
zhàn lüè mù biāo
  • strategic objective
  1. 以此为基础,C公司重新确立了未来五年的发展战略目标和基本战略,包括竞争战略和营销战略。

    On this basis , company C re-establish the strategic objective and the development of basic strategy next five years , including competitive strategy and marketing strategy .

  2. 提出了影响X集团市场进入方式选择的三维度要素:战略目标、市场吸引力、资源与能力,以及战略目标市场吸引力资源与能力进入策略的理论框架。

    The paper also proposes three dimension factors : strategic objective , market attraction , resources and abilities , as well as the theory framework : strategic objective market attraction resources and abilities entering tactics .

  3. 飞行员准确地轰炸了战略目标。

    The pilots bombed strategic targets with pinpoint accuracy .

  4. 许多是战略目标,例如军工厂。

    Many such targets were strategic , such as armaments factories .

  5. 业务战略目标(BusinessGoal)陈述在业务指示发挥预期作用的情况下应该实现的业务状态。

    Business Goals are defined to be a statement of the expected state or condition of the business if the Business Directives take effect as expected .

  6. 其RD全球化的战略目标就是要在全球范围内建立RD网络、开展RD合作。

    The target of R D globalization is to establish R D network and cooperate with others in the scope of world .

  7. 体育发展战略目标的层次分析法(AHP)应用

    Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) for Analysing the Strategic Goals in Developing Sports

  8. 并对系统功能进行调研分析,提出企业目前CRM建设现状及远景差距,确定CRM战略目标。

    And the functions of the system are analyzed , and some Suggestions on research situation and construction enterprise is CRM vision , CRM gap strategic goals .

  9. 全面推进HSE和TQC管理体系努力实现中国石油企业的国际化经营的战略目标

    Completely use of HSE and TQC management systems and realization international marketing strategy object for oil enterprise in China

  10. 然后对某高校后勤集团也进行了SWOT分析,旨在通过SWOT分析,确定集团的整体战略目标,进一步明确集团的绩效指标;

    Then the SWOT analysis to university rear service group is carried on to define group 's overall strategic target , for the purpose of determining specific performance targets .

  11. 第四,通过对广西甘蔗生产机械化战略目标的能力进行分析,对机械化战略进行SWOT分析,探讨其发展战略方案。

    Fourthly , by means of the ability analyses on the strategic objective of the sugarcane mechanization in the Guangxi Province , the SWOT analysis on the mechanization strategy is implemented and its development strategy program is discussed .

  12. 总结出CPI理论的核心思想是:反馈过去,做好现在,规划未来;把握好战略目标,随着变化而变化。

    It summarized the core idea of CPI is that to feedback the past , to do best today and to plan the future , and a good grasp of strategic objectives with the changes .

  13. 在此基础上,利用PEST、SWOT矩阵、产业五种力量分析进行分析,并确定了企业的战略目标,确定了实现总战略目标所采取的阶段性战略。

    On this basis , we confirm the company 's aim and strategic objective and confirmed a point of strategy adopted to realize the total strategic objective applying the matrix of PEST , SWOT and the five force in the industry analytic approach .

  14. 论文根据红塔的战略目标,阐述了ERP系统中人力资源管理系统的作用和意义,描述了红塔ERP-HR系统的构成,描述了红塔ERP-HR人力资源管理系统实施的过程。

    By virtue of Hongta strategy target , the paper explicated the function and meaning of ERP-HR , which structure and implement procedure are also described .

  15. 以及在发展战略目标下的经营策略:产品策略、自有品牌和OEM两条腿走路策略、市场营销策略、企业文化策略、企业信息化策略等竞争、经营策略。

    They are strategic agreement , strategic reform management and human resource management , and its products strategy , its own brand , OEM strategy , marketing strategy , enterprise culture strategy , enterprise information strategy by means of strategic evaluation .

  16. 因此,如何科学地评价和管理员工绩效,激励员工,最终实现战略目标,在激烈竞争中取胜,就成为了XB宾馆当前有待于解决的问题。

    Therefore , during intense competition , how to science evaluation and management performance , motivate employees , and finally realize the strategic target , become the XB hotel most important problem currently .

  17. 同时根据公司的战略目标,对ZL公司的发展战略进行了较为全面、详细的研究,明确提出ZL管理咨询公司的发展战略应是差异化战略、品牌战略和战略联盟战略。

    According to the ZL strategy object and layout , analyses ZL in detail , and Put forward the ZL strategy must be a different strategy and brand strategy , strategy alliance .

  18. 本文通过对中国建筑企业进行SWOT分析,找出建筑企业的优、劣势和建筑行业竞争环境的机会与威胁;并根据SWOT分析的结果,提出中国建筑企业在国际工程承包市场中的战略目标与对策。

    Ander this background , the current paper carries on SWOT analysis for Chinese architectural enterprises to discover their strength , weakness , opportunity and threat . And based on the results , this paper brings forward the strategic goals and countermeasures for such enterprises in the international market .

  19. 进而,确定了重庆PL有限公司的战略目标是:努力确立公司在西部汽车物流业中的领先地位,并逐步成为中国最好的大型综合物流服务提供商之一。

    What 's more , the strategy target of Chongqing PL limited Company is determined . It is that striving to make sure the leader situation in automobile logistics industry in Western China , and then to be one of the best suppliers who supply integration logistics service gradually .

  20. 选择战略目标,确定改革创新点;

    Select strategic objective and define to reform and innovate points ;

  21. 战略目标、战略思想与战略类型选择;

    Selecting strategy object , strategy thought and strategy type ;

  22. 青海省实施可持续发展战略目标的对策思考

    The Suggestion to the Strategy Target on the Continuous-Development of Qinghai Province

  23. 实现社会主义农业战略目标的政策构思不同。

    They designed different plans to realize the goals of agricultural strategy .

  24. 总体战略目标可分为技术积累阶段、全面质量提升阶段以及可持续发展阶段的三步走战略。

    The total strategic objective can be carried out through three steps .

  25. 本论文就是对战略目标分解这一课题进行研究。

    The paper has just studied strategic goals ' analysis .

  26. 郑州在中部崛起中的战略目标定位

    Goal Orientation of Zhengzhou City in Strategy when Central Plains Rising to Prominence

  27. 第二可实现我国经济发展战略目标;

    Realize the strategic target of Chinese economic development ;

  28. 实现这一伟大战略目标需要相应的理论作为支撑。

    The realization of this great strategic goal requires the support of theories .

  29. 战略目标包括发展总体目标及目标体系。

    Strategic objectives include the development of overall goals and objectives of the system .

  30. 高校战略目标的制定就是对其自身水平和特色定位的反映。

    The strategic goal often reflects a university 's level and features of school-running .