
  1. 随着国企市场化进程的加快和改革的不断深入,绩效管理在企业管理中的作用日益凸显,成为企业战略落地的不可缺少的管理工具和手段。

    With the accelerated process of market and deepening of reform of state-owned enterprises , the performance management on enterprise management is becoming more and more important , and the indispensable management means in strategic management of the enterprises .

  2. 绩效管理不仅要行使它在人力资源管理系统中的职能,更重要的作用是完成企业战略实施和落地。

    Performance Management is not only an important factor in a human resources , but also reflected in the implementation of corporate strategy .

  3. 针对企业经理、中级管理层以及普通员工三个层次制定出行之有效的绩效管理方案及具体措施,并提出适当的评价方案与建议,在实践中逐渐加以完善,以促进公司战略目标的落地实行。

    In view of the enterprise managers , middle managers and general staff to formulate effective performance management solutions and concrete measure , and puts forward the appropriate evaluation scheme and suggestion , in practice gradually improve , in order to promote the strategic objectives of the company landing implement .

  4. 企业绩效管理系统是企业战略的延伸,为企业各项战略目标的落地提供保证。

    Enterprise performance management and performance management system is an extension of corporate strategy , the strategic objectives for the enterprise to provide a guarantee of arrival .

  5. 以公司战略指导信息化建设方向,统一规划,分步实施,从而达到战略落地执行、管理决策支持、运营管理工具的规划目标。

    With the Company strategic guidance the direction of information construction unified planning , step-by-step implementation , finally achieved the planning objectives " Executing strategic , managing decisions , operating management tools " .

  6. 在企业战略理念的指导下,企业人力资源招聘事实上则是将企业的战略落地而迈出的坚实的第一步。

    In the business strategy under the guidance of the concept of corporate human resource recruitment moving the business strategy and landing represents a solid first step in fact .

  7. 战略绩效管理系统作为战略性人力资源管理系统的重要组成部分,对于促使企业战略落地具有不可替代的作用。

    As an important component of strategic human resource management system , the strategic performance management system plays an irreplaceable role in promoting corporate strategies '" landing " .

  8. 为了在国家宏观调控的大背景下实现这一战略目标,企业决策层希望通过绩效管理体系的推动,实现企业战略的有效落地。

    In order to state the context of macro-control to achieve this strategic objective , corporate decision-makers want to promote through the performance management system to achieve the business strategy for its landing .