
  • 网络overall listing;complete listing
  1. 控股股东整体上市与定向增发的短期财富效应

    The Short-term Wealth Effect of E-Stockholders ' Complete Listing

  2. 随着TCL集团换股上市和武钢股份增发成功,在当前证券市场上,整体上市已经成为一个市场关注的焦点。

    With the share-for-share listing of TCL Corporation and successful share 's Second issuing of Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation ( Wugang in short ), in the securities market ," overall listing " has been a focus .

  3. TCL集团整体上市剖析与启示

    The Analysis and Revelation of TCL Corp ' Listing as a Whole

  4. TCL作为创新的典范,整体上市备受瞩目。

    As the innovation model , TCL Corp come to front for its listing .

  5. 其次,本文对当今资本市场上整体上市模式进行总结,并分为三种模式:定向增发模式、换股IPO模式和换股吸收合并模式。

    Secondly , this article summarizes the model of list in integrity and classify it to three : directional add-issuance , IPO convertible , convertible merger .

  6. 合约主导权价值:TCL集团整体上市的案例

    The Value of the Dominating Power of Contract : A Case Study of Block Listing of TCL Corporation

  7. 中国上市公司资本结构的优劣分析&兼论TCL集团整体上市融资行为

    Quality Analysis of The Capital Structure of Chinese Listed Company & And Discusses about The whole Listing Financing Behavior of TCL Group

  8. 企业E-learning现状调查与分析&以TCL集团为研究个案合约主导权价值:TCL集团整体上市的案例

    Investigation on the Status of E-learning in Enterprises ; The Value of the Dominating Power of Contract : A Case Study of Block Listing of TCL Corporation

  9. 自2003年9月TCL集团首次实施整体上市以来,在国家相关政策的支持下,整体上市迅速成为我国证券市场的一个热门话题。

    After TCL group was listed as a whole in September of 2003 , holistic listing has become the most popular topic in the stock markets of China .

  10. KKR曾计划将其业务与其在泛欧证交所(EuronextAmsterdam)上市的基金KKRPrivateEquityInvestors(KPE)合并,然后在纽约证交所整体上市。

    KKR had planned to merge its operations with those of KKR Private Equity Investors ( KPE ), its Euronext Amsterdam-listed fund , and then list the entire operation on the NYSE .

  11. 2003年底,随着TCL集团和武钢股份整体上市成功操作以后,整体上市成为市场讨论最多的话题。

    After the successful operation of holistic listing of TCL group and Wu Gang Co. Ltd at the end of 2003 , holistic listing became the most popular topic in the stock market of China .

  12. 本章以2007年1月1日至2010年6月30日之间完成整体上市的公司为例,在剔除采用直接IPO模式和借壳上市模式以及数据不完全的样本之后,进行实证分析。

    The sample of this section is about the listed companies that have completed holistic listing between January 1,2007 and June 30,2010 , excluding the sample of the IPO mode , the back-door listing mode , and the sample data that is not entirely .

  13. 针对这一观点,本文就以公司治理理论为基础,以TCL集团和武钢股份整体上市模式为例,具体分析和讨论了整体上市对股权结构和公司绩效的影响。

    Aimed to the opinion above , this dissertation will perform the case study of the modes of TCL group and Wu Gang on the basis of the theory of corporate governance , in order to discover the effect on equity and corporate performance affected by holistic listing .

  14. 从2003年TCL集团吸收合并TCL通讯整体上市至今,经过了将近五年的时间,整体上市在我国也有了较大的发展,学者们的观点也从最初的观望态度转为支持。

    TCL Group absorbed TCL Communication CO. , LTD in 2003 and had been listed as a whole . After nearly five years , listed as a whole in China also made great progress , the views of scholars from the initial wait-and-see attitude turned to supporting attitude .

  15. 2009年,联想控股公布了其2014年整体上市的目标。

    In2009 , Legend Holdings unveiled plans to go public in2014 .

  16. 现在,外界对阿里巴巴集团2015年整体上市的预期不断升温。

    Now expectations are mounting for a full listing by 2015 .

  17. 定向增发与整体上市的利益路径分析

    The Interest Path Analysis of Directional Seasoned Offering and Overall Listing

  18. 任何一家银行整体上市困难重重。

    It is very difficult for any bank to enter stock market .

  19. 整体上市选择下的公司治理问题研究及案例分析

    The Research and Case Study on Corporate Governance of Group Holistic Listing

  20. 公司整体上市的路径问题探究

    The Research on the Route with Holistic Listing of Company

  21. 整体上市股票超额收益率及其影响因素研究

    Study of Holistic Listing Stocks ' Abnormal Return and Its Influencial Factoes

  22. 中船集团整体上市启动

    China State Shipbuilding Corporation Prepare Go Listed As a Whole

  23. 整体上市与传媒体制改革的路径选择

    Holistic Listing and Way Choice in The Media System Reform

  24. 整体上市将逐渐成为我国资本市场主要发展趋势。

    This project will gradually become the major trend in capital market .

  25. 我国企业整体上市问题探讨与案例分析

    Discussing in Issue of Enterprises ' Overall Listing in China and Case Study

  26. 股权分置改革下的企业整体上市新模式

    New Model of the Overall Listing during the Reform of the Shareholder Structure

  27. 因此,整体上市符合市场的预期,是一个多赢的格局。

    Holistic listing meets the market expected . It is a win-win pattern .

  28. 从理论上讲,国有企业上市有两种方式:整体上市和分拆上市。

    Theoretically , there are two modes for state-owned companies to be listed .

  29. 企业集团整体上市:动因及模式选择

    Enterprise Overall Listing : Motive and Pattern Selection

  30. 因此,分拆上市逐渐被整体上市替代。

    Therefore , separate listing might be gradually replaced with listed as a whole .