
  • 网络Enterprise logistics system;physical distribution system
  1. 信息技术的发展以及电子商务的推广,为企业物流系统再造提供了契机。

    With the development of IT and the prevailing of E-commerce , the re-engineering of physical distribution system of enterprises is being imperative .

  2. 基于MAS与SD的核心企业物流系统混合建模

    Hybrid Modeling of Core Enterprise Logistics Systems Based on MAS and SD

  3. Intranet与企业物流系统接口方法的研究与应用

    Research and Application on the Way of Interface between Intranet and the Enterprise Material Flow System

  4. 基于DEA方法的企业物流系统绩效评价模型探讨

    Discussion on the Model of the Business Enterprises Logistics System 's Performance Evaluation Based on DEA Method

  5. 文中重点介绍了企业物流系统是一个复杂适应系统(CAS),具有:自组织性;

    This paper focuses on the enterprise 's logistics system is a complex adaptive system ( CAS ), with : self-organization ;

  6. 基于SLP和SHA结合的企业物流系统平面再布置设计

    Design on Layout Rearrangement of Enterprise Logistics Based on the Combination of SLP and SHA

  7. 最后给出了在Intranet环境下利用ASP技术实现Intranet与企业物流系统接口的具体实例。

    In the end , the interface 's implementation of Intranet and enterprise material flow system using ASP technology in the Intranet environment is explained by an application example .

  8. 在此基础上,分析了将VMI思想应用于连锁经营企业物流系统是具有可行性的。

    Based on this , it 's analyzed the possibility of using the thought of VMI to the logistics system in chain-management corporation .

  9. 同现代物流系统的集成化目标一致,LRP的目标是集成企业物流系统中的设施定位问题和车辆路径问题,最小化物流系统的总成本。

    Like modern logistics system with integrated objective of cost and service , the objective of LRP is to ingrate the location allocation problem ( LAP ) and Vehicle Routing Problems ( VRP ) and minimum the total cost of the system .

  10. 创建了物流建模标记语言LMML,定义了标准信息格式,结合企业物流系统信息集成的需求和七元素物流系统对象模型,对企业物流系统进行了静态建模。

    It sets up the Logistics Modeling Markup Language ( LMML ), defines the standard information format . Combining the demand of information integration of logistics system and the seven-element object model , it carries through the static modeling of enterprise logistics system .

  11. 地区性分销企业物流系统优化

    The Logistics System 's Optimization in the Enterprise of Regional Distribution

  12. 离散型制造企业物流系统优化方法的研究

    Study on Optimization Method of Discrete Manufacture Enterprises Logistics System

  13. 试论冶金企业物流系统的重组

    The Discussion about the Recombination of the Logistics System in Metallurgy Enterprises

  14. 企业物流系统中库存与运输的优化模型

    Optimal model of stock and transportation for enterprise logistics systems

  15. 基于ISO9001:2000的企业物流系统整合参考模型

    An Integrated Reference Model for Enterprise Logistics Systems Based on ISO9001:2000 Standard

  16. 因此,给各企业物流系统间的信息互通造成了障碍。

    It creates barriers for the enterprise logistics systems to exchange information .

  17. 企业物流系统分析与再布置设计研究

    Research on Enterprise Logistics Analysis and System Re-layout Design

  18. 企业物流系统规划及投资决策分析

    Enterprise Logistics System Programming and Investment Decision Analysis

  19. 制造企业物流系统建模技术的研究

    Modeling Techniques for Logistics Systems of Manufacturing Enterprises

  20. 知识经济时代航运企业物流系统分析

    Analysis on the Shipping Logistics System of Shipping Corporation in the Knowledge Economy Age

  21. 因此选择合适的物流运作模式是成功构建企业物流系统的前提。

    It provides foundation for IT corporation to select the seemly logistics operation mode .

  22. 并且提出了针对企业物流系统发展的一些政策性建议。

    And put forward the development of logistics systems for enterprises some policy suggestion .

  23. 供应链环境下制造企业物流系统设计研究

    Study on the Design of Logistics System for Manufacturing Companies under Supply Chain Environment

  24. 基于柔性生产的企业物流系统构建与仿真研究

    Research on the Construction & Simulation of Enterprise Logistics System Based on Flexible Production

  25. 企业物流系统是指为了满足企业生产需要,有效达成物流目的的机制。

    Logistics system can be considered as the mechanism of how to achieve logistics purpose effectively .

  26. 建立良好的企业物流系统参考模型是整合企业物流系统和物流系统仿真的基础。

    Integrating and simulating of enterprise logistics systems are based on excellent logistics system reference models .

  27. 基于系统论的煤炭企业物流系统模糊综合评价研究

    Study of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for Coal Enterprises Logistic System on the Basis of System Theory

  28. 企业物流系统研究

    Study on the Enterprise Logistics System

  29. 分销型企业物流系统设计

    Design on Distributional Business Logistics System

  30. 注塑机企业物流系统层次建模与仿真研究

    Study on Hierarchical Modeling and Simulation of Modern Manufacturing Logistics Systems for Injection Moulding Machine Enterprise