
  • 网络brand monopoly
  1. 品牌专卖店设计为消费者提供了另外一种消费方式的体验空间,从而创造人与空间环境的协调。

    In order to create the harmony between man and the environment , the design of brand monopoly stores provides consumers with another experience of the space .

  2. 如何使鄂尔多斯品牌专卖店设计跟得上消费方式的变革,使之更具有国际化特点,同时又保持地域特色,是我们研究的课题。

    How to make the design of ERDOS brand monopoly stores keep up with the change of consumption patterns , and how to make the design , have both international and local characteristics are my main research subjects .

  3. 也许是受法国品牌专卖氛围的影响,玛莉·凯特与艾希莉·欧森(Mary-KateandAshleyOlsen)在2011年以惊人的价格推出TheRow品牌的首款鳄鱼皮背包,售价为3.9万美元,这款包包现在仍有在售。

    Perhaps inspired by the French brand 's air of exclusivity , Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen set jaws dropping in 2011 when they debuted their $ 39000 crocodile backpack for The Row , which is still available for purchase .

  4. 他还谈到苹果的200家单品牌专卖店以及7000个销售点。

    About its 200 mono-branded stores and its 7,000 points of sales .

  5. 我国汽车品牌专卖店营销模式的研究

    A Research on Brand Automobile Monopolized Shop Marketing of China

  6. 男宾理发师、出售男子服装的商店.休闲服饰品牌专卖店体验性设计研究

    The Research on Branded Casual Wear Franchised Store Experiential Design

  7. 光·空间与文化灯光对品牌专卖店空间形象的塑造

    Light , space and culture t - space

  8. 基于使用后评价的品牌专卖店设计流程研究

    Research on Brand Costume Franchised Store Design Cycle

  9. 展示&时尚奢侈品牌专卖店的展示设计研究

    Display-Luxury Fashion Brand Store Display Design Research

  10. 注重城市商业街区景观的品牌专卖店设计研究

    Study on Design of Monopoly Shops Considering on the Landscape of Commercial Districts in Cities

  11. 服装品牌专卖店的商品策略

    Merchandising Strategy in Apparel Brand Shops

  12. 公司拥有下属成衣加工厂、印花厂以及多家品牌专卖店,经营服装的批发零售等。

    We also have garment manufacture factory , printing plants and a number of retail stores .

  13. 如何制定和开展适合自己的服务营销战略才是各品牌专卖店的当务之急。

    How to develop and implement appropriate service marketing strategy is the urgent affairs of the4S stores .

  14. 实际上,微软会在未来数月内开设与苹果专卖店接近的品牌专卖店。

    In fact , some Microsoft stores could open right next to Apple stores in the coming months .

  15. 我国家电传统零售渠道主要分为百货商场、专业连锁店、品牌专卖店等业态。

    There are three main channels of home appliances in China : malls , chain stores and brand stores .

  16. 要一睹其艺术元素,只需到苏荷区众多的画廊和品牌专卖店看看就可以了。

    To spot the artistic elements , look no further than inside dozens of galleries and designer item shops in SoHo .

  17. 中国应当以品牌专卖模式为主,以其他模式为补充,建立高效的汽车分销体系,最后本文提出了建立高效的汽车分销体系的对策。

    China should establish efficient automobile distribution system , developing the Brand Monopolized Pattern mainly , and taking other patterns as supplement .

  18. 从时尚品牌专卖店的发展历史与消费时代的划分来看,时尚品牌专卖店与消费时代密不可分,并受到消费文化的影响,是消费时代建筑特征的具体化。

    The retail architecture of the fashion brands has deep relationships with the Consumer Culture in history and figures the character of the Consumer Age .

  19. 这些俱乐部相信,它们能够通过品牌专卖和相关销售,将免费转播带来的曝光率转化为收入。但知名度较低的球队做不到这一点。

    These clubs believe they can translate the exposure from free-to-air broadcasts into revenues through merchandising and related sales , something the little known teams cannot do .

  20. 在品牌专卖经营模式的供应链中,供应商为供应链的领导者,零售商为跟随者,供应商在同一销售区域中会采用统一的零售价格政策。

    In supply chain of brand monopolization , supplier is the leader , and retailer is the follower , and supplier adopts the same retail price policy in the same district .

  21. 和其它零售伙伴一样,宜进利已经建立了一个网络,其中包括为客户建立的单一品牌专卖店,此外还有店中店、珠宝店,以及它和唐龙的合资企业。

    Like other retail partners , Peace Mark has built up a network of mono-brand boutiques for its clients , shop-in-shops and jewellery stores , as well as the Tourneau venture .

  22. 而对于品牌专卖的易逝品,大多数供应商都采取了回购契约和退货政策,因此研究品牌专卖经营模式下的供应链回购协调机制有很大的实际意义。

    To perishable products monopolization supply chain , a lot of supplier adopt buy-back contract and return policy , so it is a innovation to study buy-back contract of brand monopolization supply chain .

  23. 苹果证实已向印度工业政策和促进部提交申请,如果获批,将可以在印度开设首家品牌专卖店。

    Apple confirmed it had filed an application to India 's department of industrial policy and promotion , which , if accepted , would allow it to open its first solo branded retail outlet .

  24. 本文从汽车营销模式的演变过程出发,介绍了汽车销售市场的发展趋势&汽车品牌专卖店的营销模式。

    At the beginning , the article introduces the development of the automobile marketing mode , and then emphasizes the trend of the selling market of the automobile-Marketing mode of the brand monopolized shop of the automobile .

  25. 休闲服饰品牌专卖店进行体验性设计的目的是使品牌旗下的产品包含体验元素,或将品牌专卖店的所有提供物&有形产品、服务产品以及购物环境等转化为体验。

    The purpose of experiencing design is to make product of the branded casual wear contain experience factors or turn the offering of the branded casual wear franchised store , such as tangible product , service and shopping environment , into experience at all .

  26. 按照设计流程对品牌专卖店设计进行研究:(1)设计前期研究,重点在品牌专卖店主题的选择和层次的定位。

    Design is the key to arrive the purpose of the brand store , so the research on design is basic , according the design procedure : ( 1 ) Design strategy is the first step , focusing on choosing the subject and the class .

  27. 论述了品牌专卖供应链的概念和管理模式;分析了品牌专卖供应链如何进行协调以达到整个供应链系统的均衡;

    The main content and conclusions are as follows : Firstly , This paper discusses brand monopolization supply chain concept and management mode , and the coordination process of brand monopolization supply chain in order to achieve the equilibrium of the whole supply chain system .

  28. 热点品牌沙发专卖店展示设计

    Show Design of Hot Focus Brand Sofa Store

  29. 在中国,阿玛尼在北京和上海分别各开有两家乔治·阿玛尼品牌的专卖店,并计划在接下来的几个月在上海再开至少两家。

    In China , Armani has two stores each in Beijing and Shanghai that exclusively sell the Giorgio Armani brand , with plans to open at least two more in Shanghai in coming months .

  30. 当然,如果你有更多的金钱,也可以去名品街,那里有国际一流的品牌连锁专卖店,他们也会为您提供一流的服务。

    Certainly , if you have more money , can go to the famous product street , there are world first-class brand chain monopolized shops there , they will offer first-class services to you too .