
  1. 通过对营销学理论在城市经营里的深入运用和多种反思,尝试用整合营销传播的创新思路和传播方法来思考流行的行销主题&城市行销,使城市经营实践更加理性和专业化。

    Based on the reflection over the profound application of marketing theory in city marketing , the essay attempts to analyze city marketing & a popular marketing theme , using the creative IMC method , to make city marketing practice more sensible and professional .

  2. 新世纪伊始,公司全面实施形象工程及整合营销,不断改革创新,开发高新产品。

    In this new century , the company keeps innovating and developing new products .

  3. 第二章论述了整合营销模式的整合,建立起消费者对品牌的认知,以及整合营销传播模式的创新。

    The second chapter discusses the integration of integrated marketing models and consumers ' brand awareness , as well as innovation of integrated marketing dissemination models .