 内销产品,照章征税。

    Products for domestic sale shall be taxed according to regulations .

  5. 出口转内销的商品可能在街道市场上骗卖。

    Export rejects may be palmed off in the street markets .

  6. 目前“金缘轩”产品内销全国各大城市!

    And now our products are sold to the domestic cities .

  7. 多年来,中国出口和内销产品的质量差距一直很大。

    For years the gap in quality has been wide .

  8. 内销色织产品的发展方向

    On the Development of Yarn-Coloured-Woven Products for Domestic Trade

  9. 买一台出口转内销的电视机

    Buy an export-oriented TV set shifted to home market

  10. 我们的产品即内销又出口。

    We supply both the domestic and world markets .

  11. 我公司供应出口轮胎翻新设备,内销轮胎翻新设备;

    My company supplies tire retreading equipment exports , domestic tire retreading equipment ;

  12. 广东省的数据似乎显示国内玩具市场(并非指内销)的复苏迹象。

    Figures from Guangdong indicate that the Chinese toy market showing signs of recovery .

  13. 我们的订货很多,既有内销,又有出口。

    We 've plenty of orders , both for home needs and for export .

  14. 据说现在外商可以投资于内销房地产项目。

    They say foreign businessman can now invest in real estate for domestic sale .

  15. 中国玩具内销市场的多面分析

    A comprehensive analysis of Chinese domestic market

  16. 产品内销河北、东、龙江、林、宁等地。

    Domestic products Hebei , Shandong , Heilongjiang , Jilin , Liaoning and other places .

  17. 加强内销市场的监管,加大知识产权保护和规范企业行为。

    Supervise domestic market , protect knowledge property and practice a standard of enterprise behaviour .

  18. 2000年我国纺织品出口与内销增长,石油涨价;

    In 2000 , both export and domestic consumption of textile products of China increased .

  19. 据统计显示,2007年中国服装内销市场份额已接近八千亿元。

    According to statistics , China domestic textiles sale had reached nearly RMB800 billion in2007 .

  20. 你产品的内销和外销比例是多少?

    What 's the percentage of overseas markets in proportion to domestic markets for your product ?

  21. 用于生产内销产品部分,照章征税。

    That portion used to produce products for domestic sale shall be taxed according to regulations .

  22. 本公司供应内销及出口预应力钢绞线,质量保证,价格合理,有意者请联系。

    Our company supply PC Strand for domestic and abroad with high quality and competitive price .

  23. 你那家工厂生产的自行车是内销还是供出口?

    Are the bicycles produced in your factory sold on the home market or for export ?

  24. 相反,在时间的推移,中国内销市场成为,投资的重要要素。

    On the other hand , domestic market became more important investment factor as time went by .

  25. 公司应加设相应的明细科目,对内销及外销进行单独明细核算。

    Companies should be added corresponding subjects Details of the domestic and export a separate accounting details .

  26. 本产品适用于直接销售、促销赠品、礼品市场,可内销或出口。

    This applies to direct product sales , marketing , gifts , gifts , domestic or export .

  27. 公司产品除内销外,还承接外贸加工出口业务。

    Apart from domestic business , the company also deals with orders for making garments for export .

  28. 业界认为,消费总量的增长和消费升级已成为内销市场的两条主线。

    Some in the industry believe that consumption growth and consumption upgrade have become the two main direction .

  29. 是一家集科研生产与内销外贸为一体跨行业的企业集团。

    Is a collection of scientific research production and domestic trade as one of the cross-industry enterprise groups .

  30. 外籍华侨能与国内公民联名购买内销商品房吗?

    Buying agent [ commodities ] Domestic and foreign citizens of Chinese to purchase domestic joint commercial housing ?