
  • 网络Strategic thinking;Strategic thinkers;Think strategically
  1. 战略思维是领导者思维的重要内容。

    Strategic thinking is a significant part of leader 's thinking .

  2. 大平衡:领导大战略思维的基点

    Grand Equilibrium : The Foundation of Grand Strategic Thinking on Leadership

  3. AntennaSoftware首席移动官吉姆索莫斯(JimSomers)表示:很多移动策略师来自IT企业和开发背景,他们是一群开展战略思维的明日之星。

    Jim Somers , chief mobility officer at Antenna Software , says : A mobile strategist frequently comes from an IT organisation and a development background , and is a rising star who is thinking strategically .

  4. 结合上海的发展目标,分析了对于ShoppingMall的开发对上海城市体系的意义,并进一步提出了上海发展ShoppingMall的战略思维和举措。

    Combining the strategic objective of Shanghai , it has explained the important meaning of constructing the city system of Shanghai , and put forward the measure that the developing respects should be taken in Shopping Mall 's development .

  5. 从IP协议的内涵、作用与外延的一系列问题讨论出发,进一步论述发展IP及NGN的理性战略思维。

    Based on the discussion of the connotation , roles and a series of the extended issues for the IP protocol , this paper further deals with some strategy considerations on reasonably thinking the IP and NGN pragmatic development in China .

  6. 科学发展观具有战略思维的本质。

    Scientific view on development is one of these strategic principles .

  7. 乡镇年轻干部战略思维能力提升的理路探析

    An Exploration of Enhancing the Strategic Ability of Township Young Cadres

  8. 从现代系统论的新视角看战略思维

    Viewing Strategic Thinking Through a New Perspective of Modern Theory of System

  9. 战略思维能力是干部实现其领导职能的根本保证。

    Strategic thinking competence is the guarantee of officials'performing their leading duty .

  10. 战略思维过程及方式初探

    Preliminary analysis of the process and methods of strategic thinking

  11. 基于不确定性博弈分析的企业战略思维模式

    Business Strategically Thinking Model Based on the Uncertain Game Analysis

  12. 现代企业的战略思维应该是动态的。

    The strategic thought of modern enterprise should be dynamic .

  13. 四是要有宏观的战略思维。

    Macro - thinking of strategy development of the university .

  14. 论战略思维的产生和特点

    Discussion on the Formation of Strategic Thinking and Its Features

  15. 价值创新是一种系统的创新活动和战略思维。

    Value innovation is a systematic innovation activities and a strategic notion .

  16. 办学者必须具有战略思维和运筹谋划的素质。

    School must have strategic thinking and the quality of logistics planning .

  17. 论系统思想与战略思维的内在联系

    The Special Relation of System Thought and Strategy Thinking

  18. 这将改变两国总理和总统的战略思维。

    It will change the strategic thinking of their prime ministers and presidents .

  19. 伊戈尔.安索夫(1918-2002)是现代战略思维之父。

    Igor Ansoff ( 1918-2002 ) was the father of modern strategic thinking .

  20. 文章最后得出价值网概念体现了一种新的战略思维组合模式。

    In conclusion , value network appears to be a new strategy thought .

  21. 本文打破传统的逻辑战略思维,从价值创新的思路出发提出了价值曲线评价方法。

    In this paper , The traditional logical thought of strategy is broken .

  22. 从系统科学的内容看,系统思想与战略思维具有内在的关联性。

    The system thought and strategy thinking have intrinsic correlation in their contents .

  23. 系统思维原则与领导者的战略思维

    Principles of Systematic Thinking and Leader 's Strategic Thinking

  24. 关于系统思想与战略思维的哲学思考

    A Philosophical Reflection on System Thinking and Strategic Thinking

  25. 我院开展核心人力资源绩效评价的战略思维

    Strategic thoughts on core human resources performance evaluation

  26. 特别是资源优势理论和竞争为本的战略思维的综合运用是文章的重点。

    It emphasizes to use resource advantage theory and competitive strategy in the article .

  27. 简论现代领导战略思维方法与艺术

    Way and art of modern leading strategic thinking

  28. 结果证明,这种思路不能作为稳健战略思维的基础。

    It turns out that this is not a basis for sound strategic thinking .

  29. 语言的选择与美国战略思维

    The Choice of Language and American Strategic Thinking

  30. 从价值链到价值群的战略思维转变研究

    The Research of the Strategic Thought Transformation : From Value Chain to Value Constellation