
  • 网络Transformation strategy;Changing strategy;turnaround strategy
  1. 在危机中游刃有余,表现优于大多数公司的通用电气,也在利用危机转变战略。

    GE , which has navigated the crisis better than most , also used the crisis to alter its strategy .

  2. 大学院校注意到了家长们对于他们孩子前途无休止的焦虑,并转变战略来对其作出回应。

    Colleges and universities have noted parents ' seemingly boundless concern for their children 's well-being and have shifted strategies in response .

  3. 我国品牌竞争力的提升需要转变战略思维,以创造优异的顾客价值获取品牌竞争优势。

    To improve our brand competitiveness , we need to transform our strategic thinking and obtain brand competitiveness advantage by creating superior value for customer .

  4. 中国企业应转变战略视角,以联盟而非以集团化作为培育具有国际竞争力企业的首选。但作为企业间的契约结合与股权结合形式,联盟应时刻警惕其与共谋垄断的界限。

    However , the international enterprise alliance , as a pattern of enterprise joint through contract and stock , should be all the time on guard against the boundary of " conspired monopoly " .

  5. 在建设创新型河南过程中必须摆脱机械成本论和静态比较优势论的束缚,按照科学技术运行的机制转变战略思维,强力实施正确的方略。

    In the process of construction of innovated Henan province , we must discard the limitation of mechanistic cost theory and static superiority theory and follow the mechanism conversion of strategy of science and technology .

  6. 通过转变战略决策思维,合理利用战略决策分析工具,高技术企业能够有效应对环境的动态变化,通过科学的战略决策制定出适宜的战略,获取持续的竞争优势。

    By the changing strategic decision-making thinking and rationally applying strategic decision-making tools , high-tech enterprises are able to deal with the dynamic changes of the environment effectively and make out appropriate strategies to obtain sustainable competitive advantage .

  7. 实现由技术引进为主向自主创新为主转变的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking on Transit from Technology Import to Independent Innovation

  8. 反贫困:认识的转变与战略的调整

    Anti - poverty : the Turning of Knowledge and the Adjustment of Strategy

  9. 从一般买卖关系转变为战略合作伙伴关系;

    Intimate cooperative associate instead of general business ;

  10. 西部经济增长转变的战略对策

    Strategy in the Shift of Western Economic Growth

  11. 中投公司应逐步转变国内战略型的投资,主要集中于海外组合型的投资策略。

    CIC strategy should be gradually changed , and the focus should be on foreign portfolio investment strategy .

  12. 走中国特色的科技自主创新之路是实现经济增长方式转变的战略选择

    Taking the Way of Independent Technological Innovation with Chinese Characteristics : the Strategic Choice for Realizing the Transformation of Economic Growth Mode

  13. 中国电信为了迅速适应这一变化,提出了向世界级综合信息服务提供商转变的战略转型。

    In order to adapt quickly the change , China Telecom brings forward strategic transformation toward comprehensive information service provider of world-class .

  14. 一方面,在不断变化的外部环境中,企业反复面临着是否转变原有战略的问题。

    On the one hand , in a constant changing environment , firms are repeatedly facing the question whether to change current strategy .

  15. 山西省要转变发展战略,实现可持续发展,必须大力发展文化产业。

    If Shanxi Province wants to change the development strategy , realize the sustainable development , it must develop the cultural industry strongly .

  16. 在供应链环境下,企业与供应商之间的关系也从传统的竞争敌对型转变为战略合作伙伴型。

    In the supply chain environment , the relationship between the enterprises and suppliers from traditional competitive hostile type into a strategic partner type .

  17. 以色列永远不可能把武力转变为战略安全。假如需要的话,以色列可以战胜所有敌人。

    Israel will never turn armed might into strategic security . If need be , it could win a war against all its enemies combined .

  18. 中国企业正在从效率经营型向战略经营型转变,战略制定对企业的重要程度与日俱增。

    Corporate strategy has become more and more important for Chinese enterprises as the transformation of their management model from efficiency management towards strategic management .

  19. 2007年7月中国烟草专卖局提出了积极推动传统烟叶生产向现代烟草农业转变的战略。

    The State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau made a strategy in July , 2007-the transition of traditional tobacco - growing industry to modern tobacco agriculture industry .

  20. 因此,在论文的最后,围绕房地产企业培育核心能力的问题,讨论了中国房地产企业如何从战略转变和战略实施过程中培育自己的核心能力。

    At the end of the thesis , we discuss how China 's Real Estate Company cultivate its core competence via changing and carrying out its strategy .

  21. 国内品牌服装在新环境下面临着许多机会和挑战,如何转变发展战略以保持其在中国市场的地位并取得成功,是我国品牌服装亟待解决的重要问题。

    Faced with challenges and opportunities in the new environments , it is important for the domestic brand garments to change the development strategy and maintain the status .

  22. 本论文首先阐述了集团公司和其成员机场股份公司既定的总体战略目标,重点阐述了成员机场从经营型向管理型转变的战略部署、管理要求和实施策略;

    It focus on the strategic deploying , manage request and implement policy of his member airport which is transferred from the operation mode to the management mode .

  23. 美国在转变国际战略的同时,布什的对华政策也从克林顿时期的“战略合作伙伴关系”来了个180度的大转弯。

    USA 's China policy has varied dramatically with the change of its international strategy . The strategic cooperative partnership with China during Clinton 's administration has no longer existed .

  24. 与此同时,全社会对物流服务的需求快速增长,促使道路货物运输企业转变经营战略,从单纯提供单一运输业务转向提供多种服务的现代物流企业。

    Meanwhile , the growing demanding for modernized logistics prompts transportation enterprises to change their business strategy from providing single transportation service to a variety business of modern logistics enterprises .

  25. 企业的人力资源管理职能角色在新经济时代已经从传统的人事管理职能角色转变到战略人力资源管理职能角色。

    The function of the corporate human resource management ( HRM ) has been transformed from traditional personnel management to strategic human resource management ( SHRM ) in the time of new economy .

  26. 人力资源管理正日益受到企业高度重视,人力资源部也逐步由一个支撑部门转变为了战略部门,与绩效管理密切的绩效考核越来越成为企业经营管理的重中之重。

    The human resources department also gradually by a support department transition to strategic department . Performance evaluation , which closed related with performance management more and more become the enterprise management priority .

  27. 城市土地资产经营,关系到城市化进程乃至整个宏观经济的运行,必须实行战略思想的转变和战略对策的落实。

    Assets management of the urban land , which is concerned with the urbanization process and the operation of the whole macro-economy , must carry out the conversion of strategy and the guidance .

  28. 各电信运营商在纷纷提出由生产型企业向利润型企业转变的战略转型的同时,提高企业客户关系管理能力逐渐成为工作焦点。

    The telecom companies put forward by the " production " to " profit oriented " strategy as company transformation , at the same time , they put focus on how to improve the enterprise customer relationship management .

  29. 近年来,我国处在产业结构调整,发展方式急需转变的战略转型期,设计产业作为与制造业关系密切的产业,迎来了发展的契机。

    In recent years , our country is in strategic transition of industrial restructuring and the development mode needs to change . As design industry has an intimate relation with the manufacturing industry , it ushered in the development opportunity .

  30. 电信企业提出了由传统的基础网络运营商向综合的信息服务提供商转变的战略转型思路,要实现经营模式从以产品和技术为中心向以客户为中心,以市场为导向的目标转变。

    Fujian Telecom proposed the strategic transition thinking of transformation from traditional basic network operator to comprehensive information service provider , to achieve business model changing from " products and technologies centered " to " customer centered , market oriented " .