
  • 网络integrative negotiation;integrative bargaining
  1. 整合式谈判的共享心理模型研究概述

    A Survey of Shared Mental Models in Bilateral Integrative Negotiation

  2. 谈判既可能是分配式谈判,也可能是整合式谈判。

    Negotiation may be distributed , may also be integrated .

  3. 本文的实验研究所选取的谈判类型就是整合式谈判。

    This study selects integrated negotiation as object .

  4. 从“情境因素”和“过程因素”两个方面对整合式谈判影响因素的研究动态和研究成果进行了归纳和分析。

    This paper reviewed the two categories of factors researchers found that had influence on the achievement of integrative negotiations : contextual variables and process variables .

  5. 整合式谈判是指谈判者的利益并不完全相反,他们可能会通过交换,来增加可分配资源的数量,从而最终达到对彼此都有益的结果。

    Integrated negotiation is the interests of the negotiators is not exactly the opposite , they may increase the number of resources through exchange , and ultimately achieve results beneficial to each other .