
  • 网络Enterprise strategic shift
  1. 试论有色金属矿山关闭企业的战略转移

    Discussion on a strategic shift of shutdown of nonferrous mine enterprises

  2. 中外企业战略联盟知识转移效率的实证分析

    Effects on knowledge transfer efficiency in sino-foreign strategic alliance : an empirical analysis

  3. 从资本经营到智力经营&当代企业面临的战略转移

    From Capital Management to Intelligence Management & The strategic Transfer Confronted by Contemporary Enterprises

  4. 应对外国反倾销和中国企业竞争战略的转移

    The Shifted Competitive Strategies Against Foreign Anti-dumping

  5. 现代企业战略十大转移

    Ten Strategic Transfers of Modern Enterprises

  6. 富士康此举标志着这家高科技企业的一次战略转移。富士康是中国内地最大的民营雇主,其最为人所知的是作为苹果(Apple)的iPhone和iPad设备在全球最大的代工制造商。

    The move signals a shift in strategy for the technology company , which is mainland China 's biggest private-sector employer and is best known as the largest global contract manufacturer of Apple 's iPhone and iPad devices .

  7. 运用新经济改造传统产业企业是加速企业战略转移的重要方面。

    It is an important aspect to quicken the strategic transformation of an enterprise using the new economy to remold a traditional industry .

  8. 本文从营销渠道系统变革中审视中国零售企业地位的改变,分析了中国零售企业向自有品牌战略转移的动因和可行性,提出了可采取的营销策略。

    This article scans Chinese retail corporation position alteration , analyses reason feasibility about Chinese retail corporation transferring to private brand strategy and brings forward adopted marketing strategy from marketing channel system transformation .

  9. 针对我国一些有色金属矿山面临资源枯竭、企业经营困难的问题,国家实行了矿山关闭破产政策,这些企业的战略转移成为当务之急。

    Proceeding from the fact that some nonferrous mines are confronted with problems of almost exhausted resources and subsequent difficulties of management , a strategic shift of shutdown nonferrous mine enterprises should be put on the agenda in time and should be further subject to careful scrutiny .

  10. 企业要成为自主创新的主体,不断提高核心竞争力,抢占竞争优势的制高点,就必须加快实现现代企业战略的十大转移。

    The enterprises want to be the main body of self innovation , constantly improve its core competitive ability and take the advantageous position in competition , these ten strategic transfers of modern enterprises is quite necessary .