
  • 网络Logistics Node
  1. 研究思路和方法对港口电煤物流节点规模的确定有一定的借鉴意义。

    The thoughts and approaches applied in this research are instructive and useful for the determination of electricity coal logistics nodes in ports .

  2. 通过实验证明了DPSO与其它优化算法相比,具有比较快的搜索效率与比较高的达优率,这种算法在解决物流节点选址决策问题更加科学合理,有一定适用性与推广价值。

    Experimental results demonstrate that DPSO and other optimization algorithms , with a relatively fast search of higher efficiency and superior rate of this algorithm in solving the problem of logistics nodes location decisions more scientific and reasonable , and promotion of the applicability of a certain value .

  3. 基于GIS和CEM的资源型城市物流节点选址研究

    Research on Site Selection of Logistics Node for Resource-based Cities Based on GIS and CEM

  4. 基于集合覆盖模型的城市ULS物流节点选址分析

    Analysis on Locations for Urban ULS Logistics Links Based on Set Covering Model

  5. 浅析兰州市物流节点的空间布局

    Analysis of the Spatial Distribution on Logistics Node of Lanzhou City

  6. 汽车配件物流节点的需求分析与管理研究

    Demand Analysis and Management Studying of Logistics Node of Automobile Spare-parts

  7. 基于遗传算法的冷链物流节点选址研究

    Research on cold chain logistics node location based on genetic algorithms

  8. 物流节点类型的确定及其实证分析

    Determination of the Types of Logistics Nodes and the Demonstration Analysis

  9. 我国物流节点设施布局的理论与实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study on Layout of Logistics Node Facilities in China

  10. 物流节点配送路径安排问题优化求解及算法设计

    Optimization Solution of Vehicle Routine Problem and Its Algorithm Design

  11. 物流节点系统布局优化控制模型研究

    Research on Optimization Control Model of Logistics Nodes System Layout

  12. 物流节点则是城市物流活动的核心,担负着指挥、调度以及市内与市外物流连接的功能。

    The logistics nodes are the core in the whole proceeding of transportation .

  13. 山东半岛城市群物流节点发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategy of Logistics Nodes in Shandong Peninsula City Cluster

  14. 区域物流节点体系规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Regional Logistics Joints System

  15. 基于武汉城市圈发展的区域物流节点规划研究

    Design on Regional Logistics Nodes Based on the Development of Wuhan City Cluster

  16. 解决这些问题的关键之一就是如何在建设前对城市物流节点进行合理的规划。

    Reasonable plan before construction is a key way to solve these problems .

  17. 关于区域物流节点合肥市物流发展契机的研究

    Study on the Opportunity of Hefei Logistics Development

  18. 精确重心算法在物流节点选址中的应用

    Application of Exact-gravity Algorithm in Logistics Node Location

  19. 区域物流节点的规划是区域物流规划中的核心内容之一。

    The planning of regional logistics joints is one of the primary things of it .

  20. 众所周知,物流节点是现代物流体系的重要组成部分,对于粮食物流更是如此。

    As we all know , logistics node is an important part of logistics system .

  21. 物流节点最优选址与规模的双层规划模型

    A Bi-level Programming Models in the Optimization for the Position and Scale of Logistics Points

  22. 物流节点的规划需要综合考虑物流枢纽城市的自身特点。

    Planning and design of logistics nodes must be considered a comprehensive logistics hub city characteristics .

  23. 基于供需动态均衡的物流节点物流量预测研究

    Logistics Amount Prediction of Logistics Node based on Dynamic Equalization of Logistics Demand and Logistics Supply

  24. 政府对城市物流节点空间关联的干预主要是通过城市规划和物流业规划来实现的,因此对城市物流的规划在推动城市物流发展中有重要的作用。

    The government intervene spatial association of urban logistics nodes by urban planning and logistics industry planning .

  25. 物流节点的布局和设施选址是整个物流网络构建的关键环节。

    The MF nodes arrangement and establishment location are the key processes to build the whole MF net architecture .

  26. 第四章,赣南东部赣闽边际地区物流节点城市规划研究。

    Chapter four is Fujian and Southern Jiangxi in the eastern region of the logistics node marginal urban planning study .

  27. 在双层规划的基础上提出了多层分析并结合层次分析法,成功的运用到物流节点选址规划之中。

    Based on the bi-level programming theory , the multi-layers analysis is put forward and applied into the logistic node planning .

  28. 我国的煤炭物流节点多,分布广泛。

    There are a large number of coal logistics nodes in our country . These coal logistics nodes are widely distributed .

  29. 区域物流节点作为连接供货点和需求点的桥梁,在区域物流系统中有着举足轻重的作用。

    As the connected bridge of supply point and demand point , logistics node plays a vital role in the regional logistics system .

  30. 物流节点的规模是利用第三方物流量进入物流企业的货运量的大小来确定的。

    The scale is the use of logistics nodes enter the amount of third party logistics freight logistics enterprises to determine the size .