
  • 网络strategic value
  1. 量子科技发展具有重大科学意义和战略价值,是一项对传统技术体系产生冲击、进行重构的重大颠覆性技术创新,将引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革方向。

    The development of quantum science and technology is of great scientific significance and strategic value . It is a major disruptive technological .

  2. 利用实物期权理论与方法构建高技术企业协作RD网络的战略价值评估模型,得出高技术企业协作RD网络的柔性价值方程;

    Utilizing real option theory and method , we construct strategic value assessment model of high-tech enterprise cooperative R & D networks , and get its flexible value equation .

  3. 去年,沃顿商学院推出了为期8周,需要申请才能入学的在线高管课程,由营销学教授彼得•法德(PeterFader)讲授,课程名为“客户关系的战略价值”(StrategicValueofCustomerRelationships)。

    Wharton last year introduced an eight-week , application-only course for executives taught by Peter Fader , the marketing professor , on the Strategic Value of Customer Relationships .

  4. 从长远看,其战略价值不可小觑,安倍表示。此言可能有助于影响美国国会中对于是否授予奥巴马(Obama)快车道谈判权限举棋不定的共和党人。

    Long-term , its strategic value is awesome , said Mr Abe , in a message that may help sway congressional Republicans wavering about whether to give fast-track negotiating authority to Mr Obama .

  5. 从RD投资的角度分析了核心能力的特点及战略价值,阐述了RD投资管理与核心能力间的互动关系。

    This paper expounds the traits of core capability from the points of view of R D investment management and points out that R D investment management and core capability can act on each other remarkably . 3 .

  6. 去年,沃顿商学院推出了为期8周,需要申请才能入学的在线高管课程,由营销学教授彼得•法德(PeterFader)讲授,课程名为客户关系的战略价值(StrategicValueofCustomerRelationships)。

    Wharton last year introduced an eight-week , application-only course for executives taught by Peter Fader , the marketing professor , on the Strategic Value of Customer Relationships . The cost is $ 3,700 per student .

  7. CASHL模式的主要特色和战略价值

    On the Main Features and Strategic Values of CASHL

  8. 从IPTV的定义、内涵及其与NGN的关系出发,论述IPTV的战略价值及其市场前景与发展策略。

    Based on the discussion of the IPTV definition , connotation and its relationship with NGN , it deals with the IPTV strategic value , its market prospect and development strategy .

  9. 许多学者和管理实践家逐渐认识到,DCF理论与方法并没有把握住管理活动中的灵活性、竞争性和决策活动的战略价值,因而应用DCF法在某些时候是失败的。

    More and more scholars and practical managers realize that Discounted Cash Flow ( DCF ) is not sure of flexibility , rivalrousness in management process and strategic value of decision activity , thereby failing to imply it .

  10. 然后分别提出了IPTV和tripleplay的概念界定,IPTV对电信运营商的战略价值以及数字电视的发展与潜在威胁。接下来重点论述了IPTV的机遇和挑战,特别是技术上的8个方面的挑战。

    Secondly the paper presents fundamental concept for IPTV and Triple Play , respectively and strategic value for telecommunication operators and development & potential threats from DTV . Then , the paper describes opportunities and challenges for IPTV and in particular , technical challenges on eight aspects .

  11. 尽管这家网站的息税折旧和摊销前利润(EBITDA)还不到50万英镑,但在2011年,谷歌以3770万英镑的价格收购了它,因为它明明白白地展示了自己对谷歌的战略价值(或者说威胁)。

    Despite having less than £ 500000 of earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation , it was sold to Google in 2011 for £ 37.7m , having articulated its strategic value ( or threat ) to its acquirer .

  12. 中国发展煤直接液化产业的经济战略价值分析

    Economic Strategy Value Analysis of Coal Directly Liquefaction Industrial in China

  13. 战略价值的交付的责任所在?

    Where does accountability for the delivery of strategic value lie ?

  14. 专利与标准的集成发展及其竞争战略价值

    Integrated Development of Patent and Standard and Its Competitive Strategic Value

  15. 纺织企业低成本领先战略价值链分析

    Analyze Value Chains of Textile Enterprise on Cost Leadership Strategy

  16. 佛罗里达①在美国历史上具有重要的经济与战略价值。

    Florida had very important economic and strategic value in American history .

  17. 霸权之翼:国际制度的战略价值

    Wings of Hegemony : Strategic Value of the International Institutions

  18. 论逆向物流的战略价值及推进策略

    Research on Strategic Value of Converse Logistics and Promotion Tactics

  19. 原料基地的战略价值研究&期权定价模型的应用

    Study on the Strategic Value of Materials Base & an Option Model Applied

  20. 远超出其地理位置的战略价值

    stems far beyond it 's strategic geographic value .

  21. 论云南水电的战略价值和地位

    Treatise of the strategies and importance of Yunnan hydropower

  22. 评价企业战略价值的现金增加值模型

    The CVA Model to Evaluate the Enterprise Strategic Value

  23. 这个海岛的战略价值嘲弄。

    The strategic value of the island was derisive .

  24. 长期来看,它有非常高的战略价值。

    Long term , its strategic value is awesome .

  25. 一份报告表示该地区存在战略价值。

    A report says the area is valuable .

  26. 面向核心竞争力的企业战略价值创造模式

    Core competence-oriented model of corporate strategic value creation

  27. 企业薪酬的战略价值

    The Strategic Value of the Salary of Enterprise

  28. 数量折扣与联合采购战略价值分析

    A Study of Quantity Discount and Combine Order

  29. 其主要战略价值是联络朝鲜、牵制后金;

    The strategy value its connected with the Korea , holding down the Later Jin ;

  30. 再说,这些海岛只是对美国才有战略价值。

    Moreover , the strategic value of these islands counted only against the United States .