
  • 网络Transfer expenditure
  1. 本文从GDP的构成公式出发,分析了两类不同性质的支出&购买性支出和转移性支出对GDP增长的影响。

    The effects on GDP of two different kinds of government spending , namely purchase and transfer expenditure are discussed in this paper according to the formula of GDP structure .

  2. 财政支出可分为购买性支出和转移性支出两类。

    The fiscal expenditure can be divided into two categories which are purchase expenditure and transfer expenditure .

  3. 购买性支出大于转移性支出;

    The purchasing expenditure is more than the transferring expenditure ;

  4. 区别对待原则分配转移性支出,促进其职能发挥效应。

    Discriminate transfer expense allocation to promote its functions effect . 4 .

  5. 有关政府部门应当重视并发挥好公共支出中转移性支出的功能。

    Second , the related governmental authorities should emphasize the transfer payment function of public expenditure .

  6. 大部分人都想让别人为公共事务或者政府转移性支出买单(特别当这些转移性支出的对象是他们自己时)。

    Most people want other people to pay for public goods and government transfers ( especially transfers to themselves ) .

  7. 根据实证检验结果,找出我国转移性支出在缩小收入差距方面存在的主要问题。

    According to the empirical results , find out the main problems of our metastatic spending in narrowing the income gap .

  8. 同时,财政支出政策,包括购买性支出政策和转移性支出政策,往往比财政收入政策更能促进农民收入持续稳定的增长。

    And the fiscal expenditure policy , including purchase expenditure policy and transfer expenditure policy , is better to the growth of the peasants ' income .

  9. 将中央对地方的转移性支出,简化为税收返还、一般性转移支付、专项转移支付三类。

    Fiscal transfers from the central government to local governments will be divided into three categories : tax rebates , general transfer payments and special transfer payments .

  10. 然而,我国政府近年来虽然加大了转移性支出力度,但我国居民的收入分配差距并没有得到有效缓解,而是呈现逐步扩大和恶化的趋势。

    However , in recent years , our government increased metastatic spending dynamics , but the residents income distribution gap is not effectively relieve , it is gradually enlarged and deteriorating trend .

  11. 转移性支出力度太小,还不足以根本扭转收入分配恶化趋势,收入差距继续扩大,但扩幅明显减小。

    In short , the transfer spending is too little to reverse the deterioration of income distribution . The income gap is bigger and bigger , but the expansion rate is significantly reduced .

  12. 在财政性质支出结构中,购买性支出的运行制度不透明,资金浪费严重;转移性支出方式落后,形成地区发展严重不平衡;

    In the expenditures structure of financial nature , the running institute on buying expenditures is not open enough and capital has been wasted seriously , models on diversion expenditures are out-dated and cause the unbalance on regional development .

  13. 运用财政的再分配机制缩小收入分配差距促进社会公平是政府职能的应有之义,其中,政府转移性支出作为针对性较强的政府收入再分配工具,对收入分配差距具有针对性的矫正作用。

    The use of fiscal redistribution of income distribution gap narrowing the mechanism to promote social justice is the meanings of government functions , including metastatic spending as tool of targeted government income redistribution has the corrective action with pertinence .

  14. 最后,回顾了我国的财政政策对居民收入分配的影响,主要包括政府的转移性支出和公共财政支出两方面进行归纳和梳理。第三章,我国居民的收入分配和再分配结构。

    Finally , we summarize and sort out the fiscal policy , Including government metastatic expenditure and public fiscal expenditure , impact on the income distribution , The third chapter is the structure analysis of chinese income distribution and redistribution .

  15. 财政政策工具之间的平滑能力存在较大差异,其中财政购买性支出能平滑掉经济初始冲击的11.48%,而财政转移性支出和收入政策整体上反而使经济波动上升近3%;

    Different policy tools are greatly different from each other in terms of such capability , namely , fiscal expenditure can smooth off 11.48 percent of economic initial shock , while fiscal transfer and income policy enhance economic fluctuation instead by nearly 3 percent ;

  16. 社会保障支出、财政补贴这两个主要的转移性支出项目作为政府再分配的重要手段,正确发挥其作用对于解决资源分配不公,收入差距扩大等这些经济社会发展阻力十分重要。

    Social security expenditure and financial subsidies are two main items of transfer expenditure , which have an important means for the government to resolve the inequitable distribution of resources and the widening income gap resistance , etc , if we play its role properly .

  17. 提高民间投资与消费的能力,要适当提高财政转移性支出的比重,调整税收政策,改革投融资体制,加大对农村的投资力度,以积极的货币政策引导民间消费等。

    To strengthen nongovernmental investment and consumer wishes , we should raise the proportion of fiscal transfer expenditure , re-adjust the tax policies , reform the system of investment and financing , increase the investment on the rural and guide the consumption with expansion monetary policy .

  18. 从政府经济行为的角度考虑,目前影响消费需求的主要因素除了公共财政收入再分配因素外,购买性公共支出和转移性公共支出以及两者内部结构不合理也是影响居民消费增长的重要原因。

    Think over from the economic behavior of our government , there is another very important reason to affect the consumer demand which is the purchasing expenditure and transferring expenditure and there interior structure besides the reason of income redistribution .