
  • 网络Enterprise Marketing Concepts
  1. 现代企业营销观念的剖析

    An Analysis on Modern Enterprise Marketing Concepts

  2. 现代企业营销观念和方式的创新研究

    Study on Innovation in Marketing Concept and Tactics in Modern Enterprises

  3. 我国企业营销观念创新的取向

    The Tropism on the Concept of Our Country 's Enterprise Marketing Innovation

  4. 中日企业营销观念比较研究

    Comparative Research on Marketing Concept of China and Japanes Enterprises

  5. 入世后中国企业营销观念的提升与全员营销管理

    The Enhance of Chinese Enterprises'Marketing Concept and All Employee Marketing Management after China 's Access to WTO

  6. 强化企业营销观念,提高企业营销管理能力,将是此类企业刻不容缓需要进行的工作。

    What need to do immediately for these enterprises are strengthening the marketing concept and improve the marketing management ability .

  7. 怎样看待投诉,怎样处理投诉,反映了企业营销观念的变化。

    How to think about complaining and how to deal with the appeal , reflect the change of enterprise 's marketing idea .

  8. 但由于旅游管理部门和旅游企业营销观念落后,营销手段单一等问题的存在,严重影响了新疆旅游业的健康发展。

    However , tourism management and marketing concepts behind tourism enterprises , marketing and other means of a single issue of the existence of a serious impact on the healthy development of the tourism industry in Xinjiang .

  9. 21世纪企业市场营销观念的探讨

    A Discussion on the Marketing Concept in the 21st Century

  10. 企业的营销观念落后,还没树立绿色营销的社会营销观念,绿色营销环节脱节。

    Enterprises have not yet set up the social marketing idea of green marketing .

  11. 绿色营销是在国际社会普遍推行可持续发展的大趋势下产生的现代企业市场营销观念。

    Green marketing is a modern marketing concept grown out of the global tendency of sustainable development .

  12. 从企业的营销观念、战略制定及顾客沟通等方面,对建立高度的顾客满意、培养顾客忠诚进行了初步的探索。

    This article has initially explored how to create high customer satisfaction and loyalty concerning marketing concept , strategy making and customer communication etc.

  13. 因此,当前的中国工业品企业的营销观念及理论很难适应市场变化和行业发展的需求。

    So , in present , marketing idea and theory of industrial products enterprise are not suitable for change of its market and development .

  14. 新技术的使用会影响消费者的知识、态度、行为,进而改变企业的营销观念、战略和方法。

    Utilization of a new technology will affect consumers ' knowledge , attitudes and behaviors , thus change marketing concept , strategies and methods of firms .

  15. 旅游者的旅游需求正逐渐趋向于深层参与的体验式旅游,旅游企业的营销观念也由品牌营销,服务营销开始向体验营销的方式转变。

    Tourist 's demands are tend to the experience tourism which needs tourists join deeply , The enterprise 's idea of management began to transform from brand running and service running to the mode of experience management .

  16. 首先,要转变零售企业的营销观念,以提升顾客价值为零售业服务营销的目的,增加顾客的感知利得,减少顾客感知利失。

    At the beginning , it is necessary to change the marketing concepts of retail enterprise to enhance customer value for the purpose of retail marketing services , increase customer perceived profits , reduce customer perceived benefit loss .

  17. 经济时代的演进引导了企业市场营销观念的转变,尤其是随着体验经济时代的到来,最终导致了市场营销观念的改变,进而衍变成新型的营销模式。

    The evolution of the economic times lead the enterprise marketing idea of change , and with the arrival of the era of experience economy , and thus made the market marketing idea produced change , and new marketing mode which become .

  18. 客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)愈来愈成为企业营销的新观念。

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) is growing to be the new concept of enterprise marketing .

  19. 改善企业管理更新营销观念&关于钦州坭兴工艺厂的调查

    Improving the Management of the Enterprise and Updating the Ideology of the Marketing

  20. 企业营销的新观念&浅议关系营销

    New Concept of Enterprise Marketing & Relationship Marketing

  21. 试论小企业的市场营销观念与策略

    Marketing Strategies of Small Enterprises

  22. 同时,它也影响着企业的市场营销观念不断更新,促使现代企业采用社会营销观;

    Also the corporation 's marketing conception has been changed , many corporations have taken the social marketing conception ;

  23. 面临体验经济和体验消费的到来,企业需要转换营销观念实施体验营销。

    Facing the arrival of experience economy and experience consumption , businesses need to convert to the implementation of experience marketing .

  24. 以期对我国企业树立现代营销观念、进行营销观念创新有一定的借鉴和指导作用。

    The article is expected to be helpful to Chinese enterprises establishing the correct modem marketing conception and putting forward the new ideas on the conception .

  25. 因此,用服务营销的理念来创新和变革企业现有的营销观念、营销方式与营销手段,就成为现代企业经营成功与否的关键。

    Therefore , it is the key to enterprises to use the concept of service marketing to innovate , transform the existing conception , mode and method of marketing .

  26. 从市场营销的角度阐述小企业应有的营销观念和营销策略,树立正确的营销观念和营销策略,是小企业生存和发展的基础和关键。

    From the view of the selling strategy of small enterprises , in this paper it is explained that selling concepts and selling strategies are the basis and key of small enterprises survival and development .

  27. 同时联系实际,分析了国内生产企业在营销渠道管理观念和实践上的变化历程。同时阐述了营销渠道管理当前面临的主要挑战及其成因。

    On the above basis , the thesis analyzing the development of marketing channels management idea and practice in our country .

  28. 同时,应彻底转变传统的以企业为中心的营销观念,树立以消费者为中心的现代营销观念,积极引导消费者按照发动机的压缩比正确选用汽油,为消费者服务,为保护大气环境做出贡献。

    Meanwhile , it is necessary to turn the traditional corporate-concentrated marketing conception into the modern consumer-focus one to help consumers take correct choice of gasoline according to the compression ratio and benefit atmospheric environmental protection .

  29. 通过对当前电信市场实际状况的分析,深入探讨了我国电信运营企业应当在市场营销观念上作出的战略性调整,指出对企业营销竞争会有一定的理论和现实意义。

    By analyzing actual situation of telecom market at present , it discusses in detail adoptive strategical adjustment of telecom enterprise in business idea in China and points out its certain theoretical & practical significances to business competition of enterprise .

  30. 为此,山西煤炭企业必须不断调整营销观念、加强品牌管理、创新营销模式,同时加强营销队伍的建设,并做好市场调研工作,只有这样才能在国际市场竞争中立于不败之地。

    So the coal corporation of Shanxi must adjust the marketing view , enhance the brand management , innovate the marketing model . At the same time , strengthening the construction of the marketing group and doing the market research well can still do well in the international competition .