
  • 网络Logistics Information System;Lis
  1. 然而,目前的物流信息系统大多是面向功能的,且分散于不同的部门,因此难以适应市场竞争环境的迅速变化对企业物流流程与业务管理流程的动态调整要求。

    However , Most LIS are function - oriented and are spreaded into different departments so that it 's difficult to meet the requirement of the contemporary logistics .

  2. 根据ERP和MES的特点以及企业物流管理的需要,提出建立基于ERP和MES相集成的物流信息系统的观点和系统集成的框架。

    Combining the characteristics of ERP and MES with the needs of enterprise 's logistics management , this article puts forward the view of setting up LIS based on the ( integration ) of ERP and MES and the framework of system integration .

  3. 基于WebServices的第三方物流信息系统解决方案

    Solution of the third-party logistics application based on Web Services

  4. 移动Agent环境下物流信息系统模型的研究

    Model of Logistics Information System Based-on Mobile Agent System

  5. 基于GIS现代物流信息系统的设计

    A Design of Logistic Information System Based on GIS Technology

  6. GIS与物流信息系统集成技术研究

    GIS and Logistics Information System Integration Technology

  7. 基于UML的公路货运站场物流信息系统规划研究

    Study on Logistics Information System Programming of Road Freight Term Based on UML

  8. 基于Multi-Agent的军事物流信息系统构架模型

    Architectonic Model of Military Logistics Information System Based on Multi-Agent

  9. 基于J2EE的邮政物流信息系统研究与设计

    J2EE-Based Post Logistics Information System Research and Design

  10. 接着介绍了基于ERP的企业物流信息系统。

    Then it introduces the summarize of the logistics information system of enterprise based on ERP .

  11. 基于CORBA的敏捷化制造企业物流信息系统研究

    Research in the logistics information system of agile manufacturing enterprise based on CORBA

  12. RFID技术与现代物流信息系统设计&兼论RFID技术在上海石化仓库智能化管理中的运用

    RFID technology and modern logistics information system designing-FRID 's using in intelligent storage management of SPC

  13. 本文根据物流信息系统的需求特点,提出采用J2EE开源软件进行物流信息系统的开发。

    The thesis adopts J2EE open source software to develop the logistics information system according to its demand characteristic .

  14. 本文研究认为Agent理论和技术是解决分布式智能物流信息系统建模、设计和实施问题的最佳方法和最可靠的手段。

    In the paper , the agent theory and technology is considered as the optimal method for the modeling and design of the intelligence distributed logistics information system ( DLIS ) .

  15. 在验证业务流程的有效性之后,运用统一建模语言UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)这一高效系统建模工具,根据之前设计好的业务流程,建立了详细的商业企业物流信息系统模型。

    After verifying the effectiveness of business processes , I use the UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) to build a detailed model of the commercial enterprise logistics information system .

  16. 重点分析了基于ERP的企业物流信息系统的目标、功能设计、开发方法与主要技术;

    It analyzes the objects , modules design , developing ways and skills of the logistics information system of enterprise based on ERP in emphasis .

  17. 为解决多种物流信息系统间信息交流与数据交换的异构问题,越来越多的物流企业采用XML作为数据交换的标准以增强企业间的相互合作,形成新的商业模式。

    To solve problems of information communicating and data exchanging , more and more logistic companies are using XML as standard to enhance the co-operation and form the new business model .

  18. 因此,基于Android平台的物流信息系统开发,对于改善物流管理有着积极的作用。

    Therefore , the system development based on the Android platform of logistics information has a positive role to improve logistics management .

  19. J2EE是开发Web结构的物流信息系统的首选技术,J2EE平台为构建安全的物流信息系统提供了完整的服务。

    J2EE has been become the preferred technology to develop logistics information system of web structure . J2EE platform has offered complete service for constructing secure enterprise logistics information system .

  20. 把CORBA等组件技术和Web技术相结合,建立了采用JavaORB技术的敏捷物流信息系统模型,并进行了详细的设计和分析。

    Combining the CORBA module with the Web technology , an agile logistics information system model using Java ORB is provided and the design and analysis are given .

  21. 本文首先研究了J2EE的层次结构及技术架构,指出采用J2EE规范开发分布式物流信息系统的优势。

    First , the thesis studied the hierarchical structure and technical architecture , and pointed out the advantages of adopting J2EE norm to develop the distributed logistics information system .

  22. 基于Android平台的物联网物流信息系统配合条形码扫描技术实现了对货物信息的准确判断,保证货物传送的准确性。

    The system development based on the Android platform of logistics information achieves the accurate judgement of the good information cooperated with bar code scanning technology .

  23. 建立了物流信息系统的UML建模方法,提出了车号与物流自动跟踪算法。

    In the dissertation , UML is adopted for producing the model of the information system of goods logistics , and an algorithm for train code tracking and goods logistics tracking is presented .

  24. 本文介绍了GIS技术在现代物流信息系统中的应用,分析了物流管理系统的模型和功能,并指出GIS技术实现物流管理具有广阔的应用前景。

    This paper introduces the application of GIS technology in the modern logistics information system , analyzing the model and function of the logistics system , and points out GIS technology in logistics management has broad application prospects .

  25. 首先构建了物流信息系统用户满意度评价的指标体系,然后建立了基于AHP的用户满意度模糊综合评价模型,最后通过案例分析了模型的应用方法,同时案例表明了方法的有效性。

    The paper establishes the assessment index system for user satisfaction of logistics information system and a fuzzy-AHP model . Finally , it gives out a case to show how to apply the model .

  26. 论文分析传统物流信息系统存在的问题及能够解决这些问题的J2EE标准,该标准是基于多层体系结构而定义的支持企业应用的构架。

    This paper analyzes the problems and shortages of traditional logistics information system , then introduces the J2EE specification which is based on multi-tier architecture and can solve the problems and serve for enterprise well .

  27. 基于Janeva的异构环境中企业物流信息系统集成研究

    The Research on Enterprise Logistics Information System Integration Based on Janeva in Heterogeneous Environment

  28. 本文在物流信息系统的开发中应用了Web/J2EE技术以及MVC设计模式,并介绍了该信息系统的模块设计及结构。

    In support of the Web / J2EE technology and MVC design pattern , we have established a commercial logistics information service system for enterprise . The paper focuses on the design and architecture of the module .

  29. 文中阐明了采用INTERBUS总线构成的汽车生产物流信息系统的功能和特点。

    In the paper , the function and property of automobile producing logistics information system to form by INTERBUS Bus is illustrated .

  30. 针对公司信息化存在的问题,从物流信息系统方面进行需求分析,利用虚拟数据工厂模式和RBAC权限管理等技术从信息系统构架、信息系统模块和信息系统功能三方面对其进行优化。

    Problems for information technology companies , in terms of logistics information system needs analysis , and finally I use virtual data factory pattern and RBAC rights management technology to optimize the three aspects of the information system architecture , information systems , modules and information systems function .