
  1. 企业市场创新组织管理研究

    The Research on Market Innovation Organization and Management of Enterprise

  2. 面向企业市场创新的信息需求与信息服务策略研究

    Research on the Information Demand and Information Service Strategy for Enterprise Market Innovation

  3. 小型企业市场创新战略浅析

    Analysis of the Small Enterprise 's Market Innovation Strategy

  4. 重点叙述了市场创新中产品/市场创新组合和市场营销创新和企业市场创新战略;

    This part mainly depicts the market under-innovation product , the market innovation combination , the marketing innovation and the enterprise market innovation strategy .

  5. 本文通过对技术创新组合与战略选择的论述,阐明了企业市场创新的方法,主要内容和创新战略选择。

    Through the illustration on the technology innovation combination and strategy selection , the paper expatiates the ways , the main content and the strategy selection for the enterprise market innovation .

  6. 第三部分,论述了组织管理创新与企业市场创新的关系,介绍了企业组织创新趋势、管理创新内涵和创新背景;

    The following part discusses the relation between the organizational management innovation and the enterprise market innovation and introduces the new trend of the enterprise organization innovation , the content for the management innovation and the innovation background .

  7. 日本企业市场选择创新战略

    The Innovative Strategies Employed in the Japanese Industrial Market

  8. 论我国企业市场营销创新

    On Marketing Innovation of Enterprises in China

  9. 方法:从目前我国药品消费者特征分析出发,提出我国制药企业市场营销创新的策略。

    METHODS : Strategies for pharma marketing innovation were proposed through analyzing the characteristics of consumers in China .

  10. 随着科学技术的发展以及经济全球化,特别是信息技术和国际互联网的发展和应用,顾客需求和购买方式越来越复杂多样化,为企业市场营销创新提供了极其丰富的途径选择。

    With the fast development of global economic , science and technology , especially the development and application of information technology and internet , customer demand and purchase mode become more complex and diversified , this provides many alternatives for enterprise marketing & sales .

  11. 最后,对企业债券市场制度创新的前景做出预测和展望。

    Finally , it gives prediction and expectation for the institutional innovation in the country 's corporate market .

  12. 具体的措施包括:健全公司治理制度,大力发展企业债券市场、创新证券市场制度、推进银行商业化改革、规范政府行为等。

    Specific measurers go like this : improving corporate governance institution , developing corporate bond market , innovating security market institution , commercializing the bank and standardizing government behavior .

  13. 我国企业债券市场制度创新的思路与对策主要是完善并修订相关法律法规,加快现代企业制度建设,加强市场基础性制度建设。

    The philosophy and countermeasure for China 's corporate bond market innovation are to consummate and revise the related laws and regulations , quickening modern enterprise system construction and strengthening market fundamental institutional arrangement .

  14. 但是,目前看来,这些园区都不同程度地面临着园区内企业市场导向和创新能力不足的问题,从而影响了园区整体的产业升级和可持续发展。

    However , by modern standards , the enterprises in these parks are more or less confronted with the problem of shortage of the capability of innovation , market orientation and resource integration , which hampers the upgrading of industry and sustainable development of the park .

  15. 贵在营销理念&加入WTO企业国际化市场竞争策略创新

    The Important Thing Is the " Market Principle " & Innovation in Competitive Strategy on International Market by Entering into WTO

  16. 第三章对我国企业债券市场中产品创新的研究。

    Chapter three has a study on product innovation in the enterprise bond market in China .

  17. 寻求印度富裕阶层的帮助(辛格总理已经在这么做)将开启公私合作的模式,可以给政府支持的企业灌输自由市场的创新精神。

    Enlisting the support of wealthy Indians , as Mr Singh has , begins a public-private partnership that infuses government-backed enterprise with free-market innovation .

  18. 中国企业技术和市场协同创新机制初探&基于环境-管理-创新不确定性的变量相关分析

    A research on synergistic innovation mechanism between technological innovation and market innovation in China & Based on relational analysis of environment , management , and innovation

  19. 新制度经济学以其对经济运行过程中制度背景的关注,对研究中国企业债券市场的制度创新过程具有特殊的意义。

    The New Institutional Economics is of particular significance to China 's corporate bonds market development , since it always focuses on institutional background underlying economic progress .

  20. 企业面临的市场经济环境务件决定了企业必须创新才能生存发展,而我国企业在市场营销创新方面还存在诸多的问题。

    Under the market economic environment , innovation decides survive of an enterprise . But there exists many problems in innovation of marketing & sales of Chinese enterprises .

  21. 对我国高科技企业营销面临的关键问题,提出了高科技企业市场营销的创新策略和高科技企业营销创新的具体对策。

    In this paper , the author aims at discussing the key problems that the high-tech enterprises confront with , and proposing the idiographic countermeasures for high-tech enterprises marketing innovation .

  22. 由于企业资源的有限性和支配资源能力的有限性,企业在市场创新过程中必须合理配置资源。

    Because of the limitedness of an enterprise 's resources and that of the ability to allocate resources , the enterprises must allocate resources effectively in the process of market innovation .

  23. 另外,技术创新是促进企业发展的重要因素,在企业发展过程中,技术创新可以提高企业整体实力和竞争优势;技术创新可以帮助企业抢占市场;技术创新可以促进企业的可持续发展。

    In addition , the technical innovation is the important factor to promote enterprise development , in the process of enterprise development , technology innovation can improve enterprise overall strength and competitive advantage . Technology innovation can help enterprise seizes the market .