
  • 网络Strategic Analysis;strategy analysis;swot;Strategy Analytics
  1. 根据SWOT分析矩阵进行战略分析。

    According to the SWOT analysis matrix , strategic analysis .

  2. 大学生职业选择的SWOT战略分析

    SWOT Strategic Analysis of Job Choice of University Students

  3. SWOT营销战略分析模型

    An Analytical SWOT Model of Marketing Strategies

  4. HD集团进入家政服务业市场的战略分析与选择

    The Analysis and Choice of Strategy of HD

  5. 数字广播时代的PDP的市场环境以及市场战略分析

    The Analysis of PDP Market Environment and Marketing Strategy in the Digital Broadcast Era

  6. 本文运用了SWOT战略分析方法深入分析了湖北联通公司所具备的优势、机会,面临的弱势与威胁。

    Drawing on SWOT Strategy , this work examines the strengths , opportunities and weaknesses and threats the company is facing .

  7. 以内部化理论为基础,从母合优势这一全新的视角探讨FDI的区位选择,旨在为区位选择提供一个新的战略分析工具,指导FDI的区位选择。

    By remarking on the theory of location on FDI , this paper provides a new angle , which is parenting advantage to analyse the location choice of FDI .

  8. 通过分析国内保健品市场的营销环境和泰尔制药有限公司的各种产品组合与SWOT战略分析,确定该公司品牌营销之路的选择。

    The author make a strategic selection of Taier Pharmaceutical Company brand marketing operation through a SWOT analysis of industry environment and Taier Pharmaceutical Company 's products combination .

  9. 每次总统大选结束后,位于华盛顿特区的美国国家情报委员会(TheNationalIntelligenceCouncil,NIC)都会发布一份关于安全风险的报告,为美国情报界提供长期战略分析。

    After each Presidential election , The National Intelligence Council ( NIC ) , the Washington , D.C. , agency that provides long-term strategic analysis to America 's intelligence community , releases a report on security risks .

  10. 运用哈佛大学教授迈克尔,波特竞争战略分析方法对广西的工程监理业进行分析,提出在我国加入WTO以后广西工程监理企业的发展战略。

    Porter competitive strategy analytical method in Harvard University to analyse to the project supervision industry of Guangxi ,, by the comparison with overseas condition , it puts forward the development strategies of project supervision enterprises of Guangxi on the background of WTO .

  11. 第三部分是对上杭县休闲农业开发进行SWOT的战略分析,包括发展的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战,以及策略研究。

    The Third Part is the analysis of the potential excavation of leisure agriculture in Shang Hang Xian using SWOT method , which include the advantages and disadvantage , opportunities and challenges , decision making research .

  12. 随着我国加入WTO和网络时代的到来,企业的竞争环境变得异常复杂,如何使企业能够更好的适应社会的要求,如何利用这些理论进行战略分析对企业显得异常重要。

    At the corner of China 's entry the WTO and the coming of net age , the competition environment of the enterprises has been extremely complex , strategic study is greatly important for the enterprises to adjust to the request of the social better .

  13. 论文采用PEST分析、IFE分析、EFE分析、SWOT分析、价值链分析等战略分析方法,对便携市话分公司生存的外部环境因素和内部条件进行详细分析。

    By utilizing strategic analysis method of PEST , IFE , EFE , SWOT and Value Chain , the thesis analyzes in detail both external and internal environments in which the company operating .

  14. 战略分析的基本方法是SWOT,通过研究企业所处的外部环境和内部资源来把握企业的优势和劣势、机会和威胁,从而为确定企业的业务使命和战略目标提供依据。

    The basis method of Strategy Analysis is SWOT analysis by which the external environments and internal resources of the enterprise are studied to find out its strength , weakness , opportunity and threat to back up the finalization of enterprise mission and strategic goal .

  15. 对企业几种战略分析工具应用的比较研究

    Comparing Research on the Application of Main Enterprise Strategy Analysis Tools

  16. 最后,论文进行了大型建筑施工企业的职能战略分析。

    Finally , a large construction paper enterprises strategic analysis functions .

  17. 对我国彩电企业供应链战略分析与设计

    Analyzing and designing of supply Chain strategies in our Color-TV enterprises

  18. 重组后的中国南方航空集团营销战略分析。

    Analysis of marketing strategy for China Southern Air Holding Company .

  19. 广东省软件产业发展的战略分析

    Strategic Analysis to the Development of Software Industry in Guangdong Province

  20. 山西焦煤集团市场竞争战略分析与选择

    Shanxi Coking Coal Group Market Competitive Strategy Analysis and Choice

  21. 湖南村镇住宅产业化发展战略分析

    Strategic Analyzing of Hunan Villages and Towns ' Housing Industrialization

  22. 烟草供应链现代物流发展战略分析

    The Analysis on the Modern Logistics Developing Strategy of Anhui Tobacco Group

  23. 安徽省怀远县农业结构调整战略分析

    Strategies for the Adjustment of Agricultural Structure of Huaiyuan County

  24. 提升广东台资企业竞争力的战略分析研究

    A Strategic Study of Competitiveness Promotion of Taiwan Companies in Chinese Mainland

  25. 日本能源发展战略分析

    A Tentative Discussion on Japan 's Energy Resource Development Strategy

  26. 农村公路建设规划及战略分析

    FEATURES : Plan and strategy analysis on countryside roads construction

  27. 南宁市商业银行竞争战略分析

    The Analysis of Nanning City Commercial Bank 's Completive Strategies

  28. 美联储信贷宽松政策的退出战略分析

    The Exit Strategy of the Fed 's " Easy Credit " Policy

  29. 鸡西电力实业集团公司发展战略分析

    JiXi Electric Power Industry Group Company Development Strategy Analysis

  30. 中国化纤企业在无配额时代的竞争战略分析

    The Competitive Strategy Analysis for Chinese Chemical Fiber Corporation in the Quota-free Era