
  • 网络renegotiation
  1. 斯莫林的合同中有再谈判条款,只要达到了规定的出场数就得重谈续约的问题。

    " Chris had a renegotiation clause in his contract if he met a certain number of appearances ," Gill said .

  2. 因此从这个意义上讲,在事后不可签约时,有效率的再谈判一般是不存在的,即最优达不到。

    Therefore , in the ex-post non-contractible situation , no efficient renegotiation exists in general , that is , the first-best can not be achieved .

  3. 没有必要再谈判了。

    There is no need for more talks .

  4. 是的,而且是可以再谈判的,只要我们双方对安排满意。

    Yes , and it 's renegotiable , provided we 're both happy with the arrangement .

  5. 司密斯先生,果真如此,那没有必要再谈判了。

    Mr Smith , if that is the case , there is no need for further discussion .

  6. 他们打算继续谈判、谈判、再谈判,但是与此同时,在野心勃勃地推动其核项目的发展。

    They want to keep talking and talking and talking , but at the same time to aggressively move forward on their nuclear program .

  7. 按照这种思路,最近关于推动抵押贷款债务再谈判的建议,可能有助于缓解家庭债务危机,并避免在没有政府补贴的情况下出现破坏价值的止赎行为。

    In this vein , a recent proposal to facilitate mortgage debt renegotiation could help reduce the household debt overhang and avoid value-destroying foreclosures without government subsidies .

  8. 在合作研发双方企业的学习能力为常数时,随着合作研发中相互时间的延长,投入努力较多的一方,从而也是投入专用性资产较多的一方,在再谈判中处于不利地位。

    When the learning ability is constant , the party investing more effort or more specific assets gains a worse position in bargaining with the other party .

  9. 由于契约不完全,做出专用性投资的管理者在事后的再谈判过程中面临被股东敲竹杠的风险,预料到这种风险,管理者就会降低自身投入,进而降低了社会总产出。

    Since the contract is incomplete , the managers who make specific investments face the risk of hold up in the subsequent re-negotiation process . Anticipated this risk , managers will reduce their investment , and it may lower total social output .

  10. 他的声明留有再行谈判的余地。

    His statement left his option open to future negotiation .

  11. 该官员表示:面对公投的威胁,没人会再进行谈判。

    Nobody is going to negotiate with the threat of a referendum , the official said .

  12. “我们不能再让谈判在真正的实质性问题上被这样劫持,”他补充表示。

    " We cannot again allow negotiations on real points of substance to be hijacked in this way , " he added .

  13. 我们需要周一前解决这个问题,否则就不得不再重新开始谈判了。

    We need to settle this issue before Monday or else we will have to start negotiations all over again .

  14. 昔时夜部分印度人能够买得起洁净的交通工具,吃得饱喝得足,无需在贫困线上挣扎的时辰,你再跟他们谈判减排的题目吧。

    When most Indians can afford clean transportation , are well fed and safely above poverty levels , come talk to them about reducing emissions .

  15. 赵:不过考虑我们之间的友谊,我们愿意在后天再同你谈判。

    However , in view of the friendly relations between us , we are willing to hold negotiations with you again the day after tomorrow .

  16. 地方政府作为行为主体介入银行再融资的谈判,使分散信贷硬化预算约束的作用降低,银行的行为更加倾向于承担过度的风险;

    If local government get involved in negotiation between banks , the function of decentralized finance to harden budget constraint will be weakened and the bank will incline to take excessive risk .

  17. 正因为如此,我们巴勒斯坦民族权力机构将全力协助美国举行自由和不带偏见的选举,然后再坐到谈判桌旁。

    Which is why , we , in the Palestinian Authority will offer our full support in helping the United States conduct free and unbiased elections prior to sitting down to the negotiating table .

  18. 要解决纠纷,还需再举行一轮谈判。

    A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved .

  19. ,朝鲜已不需要也不愿意再与美国坐下谈判,NDC说。

    That the DPRK has neither need nor willingness to sit at negotiating table with the US any longer , the NDC said .

  20. 我们应该等她驾轻就熟后再就该合同进行谈判。

    We ought to wait until she 's got into her stride before we ask her to negotiate that contract .

  21. 由于伊朗与美国之间的政治歧见,伊朗核问题不易解决,很可能在谈判、制裁、妥协、再冲突、再谈判的循环中较长时间的拖延下去。

    Because of the deep distrust and political differences between the two countries , Iran 's nuclear issue will not be easily resolved .

  22. 杨部长是在周二早些时候到达德黑兰的,他对艾哈迈德内贾德说,中国希望伊朗能够同国际原子能机构加强合作,并祝愿伊朗再同欧盟的谈判中取得进展。

    Yang , who arrived in Teheran earlier on Tuesday , told Ahamadinejad that China hopes that Iran will strengthen its cooperation with IAEA and make progress in its contacts with the European Union ( EU ) .

  23. 有的合同中常常包括一项再协商条款,完全允许重新根据情况变化再谈判。

    Some contracts also contain a re-discussion clause , fully allowing the two parties to hold talks again when the situation is changed .

  24. 我建议事先指派一小组收集资料,再请向指定代表报告,让代表知道所细节资料后,再赴谈判场。

    I suggest assigning a team to gather the information and brief your representative before he or she leaves the office .