
  • 网络Strategic outsourcing
  1. 战略外包(Strategicoutsourcing)是一种全新的管理模式。

    Strategic outsourcing is a new management method .

  2. 在JIT制造理念的基础上,战略外包强调与供应商建立长期合作关系,这对于提高整体供应链绩效极其关键。

    Based on JIT , strategic outsourcing emphasis on the long-term relationship with the supplier . This is critical for improve overall supply chain .

  3. ITD融合IBM在战略外包方面的全球能力,能够为客户提供全方位的基础架构支持。

    Integrated Technology Delivery ( ITD ) brings together all of IBM 's worldwide service delivery capabilities for Strategic Outsourcing , covering a full scope of infrastructure support to IBM clients .

  4. 论企业核心业务的战略外包

    On the Strategic Outsourcing of Enterprises ' Core Business

  5. 战略外包中的供应商评价研究

    A Study on Supplier Evaluation in Strategic Outsourcing

  6. 企业战略外包的实施有赖于其良好的供应商评价及其管理。

    The practice of strategic outsourcing is depending on the overall supplier evaluation and management .

  7. 然后给出了战略外包中供应商伙伴关系的特点,建立步骤。

    Then we point out the character of supplier relationship in strategic outsourcing and construction step .

  8. 本文所提出的战略外包中的供应商评价方法,在评价过程中能充分考虑了多种战略性和操作性要素,具有较强的现实意义。

    The DEA supplier evaluation method in strategic outsourcing is very practical for it can integrate the strategic and operational factors .

  9. 威客模式就是在这个大的背景下产生的,它是从战略外包的角度上来利用互联网进行业务外包的创新外包模式。

    Against such a background , Witkey comes into its being . It is a creative outsourcing mode that strategically uses the Internet for business outsourcing .

  10. 第四部分探讨企业转型外包的实施思路、企业转型外包实施的关键因素、转型外包环境下企业战略外包关系的建立。

    The last part discusses ideas to implement transformation outsourcing , its operational key elements , and how to set up strategic outsourcing relationship under the environment of transformation outsourcing .

  11. 专业化服务更多的导致战略型外包。

    Specialized service correlated to strategic HR outsourcing .

  12. 结果显示:外包战略、外包成本、外包关系是我国饭店业务外包模式选择的三大因素,进而均对饭店绩效产生正面影响。

    The results showed that : outsourcing strategies , outsourcing cost , outsourcing relationship are the three factors of model of hotel choice , which have a positive impact on hotel performance .

  13. 并在此基础上,从专用汽车企业一元化与多元化发展战略、外包化发展战略等高度深刻分析了专用汽车企业应该立足于现状,着眼于未来的企业发展战略。

    And on this basis , the article profoundly analyzes the enterprise development strategy that the special vehicle should he established in present situation and with a view of future , from the point of view of centralized and diversified development strategy , put out to contract development strategy .

  14. 现代企业的战略工具:外包

    Business Data Enterprises A Strategic Method of Modern Enterprise-Out Sourcing

  15. 这里主要讨论了结合战略的物流外包决策问题。

    We argue that make logistics outsourcing decision must base on the strategy of enterprise .

  16. 为此,中国应在全球服务外包供需条件下确定自己的服务外包竞争战略,而外包服务企业也要有相应的应对策略。

    Therefore , China should establish its own service outsourcing competing strategy under the condition of global service outsourcing supply and demand ; Chinese outsourcing enterprises should also have their corresponding countermeasures .

  17. 本文在阐述人力资源外包的概念和作用基础上,分析了人力资源外包后在战略规划、外包工作能力、沟通技能、职业角色转换等四个方面给企业人事经理带来的挑战。

    On the base of describing the concept of HR outsourcing and its functions , this paper has analyzed the challenges to HR manager on four aspects such as HR strategic planning , HR outsourcing abilities , communication skills , change of work role after HR outsourcing .

  18. HR参与战略决策的企业外包程度大。

    The more HR strategic involvement was , the less degree of HR outsourcing was .

  19. 经营运作战略上选择销售外包战略、物业服务一体化战略、战略合作策略。

    Business operation strategy choice on sales and property service makes strategic integration strategy .

  20. 为此,从IT外包战略决策与IT外包执行过程管理对IT绩效的影响以及IT外包的绩效评价与控制三个方面国内外学者不同的研究视角,并对相关研究成果进行评述。

    The paper reviews the foreign and native researches in this field in terms of the impact of IT outsourcing decision making and process management , performance appraisal and risk control .

  21. 信息技术(IT)外包是企业利用信息技术资源的重要战略,信息技术外包成功的关键在于决定哪些IT外包,哪些内制以及采取何种外包或内制策略。

    IT outsourcing is a important strategy for enterprises to use information and technology resources . Deciding what IT activities should be outsourced , what should be made in house and what kind of outsourcing strategy should be adopted is the key to success .

  22. 通过计算物流价值效能系数,可以在物流价值决策矩阵基础上,建立基本的决策策略模式,分别是:扩张战略、成本战略、价值战略和外包战略。

    Based on the performance coefficient of logistics value , we establish the logistics value decision-making matrix for the strategic decisions related to logistics value , and the basic mode of decision-making strategies are the expansion strategy , the cost strategy , the value strategy and the outsourcing strategy .