
  • 网络Strategic integration;Strategy integration;Strategic Alignment
  1. 企业并购后的整合主要包括企业战略整合、企业有形资源以及无形资源整合。

    The post-merger integration is mainly composed of strategy integration , tangible resources integration and intangible resources integration .

  2. 第五,从战略整合、组织与制度整合、人力资源整合、企业文化整合、财务整合等五个方面介绍了哈尔滨医药行业企业并购后的整合管理。

    Fifthly , it introduces the integration management from strategy integration , human resources integration 、 financial integration and so on .

  3. 中国一拖集团公司采购战略整合计划

    Strategic Planning of Purchasing Integration in the First Tractor Company Limited

  4. 出版产业的创新改制和战略整合

    Innovation and Reforming System of Publishing Industry and Strategic Conformity

  5. 基于供应链管理的战略整合研究

    Research on Strategic Integration Based on Supply Chain Management

  6. 企业电子商务采纳:组织行为与战略整合视角的实证研究

    E-business Adoption in Organizations : An Empirical Study from the Perspectives of Organizational Behavior and Strategical Integration

  7. 其中包括公司总体战略整合、公司经营战略整合和公司职能战略整合三个方面。

    Include the company total strategy combine , company 's management strategy combine and company 's function strategy combines .

  8. 基于大营销平台构建的环渤海港口企业战略整合研究

    Research on the Integration between the Port Enterprises in Bohai Sea Region Based on Building of a Great Marketing Platform

  9. 本文的第三章着重研究和剖析了战略整合、组织制度整合和文化整合的有关理论,并进行有关的实证研究分析。

    Chapter 3 emphasizes studying and analyzing related theories and practice of strategic integration , organizational system integration and cultural integration .

  10. 企业整合才是成功并购的关键,而战略整合又是企业整合的第一步。

    That enterprises combine is just the key to succeeding , and strategy combined is the first step that enterprises combined .

  11. 分别就战略整合、文化整合、组织人事整合、管理和制度整合、财务整合进行了论述。

    It formulates the strategy integration , culture integration , organization and HR integration , management and system integration and finance integration respectively .

  12. 本文以康达尔集团饲料公司为模板,深入的探讨了饲料企业的战略整合问题。

    This thesis regards fodder Company under KONDARL group as the template , and discusses deeply strategy combine after merging of fodder enterprise .

  13. 在数字图书馆建设中,图书馆内部、图书馆馆际之间都有必要进行战略整合。

    In the construction of the digital library , it is necessary to make the strategical configuration within the library and among the libraries .

  14. 同时,提出战略整合和当前中国医院普遍面临的若干战略问题。

    At the same time , they argue for strategic integration and discuss several strategic problems hospitals in China are generally confronted with at present .

  15. 其中对于企业战略整合,按照战略如何制定的思路分别探讨企业使命和目标整合、企业总体战略整合、企业经营战略整合和企业职能战略整合;

    In the illustration of strategy integration , we will discuss the conformity of company target , whole strategy target , operational strategy and functional strategy ;

  16. 同时重点分析了企业整合的内容:战略整合、文化整合、人力资源整合、组织管理整合。

    Meanwhile I put an emphasis on merger content , including Strategy Integration , Brand Integration , the Management Integration , HR Integration and Culture Integration .

  17. 整合包括人力资源整合、企业文化整合、财务整合、经营战略整合、组织制度整合和资产债务整合等多个方面。

    The integration includes human resources integration , corporate culture integration , financial integration , business strategy integration , organizational systems integration and other aspects of integration .

  18. 第一节,在总体战略整合中,笔者根据产业发展趋势和公司资源优势提出了纵向一体化的拓展战略;

    Section one , in the total strategy combine , I have proposed to be vertical strategy combine according to industry 's development trend and company 's resource advantage ;

  19. 本文以贵州移动为研究对象,结合战略整合模型的分析方法,去研究贵州移动的战略选择。

    This article research the developmental stratagem of Gui Zhou Mobile Communication Corporation ( for short GMCC ) with the analytical method of the model of the stratagem conformity analysis .

  20. 第二节从四个方面对公司的优势和劣势进行了分析,为公司战略整合提供了内部环境的依据;

    Section two analysis the advantage and inferior position of the company from four respects , have offered the basis of the interval environment for the thing that company 's strategy combine ;

  21. 本文基于核心竞争力的跨国并购整合,分别详细讨论了企业跨国并购的财务整合、市场整合、人力资源整合、技术整合、战略整合和文化整合六个方面的整合。

    Based on the cross-border integration of core competency , the dissertation respectively studies financial integration , the integration of market resources , strategic integration and cultural integration of corporation cross-border M & A.

  22. 互联网企业在并购后整合中主要面临战略整合风险、文化整合风险、团队整合风险、业务整合风险、技术整合风险和顾客整合风险。

    These risks which are Chinese internet enterprises faced include strategic integration risks , cultural integration risks , team integration risks , business integration risks , technology integration risks and customer integration risks .

  23. 人力资源是企业战略整合资源时必须着重考虑的因素,人力资源管理贯穿于企业战略制定及执行的全过程。

    When we strategically integrate enterprises resources , HR is the key sector that we must take into consideration , HRM is very important for enterprise to make the organization strategy and implement it .

  24. 第二节,在经营战略整合中,通过对其它饲料企业竞争战略的比较和公司优势劣势分析,提出了集中差异化战略;

    Section two , in the management strategy combine , through analysis comparison of enterprise 's competitive strategy of other fodder enterprise and Company 's advantage and inferior position , have proposed concentrating difference strategy ;

  25. 总结了并购后的整合过程,包括华立控股对昆明制药的战略整合、资产重组、结构重组、人员重组、业务重组、文化整合的步骤与内容。

    Summarized and buys after the conformity process , including the strategic conformity , the property reorganization , the structure reorganization , the personnel which KPC , service reorganization , the cultural conformity step and the content .

  26. 最后,通过对战略整合的目标和原则性问题的分析和说明,明确提出了宁波港在集装箱、铁矿石、原油三大主要细分市场上的具体战略和操作步骤。

    In the end , the author presents the target and key points of the integration strategy , and definitely provides for Ningbo port particular sub-strategies and operation methods in it ' three major sectionalize markets : container , iron ore and crude oil .

  27. 并购后的整合又包含很多方面,如战略整合、产品整合、财务整合、文化整合、组织人事整合等,但本文主要研究与并购后的财务整合相关的若干问题。

    The integration also includes many ways , such as strategy integration , product integration , finance integration , culture integration , organization and personnel integration and so on . However , this article is mainly on the questions related to finance integration after merger & acquisition .

  28. 本论文对BC研究所预研项目开展沟通管理研究,不但有利于改善企业内部工作环境,而且有利于实现企业整体化战略以及整合企业资源。

    Communication management can not only improve internal work environment , but can facilitate realization of overall strategy of an enterprise and integration of enterprise resources .

  29. 竞争情报与医院战略管理整合应用模式

    Applied Mode of Combining the Competitive Intelligence and Hospital Strategy Management

  30. 战略需要整合目标、政策与行动。

    Corporate strategy is the combination of objectives , policies and implementation .