
  1. 舞弊公司被ST、暂停上市或终止上市的比例极高。

    A large proportion of fraud companies had suffered special treatment , suspending or terminating the listing of the companies ' shares .

  2. 但在与何鸿燊一贯不和的胞妹何婉琪(WinnieHo)申请法庭下令暂停上市后,该公司决定推迟上市至7月16日。

    But the company decided to push back the float to July 16 after Mr Ho 's estranged sister , Winnie , sought a court order to halt the listing .

  3. 面对我国特殊的ST制度、暂停上市以及终止上市制度,亏损上市公司为了维持宝贵的上市资格,避免被摘牌或被收购壳资源的厄运,存在盈余管理的动机。

    In face of special ST system , suspension and termination of listing system in our country , in order to maintain the valuable listing qualifications and avoid being delisted , or acquisition , a loss of listed companies has the motive for earnings management .

  4. 暴涨不能归因于少数世人瞩目的药物问题,如2004年的默克公司止痛药万络退市和辉瑞公司类似的止痛药Bextra暂停上市。

    The jump wasn 't driven by a few high-profile drug problems , such as Merck 's withdrawal of painkiller Vioxx in2004 and Pfizer 's suspension of rival painkiller Bextra in2005 .

  5. 非标准审计意见的信息含量分析&基于2005年暂停上市公司的分析

    The Information Content of Modified Audit Opinions : Analysis on 2005 Temporary Delisting Companies

  6. 该制度体系包括退市的三个阶段,即暂停上市、恢复上市和终止上市。

    The system includes the delisting of the three stages , namely , to suspend the listing , recovery and termination of the listing .

  7. 第四十九条上市公司丧失公司法规定的上市条件的,其股票依法暂停上市或者终止上市。

    Article 49 . When a listing company loses its listing conditions stipulated by the regulations of the company law , the listing of its stocks shall be suspended or terminated .

  8. 股份上市公司的认定、上市发行价格的确定、上市公司的再融资、股票交易的特别处理、暂停上市和摘牌等都与利润指标有密切的联系。

    Recognition of the stock listed company , the confirmation of issuing price , absorbing new capital from market , ST and PT , which have osculation connections with profit index .

  9. 依此衡量,我国资本市场尚遗存诸多病态的管制思维&禁止股票折价发行和亏损公司股票暂停上市或终止上市成规即属此例。

    Accordingly , in the capital market of China , there are still a great deal of unreasonable control including forbidding to issue the discount stocks and having the stocks of a company with a deficit suspend of terminate to come into market .

  10. 上市公司退市是指上市公司所发行的证券在证券交易所上市之后,由于该证券或者该证券所属的上市公司不再符合证券交易所有关持续上市的条件而导致该证券被暂停上市甚至终止上市。

    Listed company is a listed company by issuing securities listed on the stock exchange , the securities or the securities of listed company no longer meets the stock exchange continued listing conditions led to the suspension of listing and termination of the listing of securities .

  11. 第一百零八条证券交易所依照法律、行政法规的规定,办理股票、公司债券的暂停上市、恢复上市或者终止上市的事务,其具体办法由国务院证券监督管理机构制定。

    Article 108 . The stock exchange handles affairs regarding suspension , resumption , and termination of the listing of stocks and corporate bonds on the basis of law and administrative regulations . The concrete procedures are formulated by the securities regulatory body of the State Council .

  12. 发行人向本所申请其首次公开发行的股票、上市后发行的新股和可转换公司债券在本所上市,以及公司股票被暂停上市后申请恢复上市的,应当由保荐机构保荐。

    The application by issuers to the bourse for the listing of initial public offerings , shares newly issued after the listing and the convertible company bonds , and the application for recovered listing after the suspension of listing the company 's shares shall be recommended by recommendation agencies .

  13. 涉及该笔交易的另外一位人士补充表示:我们不是非得暂停(上市)。

    Another person involved in the deal added : We were not obliged to suspend [ the listing ] .

  14. 这是自去年9月中国内地暂停新股上市以来,监管机构首次批准新股发行。

    It was the first approval from the mainland regulator since September , when Beijing imposed a moratorium on listings .

  15. 今年1月份,SEC的一位行政法官裁定,四大会计事务所中国成员所暂停审计美国上市公司六个月。上述会计事务所已就这一裁决提起上诉。

    In January , an SEC administrative judge suspended the PRC affiliates from auditing U.S-traded clients for six months , a decision the firms have appealed .

  16. 当上市公司被特别处理后,将受到更加严格的监管,股票投资价值受到严重影响,面临被暂停和终止上市的巨大风险。

    When a listed company has been special treatment , the value of equity investments will be severely affected .

  17. 第二章逐一分析了退市制度中的退市条件、暂停和恢复上市规则和建立准退市提示制度等核心内容;

    Chapter II analyzes the condition of de-listing , the rules of pause and comeback and the indication system of semi-delisting .

  18. 由此,也出现了首次发行股票动机,配股动机,避免暂停、终止上市的动机。

    Accordingly , motives such as . IPO , share allocation , avoidance of share suspension and delisting also appear in the country .

  19. 一位不愿透露姓名的分析师表示:我们有过剩的流动性。许多投资者似乎把暂停多时后的上市重启,看作一份投机邀请。

    We have excess liquidity and many investors appear to see the resumption of the long-suspended listings as an invitation to speculate , said one analyst who asked not to be named .